Vii's posts
Posted in blin's Halloween Art Shop [IMPORTANT UPDATE]
Posted 7 years ago

Woah, amazing cheebs! We'll have to see if I can make enough currency to even get all the items first. c': Then I might come by and throw my extra pages at you ~

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago

@AelloTyphoeus: Hey-o! ^-^ How are you doing?
(Look at me, being like the cool kids and making an event hangout... c':)

Posted in LV-426
Posted 7 years ago
LV - 426
Distress Beacon Detected
There will eventually be an incentive to post here. It might be art, it might be a profile. I'm just not sure yet. c': Might have some games as well! 8D
Distress Beacon Detected
There will eventually be an incentive to post here. It might be art, it might be a profile. I'm just not sure yet. c': Might have some games as well! 8D

Posted in SPOOPY
Posted 7 years ago

Well, shit. This thread has the best title of them all. xD

Posted in The Reaping Ritual (FAQ)
Posted 7 years ago

So excited to grab these event items amg! And maybe I'll have time to enter any contests that pop up this time around. RIP

Posted in The Reaping Ritual Begins!
Posted 7 years ago

Oh my gosh yesss the Halloween event! Nice not being in the know about events on a site for a change. xD Everyone's already got so many items already RIP I have a lot of catching up to do.

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago

Omg, I log on and now there are Halloween items and a Halloween theme! YAAAASSS!!

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: Twas quite, indeed. I don't get sick often but when I do, it's like the accumulation of several sicknesses at once. x_x
@AelloTyphoeus: My old friend was much the same way. She had once mentioned that they were way heavier than most expect (I think her boobs were a combined 10lbs) and that having them held, or holding them up was the most amazing relief. Considering I have enough neck and back issues, I'm actually quite thankful I don't have to deal with added muscle strain. c':

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: Sadly, the last time I was really sick like that, nothing would put me down. So I was not only sick and miserable but also drunk / high and severely drowsy. xD
Also, there are so many infuriating things about the clothing industry in general, like how objective attitudes towards women pretty much dictate clothing styles. >.>
@AelloTyphoeus: It seems like a really nifty tool to use in regular sewing, too; you could glue a hem to keep it from shifting around, and then stitch over it to secure things. o:
I've tried a few DIY clothing projects in the past and they usually don't turn out well. xD Most likely just a lack of good planning, since I'm prone to just going at it with a pair of scissors. c':

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago

Oh god, internet hiccup = double post, RIP

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: True dat xD I always asked my dad for the nighttime liquid shit since it knocked me out. Then when I got a bit older it was just brandy in tea. xD And of course Benadryl shares much the same philosophy. "You can't be aggravated by allergies if you're comatose!"
@AelloTyphoeus: Oh, that's nifty! I didn't know about that stuff. I'll have to keep it in mind next time I need to hem something, since all I've got are little "emergency" sewing kits. c': You're definitely right that machines are a pretty penny, I've wanted one for a while because it'd be awesome to make my own clothes (not to mention cosplay!), but to get a decent one is at least a couple hundred dollars. x_x

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago

@Alia Starchild: Well, I can't argue with that. It's impossible to be kept up all night by coughing when you're totally passed out cold. xD

Posted in v i i ' s |- [s] sweet cakes -| b a z a a r
Posted 7 years ago

BUMP! Added the 100k Milestone Hoodie as well!~

Posted in There's so much white on the forums.
Posted 7 years ago

Dark mode would actually be a great idea. Or as others have suggested, some kind of pattern / darker grey behind the forums. It is indeed kind of painful and I'm not necessarily going to adjust the settings on my laptop for one site, I'm sorry. xD