Vii's posts
Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: Well, in the purest sense, payment does cost nothing as you are getting something in return. B) That's the beauty of barter and trade.
Though, I think what you're referring to is free love. Which, I'm certainly not against. c;

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: True, but then it *really* wouldn't be a payment, then would it? x3

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: Well, there are certainly worse things I could have been required to do... c;

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: WELL-- *turns away, skin growing vividly red* If this is how it must be... *turns back with resolve, pulls you close, dips you back, and caresses your lips softly with mine*
There, there you have it, you... you rascal! *grumbles and clears throat, still bright red*

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: Very well then, you highway brigand! Name your price! B)

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: I am entirely not surprised, and also more than willing to shamelessly accept those spares > 3>

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

Lol I won't be able to make up a full set of even items either q-q everyone is having their Halloween events right now so I'm virtually running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Though... I spent a solid three days just working on coding, and didn't even bother to log in anywhere. RIP
Also, bark.

Posted in So I’m at a dinner
Posted 7 years ago

Nice!! Being nominated for a title of honour, and getting tipsy (on what I assume is free booze?) are both different levels of fun. xD

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

Sorry for my absence guise, I've been hammering away at a personal project today, but I might be online to chat and stuff tomorrow. ^-^ My weekends always seem to fly by so quickly, so I've really been trying to cram a lot into these few days. xD

Posted in Games You're Looking Forward to?
Posted 7 years ago

Super, SUPER excited for the next Metroid game, which has been confirmed but is still a few years away, probably. Other M was fun, but was very different and didn't satisfy that desire for a new game with as much focus on exploration, scanning, and lore as the Prime games.
Assassin's Creed: Origins looks interesting, to say the least, though I'm like, 2 or 3 games behind at this point? So it'll probably be a while before I can even play it. RIP. Also, will have to finish The Last of Us yes I've still not completed it, don't judge me so I can pick up the sequel when it comes out, because it is a heckin' good game. My emotions and nerves just can't handle too much stress at once, which is why a few games in some of my favourite franchises have gone unfinished. xD
That's all I really know about or can think of right now, though...

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

BLARG I am ded c': So many things to do, I wish I could do them all at the same time but I can't so I end up doing nothing. xD @AelloTyphoeus: I'm always poofing too oTL I'll usually pop in for a few minutes at a time, and meander elsewhere. Sometimes I'll forget that I was posting somewhere and just log off. xD

Posted in There's at least an inch of water
Posted 7 years ago

Well, at least it's only sprinkling. But at any rate, walking to work in the rain is definitely not the ideal start to your day. c': Unless it's blisteringly hot, in which case that'd be a godsend. xD

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago

@Queen Prisma: It turned out very well, I really like it! ^-^ I'm trying to save up a good amount of pages before I start buying the items so I don't have to go back and forth like Ping Pong buying one item at a time. xD BTW, I created a hangout for the event so we can all collect more pages!

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@blinkini: Oh hey thanks! ^-^ Welcome to LV-426! I wouldn't recommend stepping outside without a hardsuit as the atmosphere is quite corrosive. c;
@Tuijp: DISTRESS BACON! "In case of emergency, break glass" and within is a package of ready-to-eat bacon. BRILLIANT!
@Alia Starchild: Welcome welcome! Also totally happy you understand the reference (real hard considering my recurring theme, I'm sure) despite not having seen the film. cB
@AelloTyphoeus: Awesome! That honestly makes me feel a lot better about my threads being pretty slow. Not everyone can keep up with rapid-fire chatting c': I know I certainly have a hard time with it. Also glad that you're doing better ~