Vii's posts
Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 7 years ago
People are a joke. I used to care so much, used to try so hard to get people to like me. All I wanted was to be accepted; to stop feeling invisible. Eventually I learned that's never going to change.
You seem incredibly fake to me. However, as I type this I realise you have no reason nor obligation to even care what I think.
You seem incredibly fake to me. However, as I type this I realise you have no reason nor obligation to even care what I think.

Posted in The site is really wide
Posted 7 years ago
You guys know you can resize your browser window, right? Of all the things to nitpick, the width of a site has got to be the most ridiculous. Full-width layouts "are the future".

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Yeah, I'm not even gonna try selling profiles, since everyone's pretty much gonna be clambering after Aly or Prodigy. Don't you love it when you're basically invisible. Lol. So I figured I'd save myself the disappointment and frustration. xD Sucks that that one person apparently didn't look to see if anyone was using the base already, either. :C

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 7 years ago
@Addy: I never hopped on last night, just felt too tired as usual xD But I plan on spending pretty much all of today with the game, unless the internet vortex sucks me in once more... c':
I do have some tickets for the Guided Games, but... I almost feel like that's for people who... aren't really gamers, idk. xD I don't need a "guide" per se, just a group to play with c': Though, well okay for that one the other week, I'd have needed a guide. xD
I do have some tickets for the Guided Games, but... I almost feel like that's for people who... aren't really gamers, idk. xD I don't need a "guide" per se, just a group to play with c': Though, well okay for that one the other week, I'd have needed a guide. xD

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 7 years ago
@Addy: Oooh, awesome! I'll see if I can hop on tonight! I didn't have enough time during the day today :c wasted too much of it working on a pointless profile layout xD
@Burial: Oi! I don't know if you've noticed but Tess Everis has Indigo Matrix shaders on sale right now in D2!!! I totally just bought 20 of them c':
@Burial: Oi! I don't know if you've noticed but Tess Everis has Indigo Matrix shaders on sale right now in D2!!! I totally just bought 20 of them c':

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: I'm sorry I'm not around more to help keep your mind occupied. :c To be quite honest I'm just coming out of a low-cycle myself (part of the reason I haven't been on much, besides being busy), so while I'm not trying to patronise you or anything I definitely can relate.
But, please don't feel too discouraged when people don't order your art. Nobody's even taken a peep at my shop yet either, and sometimes it takes a really long time, but, the sad truth is that the more popular artists tend to be more popular people in general, so that's where people gravitate. (Also I was totally gonna re-order from you, so let me know when/if you reopen your shop ^-^) c:
Depression is s bitch, and if it had a house, I would burn it down. >:C
But, please don't feel too discouraged when people don't order your art. Nobody's even taken a peep at my shop yet either, and sometimes it takes a really long time, but, the sad truth is that the more popular artists tend to be more popular people in general, so that's where people gravitate. (Also I was totally gonna re-order from you, so let me know when/if you reopen your shop ^-^) c:
Depression is s bitch, and if it had a house, I would burn it down. >:C

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Ahhh I'm sorry q-q I'm the worst at keeping conversations going online c': Sometimes I'll go days without even coming online oTL
How are you doing? c: /hugs/
How are you doing? c: /hugs/

Posted in What is your Hogwarts house? Why?
Posted 7 years ago
I'm a Hufflepuff--loyal and honest, I guess? I think those were the main traits. I've never actually read any of the books and only watched three of the movies, though I wish I'd have gotten more into the series as a kid.

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 7 years ago
AYYYEEE WElcome to the party! c': I haven't finished any Raids or Nightfalls yet, I feel like a loser q-q I tried doing the Leviathan raid with some friends but my internet wasn't cooperating. And since then, people don't really want to play with me as they're afraid I'll just be dropping out / sucking eggs the whole time. c':
I plan on hopping on Destiny 2 today, though, and maybe I'll get to try this week's Nightfall ^-^
I plan on hopping on Destiny 2 today, though, and maybe I'll get to try this week's Nightfall ^-^

Posted in i'm not crying YOU'RE CRYING
Posted 7 years ago
That was me yesterday. Combo of fragile hormones and great timing on the part of other people. c': It can definitely get exhausting. Hope you're able to rest and re-charge soon ^-^

Posted in Wal-Mart is run by furries
Posted 7 years ago
Wow, that's....pretty amusing. And definitely something that would pause me too. xD I wonder if my Wal-Mart has them? Now I'll have to take a look when I go get some things today. c': They really do look Wal-Mart quality, though. Honestly if I were a furry I'd be ashamed to be seen in a mask like that. xD

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
Morning, Voltra, morning peeps~
It's my Sunday. Weekend has gone by way too fast, totally felt wasted... c': So now I'm wondering whether today will be spent online, trying to get things done, or playing Destiny 2... xD
It's my Sunday. Weekend has gone by way too fast, totally felt wasted... c': So now I'm wondering whether today will be spent online, trying to get things done, or playing Destiny 2... xD

Posted in This is a problem
Posted 7 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: Well, it's good you're able to get your medications most of the time. I have a friend who also goes to a clinic with a sliding-scale system which has literally saved her life; without her medications she'd have died from the withdrawals (opioid, iirc).
Gosh, it sucks that you weren't able to contact them in time. :C Best of luck to you in making it through the next few weeks. Hopefully your side effects taper after two, but, those kinds of things often take longer to cycle in and out of your system, from what I understand, so... I don't really know. oTL
Gosh, it sucks that you weren't able to contact them in time. :C Best of luck to you in making it through the next few weeks. Hopefully your side effects taper after two, but, those kinds of things often take longer to cycle in and out of your system, from what I understand, so... I don't really know. oTL

Posted in Green Dream Pixels [Full o wo]
Posted 7 years ago
@Sulley: Yes and no. My characters tend to evolve fairly slowly over time; once a certain appearance or trait "clicks" with them in my mind, I find it hard to see them any other way and they'll remain largely unchanged. The exception would be hairstyles / colours, or other details like piercings, things which are more or less fluid in real life anyway. So, really I'd say it's completely normal for you to do that; it's like 'freshening-up' your character, which helps to keep them alive and dynamic. After all, I imagine you try out a different hairstyle or makeup look every so often, right? c:
I was that one kid who was always kind of bothered by the fact that cartoon characters never changed their clothes. xD
I was that one kid who was always kind of bothered by the fact that cartoon characters never changed their clothes. xD