Vii's posts
Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Omg 'drag moms' xD I hate to laugh but that's such a hilarious and adorable idea. I'm glad he had a safety net, and has experienced people whom he can trust and learn from!

Posted in Dear god help me
Posted 7 years ago
Considering the fact that a) OPI is legit and b) expensive AF, I can't blame you for grabbing a deal. xD It's also an awesome colour. I think I'll do something like that for my makeup today!

Posted in Morning Sickness
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: How do you mean, eating earlier? Or shall I say, do you mean breakfast or dinner? The longer I go between meals, the more likely I typically am to feel sick at some point. Though sometimes I've eaten a rather large dinner at around 9 PM, went to sleep a couple hours later, and woke up really early in the morning with a serious need for more food. c': It's almost like the more I eat, the faster my body uses it, idk?
@Slytherclaw: I've suspected blood sugar problems for a while, especially since my eating patterns are super weird--exacerbated of course by the weird bouts of nausea. I'll eat like a bird most of the time, and then binge every few days on everything in sight. xD I never thought to get a blood glucose meter, though! I'll have to take a look next time at Walmart and see how much they are. Thanks for the idea!
@Slytherclaw: I've suspected blood sugar problems for a while, especially since my eating patterns are super weird--exacerbated of course by the weird bouts of nausea. I'll eat like a bird most of the time, and then binge every few days on everything in sight. xD I never thought to get a blood glucose meter, though! I'll have to take a look next time at Walmart and see how much they are. Thanks for the idea!

Posted in What did you think of _____ when you were little?
Posted 7 years ago
I still don't consider myself an adult, believe me. And who knows if it'll even sink in when you have kids! xD I'm still sitting here playing video games and wasting time on the internet, instead of adulting. xD

Posted in What did you think of _____ when you were little?
Posted 7 years ago
I always thought there would be some day when we woke up and felt different, somehow "graduated" from growing up and officially became adults. I wanted to grow up because I wanted people to take me seriously; I was excited to have freedoms and be able to do my own thing, but of course didn't realise how great kids actually have it. xD And now, of course, I know that you feel no different when you become an adult. It just kind of creeps by and then a few years later you maybe realise it. "oh yeah, I can legally drive and drink alcohol and stuff."

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: I can imagine how stunned everyone was! Honestly the kid was probably scared to death, I know I would be. I'd have probably packed my bags and called a friend ahead of time just in case. c': It's really good that he totally changed his views, though, and went on to make sure others could feel safe.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: That is really nice to hear! .. see! Read! xD There are too many sad stories out there about kids who were kicked out or treated like animals by their family after they came out. :c Makes me thankful I never had to go through anything like that.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@superbearwars: Honestly it's kind of the same with him and I. xD We've been together for a few years now and I can't really imagine life without him, but sometimes I just wish I could knock some sense into him. c':
@AelloTyphoeus: It's funny you should say that, because that's exactly the argument I use to try and illustrate that for people. But you're right in that it doesn't seem to sink in for some people until they actually have a girl of their own. Though some still don't develop compassion beyond their own bloodline, which is kind of sad, to me. :/ I know there are overwhelming acts of kindness everywhere every day, but it seems like most people are still concerned only for themselves and immediate relations.
@AelloTyphoeus: It's funny you should say that, because that's exactly the argument I use to try and illustrate that for people. But you're right in that it doesn't seem to sink in for some people until they actually have a girl of their own. Though some still don't develop compassion beyond their own bloodline, which is kind of sad, to me. :/ I know there are overwhelming acts of kindness everywhere every day, but it seems like most people are still concerned only for themselves and immediate relations.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@superbearwars: Yeah, in almost every other way he's an awesome guy and a generally good person, but he also thinks the wage gap is "made up". I always try to explain things to him but then he gets super defensive and just doesn't listen, so I can only hope that one day he'll learn on his own, idk. xD

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Ahh, yes, my boyfriend and I got into a pretty heated argument last week over sexism and such in the workplace, and he didn't really believe me or take me seriously (which is pretty sad, but he also always gets that particular way when we gets buzzed, and we always get into fights xD) which is even more sad because there's so much proof on the internet, but he won't bother to look it up, and thinks I'm just making things up. (For instance I asked him if he knew who Marie Curie was, he said no, I told him she died and her husband ended up taking the credit, he said "well they probably worked on it together" and I was like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I mean, they worked together, but that doesn't mean he can take all the credit and remove her name, especially when she did the really famous work...)
Whoops. lol. -insert generic comment about arbitrary sportsball team here-
Whoops. lol. -insert generic comment about arbitrary sportsball team here-

Posted in What was the last movie you saw?
Posted 7 years ago
I went and saw Blade Runner 2049 the other night. I didn't really know what to expect, and yet it was still..totally unexpected. xD I loved the references they made to the original, but so much has changed between the release of the original and now, that it almost feels like a different world. It was a good movie, though, if not almost too long. c':

Posted in How do I post my art on forums?
Posted 7 years ago
Does the [img*]image url here[/img*] not work in posts? If so, that's a bug, and you'll have to make a bug report.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Alas, they were probably branded as crazy on account of the tinfoil hat they wore to prevent the alien satellites from stealing their thoughts, and subsequently tossed into an asylum. xD

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Ahhh, I'd like to turn the clock back, and you'd like to turn it forward. If only we could somehow trade those three hours. c':Hurry up science! I NEED MY QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY!