Vii's posts
Posted in From the south comes Chick-Fil-a
Posted 7 years ago
Chick-Fil-A is like the holy grail of chicken sandwiches. Their Spicy Grilled Chicken is TO DIE FOR.

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Awesome, you got your permit! It is super weird that there's some "video" you have to watch to get your license, but ah well, states be states. At least it's just a video and not some inordinately expensive class. c':
*leaves out the rest of my hambone soup for Fluffy, since it's pretty much done-so*
@Lithinel: Welcome to The Nostromo! c;
@Alia Starchild: Hey there, nerd! I've been wondering when I'd see you around here--I knew it was only a matter of time. xD
@AelloTyphoeus: Boop!
*leaves out the rest of my hambone soup for Fluffy, since it's pretty much done-so*
@Lithinel: Welcome to The Nostromo! c;
@Alia Starchild: Hey there, nerd! I've been wondering when I'd see you around here--I knew it was only a matter of time. xD
@AelloTyphoeus: Boop!

Posted in What did you think of _____ when you were little?
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Well, with the way things are in the world right now I certainly can't blame them! But I'm sure that things will calm down in another few years--at least, for a while. xD Also I can't help but kind of giggle at people who REALLY think the world is going to end.. The apocalypse has been falsely predicted so many times, you'd think people would stop doing it. xD
@Okios: Follow your heart! SEARCH YOUR INNER FEELINGS! c':
@Okios: Follow your heart! SEARCH YOUR INNER FEELINGS! c':

Posted in What is the last thing you drew?
Posted 7 years ago
Well, it's still only a sketch so it looks like shit, but ah... I've been working on a commission for a friend of mine. ^-^ It's also insanely grainy for some reason. xD

Posted in What did you think of _____ when you were little?
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: I wouldn't doubt it xD We already have rudimentary hovercraft, and I'm sure some advancements will be made over the next 50 odd years. I'm waiting for the microwaves from The Fifth Element that turn food pellets into a full dish of food. xD
@Okios: In all seriousness, I totally know how you feel. xD Though I've eaten ice cream for breakfast before. And frequently have it for lunch xD
@Okios: In all seriousness, I totally know how you feel. xD Though I've eaten ice cream for breakfast before. And frequently have it for lunch xD

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: OH! I misunderstood. x3 Well in that case best of luck to you! I was always scared of cars and super nervous to drive but now I'm like "ehhh I got this". xD Just takes time to get used to the vehicle is all. ^-^

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
Wow, I'm 23 also. xD
Don't worry @Queen Prisma: I'm sure you'll be able to get back into the swing of driving! ^-^
Ahhh yes, The Nostromo sails the Great Black Expanse once again! Although I'm probably going to poof again to go play some games, I'm not sure c': I have to "do my rounds" first tho so to speak xD
Don't worry @Queen Prisma: I'm sure you'll be able to get back into the swing of driving! ^-^
Ahhh yes, The Nostromo sails the Great Black Expanse once again! Although I'm probably going to poof again to go play some games, I'm not sure c': I have to "do my rounds" first tho so to speak xD

Posted in What did you think of _____ when you were little?
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: True! I keep forgetting that virtual reality is becoming more popular. I haven't dabbled in it yet, but it'll be an experience for sure. Controllers will evolve over the next generation or so until they phase out completely. c': Or if anything they'll be secondary / more passive means of control.

Posted in What are you playing?!
Posted 7 years ago
*cough cough* I've pretty much been playing Destiny 2 exclusively since I picked it up. I feel super bad because my dad sent me a new game just a couple weeks before D2 came out and I've hardly played it. q-q I'M SORRY DAD ILU I just... Destiny... @-@

Posted in v i i ' s |- [s] sweet cakes -| b a z a a r
Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: WHoops. xD I also messed up one of the numbers, but oh well. > 3> I did manage to pick up one of every item, but I did want to pick up extras which I couldn't really do for any except Viv's flower. c': I just... bought a bunch of them on day 1 cause I didn't know there'd be so many recolours LOL. /is such a lurker tho/
Yeah, there's not much way to help lurkers beyond a clickable currency, though things like raffles and mini-games are always nice. I'm excited to see what the next event is like, though, especially since this mini-event was pretty jam-packed!
Yeah, there's not much way to help lurkers beyond a clickable currency, though things like raffles and mini-games are always nice. I'm excited to see what the next event is like, though, especially since this mini-event was pretty jam-packed!

Posted in I need to write this out before I explode...
Posted 7 years ago
@Addy: Yeah, I almost had a stint on Fiverr when I couldn't find a job, but I wasn't desperate enough to sit there and make a pittance every task. c':

Posted in What did you think of _____ when you were little?
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Omg, DnD kids. YESSS!! Also hanging around in jammies all day, beating their asses at games = me all day. xD I've always joked about how I'll be a little old lady with all these grandkids and they'll be like "Come on grandma let's play a game" thinking they can whoop my ass and then SCHOOL THEM ALL!!

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Drag queens are often some of the most wonderful people with an amazing sense of humour. I actually have a friend who came out during out senior year (I was surprised, but not shocked), and a couple years ago started moonlighting as a drag queen. It helps that there is a pretty strong LGBTQ and alternative community here in Tucson.
I never understand why people make such a big fuss... Nobody bats an eyelash when a woman dresses up in "male" clothes. xD Well, sometimes, actually, she'll be told to "put on something more ladylike" but you know what I mean.
I never understand why people make such a big fuss... Nobody bats an eyelash when a woman dresses up in "male" clothes. xD Well, sometimes, actually, she'll be told to "put on something more ladylike" but you know what I mean.

Posted in What did you think of _____ when you were little?
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Imagine the kids going to school and everyone's sharing stories about their home life. "Yeah, my dad comes home and drinks coffee while reading the newspaper"
Our kids: "my mom is a real geek and reads a lot of books and my dad always talks about x TV show and they're always dragging me around to conventions"
Our kids: "my mom is a real geek and reads a lot of books and my dad always talks about x TV show and they're always dragging me around to conventions"