Vii's posts
Posted in [x]
Posted 7 years ago
OH HEEEY great idea! I was gonna do something like this! ^-^ Well, eventually. xD There are a few gamertags which people posted in my Destiny thread so I'll go grab those real quick ^-^
Username - (Console) - Gamertag
Addy - (Xbox One) - Addark
Burial - (PS4) - lBurial (with a lowercase "L")
Thalanil - (Xbox One) - Miss Yoona
Username - (Console) - Gamertag
Addy - (Xbox One) - Addark
Burial - (PS4) - lBurial (with a lowercase "L")
Thalanil - (Xbox One) - Miss Yoona

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@superbearwars: Hello~ sorry I never got back to you earlier, I was at work yesterday, then we ran errands after that and I just wanted to go to sleep when we finally got home. xD Welcome to The Nostromo! Help yourself to some space tea and space snacks ^-^
How are you liking Voltra so far? o:
How are you liking Voltra so far? o:

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: I knooow, it's been one of my fave gifs ever since I first saw it. xD
I work at a mom-and-pop's called Vail Family Steakhouse; business is pretty slow as I live in a really spread-out town, and the restaurant just has a weird location. xD Most of our business is regular customers who are in a few times a week, sometimes a few times a day. (Yeah pretty boring area where I live c':)
And jeeze, I can only imagine what it was like to work at a Waffle House. xD Don't get me wrong tho, I love going there when it's 3 AM and I've had a bit to drink lol.
I work at a mom-and-pop's called Vail Family Steakhouse; business is pretty slow as I live in a really spread-out town, and the restaurant just has a weird location. xD Most of our business is regular customers who are in a few times a week, sometimes a few times a day. (Yeah pretty boring area where I live c':)
And jeeze, I can only imagine what it was like to work at a Waffle House. xD Don't get me wrong tho, I love going there when it's 3 AM and I've had a bit to drink lol.

Posted 7 years ago
Did you just assume my species!? R00D!
I'm jk lol pls don't lynch me c': hello there Bear ~ welcome to Voltra! Shame that you're here right at the end of the site's first event, though I'm sure some generous folks will pass on some event items. ^-^
I'm jk lol pls don't lynch me c': hello there Bear ~ welcome to Voltra! Shame that you're here right at the end of the site's first event, though I'm sure some generous folks will pass on some event items. ^-^

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Bigger plushies are always better! But they can get so expensive sometimes, especially if the subject in question has become really popular. q-q That also totally reminded me of one of my favourite gifs (you've probably seen it before but who doesn't love a little AvP: Roommate Edition?)

I work as a server, so I'm on my feet for most of my shift, but I typically get a few breaks, and usually sit down and have a cup of soup at some point. xD I applied for a couple cashier jobs buuut they never hired me. I guess I'm thankful in a way as I've always been able to make more in less time as a server.
Staying later after you've been looking forward to get off is one of the worst feelings of the first world. >:C Or getting a big rush right as you're about to get off.

I work as a server, so I'm on my feet for most of my shift, but I typically get a few breaks, and usually sit down and have a cup of soup at some point. xD I applied for a couple cashier jobs buuut they never hired me. I guess I'm thankful in a way as I've always been able to make more in less time as a server.
Staying later after you've been looking forward to get off is one of the worst feelings of the first world. >:C Or getting a big rush right as you're about to get off.

Posted in So, 100k posts during this event, yeah?
Posted 7 years ago
I'm sure everyone can manage another 8k posts in two days. It'll be a close one, though. I'll have to remember to hop on after I get off work today and try to chat up a little bit and boost the numbers! I'm just horrible at being sociable or holding conversations--it seems most of them hit a wall and then I just don't know where to take them. xD

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Aww they're adorable! I love how the details on Predator's mask sort of look like a giant frown. xD
And that's where I'm at whenever I'm at work, and it's slow... I think about how I'm standing there wasting time and can never get that time back. c': Not super excited to go into work today as it's my longest shift of the week, but, hopefully time actually goes by today. c':
And that's where I'm at whenever I'm at work, and it's slow... I think about how I'm standing there wasting time and can never get that time back. c': Not super excited to go into work today as it's my longest shift of the week, but, hopefully time actually goes by today. c':

Posted in Vivienne's Design Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago

I did a thing c':

Edit: Shoot, I should have looked at the submitted designs first cause now I see people already submitted pigtail poofs q-q

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: I weep when I think about people who spend pretty much their entire adult lives working full time+ (my boss, for instance, is 83 and works 6 days a week), our time on Earth is so precious and definitely not worth any compensation that can be given. But then at the same time, society is way easier than having to make my own clothes, forage my own food, build my own shelter... c':
And cool, I'm excited to see them! I love plushies and action figures and such. My grandma always kind of chastised me and thought I needed to grow up because I held onto all my stuffed animals for a very long time, but... growing up is overrated. I'd rather have cool things that make me happy, I don't care if they're considered "juvenile". >:3
And cool, I'm excited to see them! I love plushies and action figures and such. My grandma always kind of chastised me and thought I needed to grow up because I held onto all my stuffed animals for a very long time, but... growing up is overrated. I'd rather have cool things that make me happy, I don't care if they're considered "juvenile". >:3

Posted in Question for language learners.
Posted 7 years ago
@Kaderin Triste: Oooh, cool! Both are really beautiful languages, and Japanese is easier than many would have you think, but some things like counting objects or general formal speak and the writing systems can be more challenging / time consuming. French is way harder to enunciate properly x-x
Also, totally can relate about the shame of grammatical mistakes. c': Though when I'm writing on casual forums (like this one) or in Discord a lot of it goes out the window.
Also, totally can relate about the shame of grammatical mistakes. c': Though when I'm writing on casual forums (like this one) or in Discord a lot of it goes out the window.

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Well if you're into forum-based RP and like cyberpunk / supernatural, you should swing by Vexxor sometime ~ I go through phases where I'll rapid-fire posts for a few days, and then go a couple weeks without even making a single post. c':
Four-day weekends (or I guess weekends in general) are awesome but then when you have to go back to work it's like... "But WHYYYY! I've been enjoying this thing called freedom! Q-Q" but then of course, the bills come. rip
Also, I didn't even know I needed Predator and Xeno plushies in my life until you said that. I MUST SEE THEM! That sounds awesome!!
Four-day weekends (or I guess weekends in general) are awesome but then when you have to go back to work it's like... "But WHYYYY! I've been enjoying this thing called freedom! Q-Q" but then of course, the bills come. rip
Also, I didn't even know I needed Predator and Xeno plushies in my life until you said that. I MUST SEE THEM! That sounds awesome!!

Posted in Question for language learners.
Posted 7 years ago
@Kaderin Triste: A tablet works great! And I'm sure your language skills are good (didn't mean anything by it, btw!). I did find that I had to sort of re-learn things about English that I simply wasn't aware of due to learning the language naturally. (And for some reason it seems like language classes kind of die off in middle school? idk.)
Studying languages is a great hobby of mine though, it's so enriching and is definitely something to be proud of. Which language are you looking to learn, btw?
Studying languages is a great hobby of mine though, it's so enriching and is definitely something to be proud of. Which language are you looking to learn, btw?

Posted in Question for language learners.
Posted 7 years ago
@Kaderin Triste: The best way to essentially try and tutor yourself is to start practical. I would search the Internet for "beginner lessons", "free online courses", "beginner vocabulary" and etc for the language you're looking to learn. There are lots of resources out there for the core languages (Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, etc) which can be easy enough to find, but other languages like Icelandic or Indonesian can be harder to find resources for.
If you have access to a printer, try printing out simple vocabulary sheets, and teach yourself a number of words at a time (say, 20 new words per week). If you don't have a printer, copying things from websites on your phone into a notebook can actually help too, as a lot of people find that writing things down helps them to remember those things better.
Writing out flashcards / post-it notes / other kids of labels and labeling things in your target language can be useful, and help you recognise the new sounds as the idea for a thing they represent rather than just a word. Also, really important: make sure you tackle things like articles, grammar, and syntax early on, as it'll make your subsequent learning smoother and so much easier. When I say articles I mean things like "le chat" or "der Bus", things you'll encounter in gendered languages; and the gender of a noun will effect the grammar of sentences it's used in as much as its tense.
Also, if there's a library in your area, definitely visit and browse their resource section. They always have language resources, usually things like phrasebooks and dictionaries which can be really helpful when you're just starting out. If you're really lucky, you'll find Rosetta Stone in your target language. I was only so lucky once c':
TL;DR Start by learning simple sentences, basic words and phrases, etc., then study your grammar and learn how and why sentences work; then, expand your vocabulary, start learning more complex sentences, so on and so forth. Practise whenever you can. It can be as simple as writing nonsense sentences to yourself in a notebook that nobody will ever see, but building and speaking coherent sentences will help strengthen your skills later on.
In the end, you may also find that learning a second language strengthens your English (or other native language) skills. c:
If you have access to a printer, try printing out simple vocabulary sheets, and teach yourself a number of words at a time (say, 20 new words per week). If you don't have a printer, copying things from websites on your phone into a notebook can actually help too, as a lot of people find that writing things down helps them to remember those things better.
Writing out flashcards / post-it notes / other kids of labels and labeling things in your target language can be useful, and help you recognise the new sounds as the idea for a thing they represent rather than just a word. Also, really important: make sure you tackle things like articles, grammar, and syntax early on, as it'll make your subsequent learning smoother and so much easier. When I say articles I mean things like "le chat" or "der Bus", things you'll encounter in gendered languages; and the gender of a noun will effect the grammar of sentences it's used in as much as its tense.
Also, if there's a library in your area, definitely visit and browse their resource section. They always have language resources, usually things like phrasebooks and dictionaries which can be really helpful when you're just starting out. If you're really lucky, you'll find Rosetta Stone in your target language. I was only so lucky once c':
TL;DR Start by learning simple sentences, basic words and phrases, etc., then study your grammar and learn how and why sentences work; then, expand your vocabulary, start learning more complex sentences, so on and so forth. Practise whenever you can. It can be as simple as writing nonsense sentences to yourself in a notebook that nobody will ever see, but building and speaking coherent sentences will help strengthen your skills later on.
In the end, you may also find that learning a second language strengthens your English (or other native language) skills. c:

Posted in How much sleep do you get/need?
Posted 7 years ago
I usually manage to get a solid 7-8 hours, 9 if I'm sleeping in. Rarely do I oversleep, as sleeping too much / too long or even just laying down for too long gives me awful headaches. q-q It's kind of amusing that so many sleep studies have been conducted and published throughout the years, and so many of the results are conflicting... but it's interesting to think that humans generally need less sleep as they get older. You'd think it'd be the other way around. o: