Vii's posts
Posted in This is a problem
Posted 7 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: That's particularly what I was thinking. Emergencies like that are often overlooked in the wake of natural disasters; everyone thinks of the immediate devastation, like homes and cars and families broken up, but other, smaller consequences ripple out as well. Thankfully October is almost here, so you won't have to hold out for too long. Hopefully the price won't go up due to the sharp bubble of demand that is sure to ensue.

Posted in This is a problem
Posted 7 years ago
That is definitely a problem. I wonder if pharmacies are ever capable of keeping emergency reserves? If they did I'm sure it'd be tedious and / or expensive as they'd have to maintain and rotate all the medicine to make sure it doesn't expire. And even then there would be questions of limited space, which medications to keep reserves of, and how much etc etc. Sorry, storybuilder in me just got some lore ideas. xD
In all seriousness, though, I'm sorry you have to go without your medications. Quitting that stuff cold turkey definitely wreaks havoc on your nervous system.
In all seriousness, though, I'm sorry you have to go without your medications. Quitting that stuff cold turkey definitely wreaks havoc on your nervous system.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
This is also why I dislike electric ranges, though, which is what I assume you have.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
Gaming is definitely the primary cause of burnt food in my history. Suffice to say it's some form of technology for most, be it the TV or their phone.
Kinda sad that your mom hasn't learned from her mistakes, but, bless her heart. xD
Kinda sad that your mom hasn't learned from her mistakes, but, bless her heart. xD

Posted in That one person...
Posted 7 years ago
That's very true, and an important thing which I've neglected for most of my life to this point. Being really de-personalised through my childhood and teen years, it took me a long time to realise that I'm a "valid game piece" so to speak and will have to make my own moves to get anywhere. Never considered my upbringing to be "sheltered" (liberal parental use of alcohol and drugs abound!) until I tried to function in the real world. Lol.
Thank you for your input, though. I've been thinking about confronting this person for some time. But I'm also wondering if I should just try to separate myself from them for a while, and try to let go of whatever hang-up I have.
Thank you for your input, though. I've been thinking about confronting this person for some time. But I'm also wondering if I should just try to separate myself from them for a while, and try to let go of whatever hang-up I have.

Posted in Remakes
Posted 7 years ago
I...have such mixed feelings about re-boots. They're hit or miss. Largely, they're money grabs, particularly in the film industry. Sometimes, they can be genuinely great media that at least meet up to the standards and canon of the original, which subsequently breathe much-needed new life into a stale franchise. You see this a lot with cartoons, though as kids we're sort of conditioned in such a way that we don't really notice or even care. (It could also be said that plenty of cartoons released around the 90s/2000s were spinoffs.) Scooby Doo is a series that really sticks out to me in this regard, as I can personally recall watching at least 3-4 different versions of it as a kid; Transformers as well. Some of these versions were great while some suffered from strange animation styles or poor writers. Teen Titans Go! suffers from both. c':

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
Wow. D: Good thing you caught it before it actually started on fire (I assume? or was it actually burning!?). I'm totally guilty of forgetting about pots on an active stove in the past, but it's not really a mistake you make more than once, either. c':
Hopefully these burnt bean shenanigans haven't ruined your eggy endeavours, and that burnt carbon smell leaves your kitchen rather quickly. xD
Hopefully these burnt bean shenanigans haven't ruined your eggy endeavours, and that burnt carbon smell leaves your kitchen rather quickly. xD

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in THE ยท NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
I only woke up an hour ago and I'm still tired, still totally ready to crawl back into bed x3
Sorry I've been totally AWOL everyone, I meant to try and be a bit more consistent with my activity here but with Destiny 2 coming out, that consumed my life for a couple weeks. xD And for the past few days it's been catching up on housework in my spare time, since I let things get out of hand for so long. D: Laundry is caught up on, though, and the house is no longer a cesspool.
Sorry I've been totally AWOL everyone, I meant to try and be a bit more consistent with my activity here but with Destiny 2 coming out, that consumed my life for a couple weeks. xD And for the past few days it's been catching up on housework in my spare time, since I let things get out of hand for so long. D: Laundry is caught up on, though, and the house is no longer a cesspool.

Posted in Green Dream Pixels [Full o wo]
Posted 7 years ago
Gooosh I really need to get off my lazy butt and make some new references of my character so I can order some art! I've already been in here twice about to place a request but then I get to the refs section and say, "it'll be better if I can just give them something recent" c': So here's to trying to work up some drawing motivation. xD

Posted in What is the last thing you drew?
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Now there's an offer I can't resist. xD

Posted in What is the last thing you drew?
Posted 7 years ago
Hmm, let's see... How technical are we gonna get here? It would be the smiley face I drew on my last check today. OR the sketch of my boss from, idk, about a week ago? Pretty sad considering I used to call myself an "artist". c': I really need to get back into the swing of drawing more frequently. My skills and motivation are in this deadly cycle of killing each other. xD

Posted in Destiny!
Posted 7 years ago
@Burial: I don't know why but I never really cared much about Zavala, until Destiny 2--and now I love him as much as the others. (I just love how Cayde and Ikora are both Firefly characters x3)
Lol jeeze that's crazy! Three characters already to level? |D I feel like I can't even call myself a gamer anymore with how little time I seem to game anymore. Also I totally had a full set of Indigo Matrix, it's the BEST, but I was an idiot and used it on armour that I couldn't upgrade c': so now I'm trying to collect those again too. Though it's more of a purple/blue, so if you were after pink wouldn't you want Nebula Rose or Dusk and Dawn? I wish shaders could be tradeable. [s]I've probably already spent like $50 at Eververse trying to collect shaders oTL)
Awesome that you got the ramen emote! I got Flip Out and Six Shooter which are pretty funny too. I always loved the expressions. xD
And yeah, I just joined a clan not too long ago, though come to think of it I probably should have joined one ages ago. I've met a lot of people recently too but my internet is pretty difficult sometimes so, they often don't want to play with me as I'll be dropping out of the game over and over again. c':
Lol jeeze that's crazy! Three characters already to level? |D I feel like I can't even call myself a gamer anymore with how little time I seem to game anymore. Also I totally had a full set of Indigo Matrix, it's the BEST, but I was an idiot and used it on armour that I couldn't upgrade c': so now I'm trying to collect those again too. Though it's more of a purple/blue, so if you were after pink wouldn't you want Nebula Rose or Dusk and Dawn? I wish shaders could be tradeable. [s]I've probably already spent like $50 at Eververse trying to collect shaders oTL)
Awesome that you got the ramen emote! I got Flip Out and Six Shooter which are pretty funny too. I always loved the expressions. xD
And yeah, I just joined a clan not too long ago, though come to think of it I probably should have joined one ages ago. I've met a lot of people recently too but my internet is pretty difficult sometimes so, they often don't want to play with me as I'll be dropping out of the game over and over again. c':

Posted in That one person...
Posted 7 years ago
Ever had that one person who, for some reason and in one way or another, dominates / takes over your life? It can be as literal as someone who is physically and emotionally controlling on purpose, or it can be as figurative as constantly and uncontrollably thinking about someone throughout the day. And I'm not really talking about "ahhh I'm in love with this person and I can't stop thinking about them" kind of infatuation. It's more so a thing of, "I can't stand you, I might not even have a good reason but I just can't stand you" but I also don't know why, and that bothers me. (Okay, in this case it's pride. That's why. c':) Even more unfairly, there's always the chance that the person has no idea that they're rubbing you the wrong way, and are doing nothing on purpose to spite you.
If you've ever had a person like this in your life, how did / do you cope? Did you ever confront them? Do you handle confrontation well? I certainly don't, and would more often rather chew my fingers off than get into an altercation or start drama.
If you've ever had a person like this in your life, how did / do you cope? Did you ever confront them? Do you handle confrontation well? I certainly don't, and would more often rather chew my fingers off than get into an altercation or start drama.