Vii's posts
Posted in Destiny!
Posted 7 years ago
@Burial: Dude, they totally made me cry q-q I used to play with my friend Abel a lot and he was in a couple of my snapshots, which really brought back some nostalgia. And don't rush! I find myself rushing sometimes but then I remind myself that I only have one "first time" playing the game. c': There was actually one day where I tried the same mission like, 5 times (Hope I think it was, on Titan) and kept getting booted out of the world / having to start over. So I said screw it and spent that day watching movies or something idk. xD
Also, I redact my earlier statement about the controls, I realise now that was just my character being all low-leveled and clumsy.
c': For the most part everything's totally golden! It's been an amazing experience thus far!
Also, I redact my earlier statement about the controls, I realise now that was just my character being all low-leveled and clumsy.
c': For the most part everything's totally golden! It's been an amazing experience thus far!

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@VEE: The whole movie has some surprising hits of wisdom, for which it was totally underrated. cB
Aaand to everyone else, good morning, and sorry I've been gone the past few days! I've literally been playing Destiny, working, and sleeping since Tuesday. xD How's everyone doing? o:
Aaand to everyone else, good morning, and sorry I've been gone the past few days! I've literally been playing Destiny, working, and sleeping since Tuesday. xD How's everyone doing? o:

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 8 years ago
@ChemicalDivision: I KNOW, thankfully it only took like 3-4 hours c': wasn't too bad. Aaaand the opening sequences for D2 literally had me in tears. I'd already played through the first part in the Beta but it held so much more impact for the real go-around. The controls thus far feel heavier / slower, though it could be that my character has low agility right now and I'm just used to my maxed out Bladedancer; and there are a few things that have changed that I'm not in love with / will have to get used to, but some other things they added that are awesome, like high-value enemies that drop chests when you kill them. cB

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 8 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Ahhh the curse of modern civilisation. Selling the precious minutes of our lives so we all don't have to be homesteaders anymore. xD
@AelloTyphoeus: Well, that's poopy. I mean they get paid by the darn insurance company. Bothers me when one side of an equation or group acts like they're better than the other. :/
@AelloTyphoeus: Well, that's poopy. I mean they get paid by the darn insurance company. Bothers me when one side of an equation or group acts like they're better than the other. :/

Posted in The Mothership -Fav Hero?? page 51 prize!
Posted 8 years ago
Is Invader Zim still on Netflix? Gosh that was such a blessing.

Posted in Silly peeps?
Posted 8 years ago
To be fair I think most of us here have no idea what we're doing. c:
Btw what year is it? xD
Btw what year is it? xD

Posted in What was the last movie you saw?
Posted 8 years ago
I had Blade Runner on last night, one of my go-to faves. For anyone who isn't familiar/hasn't seen it, it's a sci-fi flick inspired by/based upon Philip K Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. Delicious dystopian cyberpunk.

Posted in Post your desktop!
Posted 8 years ago
So my icons are always hidden. This is my desktop now. Up until a few days ago I was using a coordinated background tho o: which
So my icons are always hidden. This is my desktop now. Up until a few days ago I was using a coordinated background tho o: which

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 8 years ago
@ChemicalDivision: I'm weeks behind on RP posts but just can't find the motivation to write, for some reason. c':
And Destiny patch is about 30% downloaded, not too shabby. It probably will take a total of nearly 6 hours tho, RIP. It's been almost two c':
And Destiny patch is about 30% downloaded, not too shabby. It probably will take a total of nearly 6 hours tho, RIP. It's been almost two c':

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 8 years ago
@ChemicalDivision: Ah, not really sure tbh. I should do laundry and stuff, as today is my Sunday and I need to stop putting off things like washing my uniform. I also need to do some work for an RP site I moderate on, as I've been slacking for literal weeks c': and the admin is super busy with work this week, so he needs a bit more assistance with The Purge and whatnot. d:
What've you got goin on? o:
What've you got goin on? o:

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 8 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Ah, tough call. Yeah in that case it's better off not to have that third wheel getting in the way. Hopefully the old people are patient and considerate today! yeah right xD

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 8 years ago
@ChemicalDivision: LOL *hugs and pats* Well that's certainly a very convincing argument. xD
And if Bungie were spying on us, you mean they wouldn't even have time to explain why they don't have time to explain? c':
And if Bungie were spying on us, you mean they wouldn't even have time to explain why they don't have time to explain? c':

Posted in Somebody ate my pocky
Posted 8 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Thankfully I'm not a weeb anymore, but boy oh boy was I the cream of the weeby crop during my tween / early teen years. c': But yeah, idk. I guess I can't blame them for having their preconceptions as they probably deal with racism on the regular basis.
Ah, that sounds adorable! That's why I love Asian culture so much, too. Everything is adorable. xD I wish the United States were more "playful" like that idk.
Ah, that sounds adorable! That's why I love Asian culture so much, too. Everything is adorable. xD I wish the United States were more "playful" like that idk.

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 8 years ago
@Queen Prisma: NOOOOOOO I hate being stuck at work when there's fresh vidya to play!
@AelloTyphoeus: Good grief. Sounds like the management made some brash decisions in getting rid of someone without hiring a replacement. xD They should at least be down there helping you guys out, right? c':
@AelloTyphoeus: Good grief. Sounds like the management made some brash decisions in getting rid of someone without hiring a replacement. xD They should at least be down there helping you guys out, right? c':