Vii's posts
Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: It can take me a bit longer to come up with a finished product with more vague ideas, but it's certainly possible and I've pulled it off in the past. 8D

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Thank you! ^-^ It turned out better than I was expecting tbh. c':
Whether you decide to get something custom is entirely up to you! It'd give you more freedom in picking the scheme and such, but the pre-made is not only ready but also free for the time being. o: Decisions decisions!
@Anarchist Beauty: Yes henlo it is me, the space-profile queen xD
Whether you decide to get something custom is entirely up to you! It'd give you more freedom in picking the scheme and such, but the pre-made is not only ready but also free for the time being. o: Decisions decisions!
@Anarchist Beauty: Yes henlo it is me, the space-profile queen xD

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago

Special thanks to the following folks who have donated, chatted, or otherwise been amazing people!
Anarchist Beauty - thank you for your generous donation!!! ♥
Lady Luna - first customer!!!

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago

Order Form:
Once you post your request, I will look it over and make sure I can deliver what you want. Once I accept your request and grant you a slot, please start the trade; you don't have to pre-accept. I will leave it alone until I am completely finished and you are satisfied with your profile. c:
@Vii: function profileBuild()
Username: your name here
Profile Type: compact, organic, lite
Sections Displayed: bio, avatar, friends, comments, etc
Theme: optional theme e.g. cyberpunk, Overwatch, space, grunge, etc;
Colours: general idea; specific hexes/codes; or link to a palette (try Coolors)
Look / Feel: smooth and rounded; straight and sharp; 2D; 3D; glowy/ethereal; etc
Images: any specific images you want me to use?
Custom Cursor: link to your own/request something specific, or give me dangerous freedom; or request to keep it plain
Custom Fonts: link to your own/request something specific, give me a general idea, or give me dangerous freedom
Finishing Touches: any other notes you want to add that haven't been covered above
Payment Method: volts, ohms, items, art, etc
I will accept either pure or a combination of: volts, ohms (please inquire about current conversion rate), certain items, and art under certain circumstances (if I am pleased with your style/offer).
Once you post your request, I will look it over and make sure I can deliver what you want. Once I accept your request and grant you a slot, please start the trade; you don't have to pre-accept. I will leave it alone until I am completely finished and you are satisfied with your profile. c:
@Vii: function profileBuild()
Username: your name here
Profile Type: compact, organic, lite
Sections Displayed: bio, avatar, friends, comments, etc
Theme: optional theme e.g. cyberpunk, Overwatch, space, grunge, etc;
Colours: general idea; specific hexes/codes; or link to a palette (try Coolors)
Look / Feel: smooth and rounded; straight and sharp; 2D; 3D; glowy/ethereal; etc
Images: any specific images you want me to use?
Custom Cursor: link to your own/request something specific, or give me dangerous freedom; or request to keep it plain
Custom Fonts: link to your own/request something specific, give me a general idea, or give me dangerous freedom
Finishing Touches: any other notes you want to add that haven't been covered above
Payment Method: volts, ohms, items, art, etc
I will accept either pure or a combination of: volts, ohms (please inquire about current conversion rate), certain items, and art under certain circumstances (if I am pleased with your style/offer).
- Slots -
I. Another Movie Addict
II. Mandy Amour
III. Millet
I. Another Movie Addict
II. Mandy Amour
III. Millet

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago

Pre-made Profile -- 0-3,000

Sometimes pre-made profile layouts are offered for free, and sometimes they are available for a small fee (particularly if the design was difficult / time consuming, and usually no more than 3k). Refer to the info docket for the layout in question to see whether you can snag it for free. If not, post a request using the "Pre-made Order Form", start the trade, and I'll send you the codes and finish up the trade as soon as I can. ^-^
Profile Design Lite -- 2,500

A profile makeover in its simplest form; borders, colours, backgrounds, fonts, animations, etc can be touched up and altered. Profile blocks may be adjusted in size, but they won't be re-arranged; as a result these profiles are typically mobile-friendly.
Fully Customised Profile -- 8,000

Fully customised profiles are very time consuming, which is why they may seem expensive. if it still seems way too high, please throw a rock and my head and I'll adjust the pricing My total working time for most profile designs is around 6 hours, though you may wait up to a week or two for the finished product. ^-^; If I'm not "feeling" a design, I'll start over. Sometimes this happens several times for one layout. oTL Compact designs are styled into a coherent block. Organic designs are more spread-out.

Live Preview
Want to see more samples? Check out the "past customers" area for screenshots of recently completed profiles!

Live Preview
Want to see more samples? Check out the "past customers" area for screenshots of recently completed profiles!


WONDERLAND (Comapct Type) - FREE!!
Specially designed to complement our Wonderland event, this profile is decked in a calming pastel colour scheme and absolutely packed with functions and features. Note: Likes, Dislikes, and Hobbies are disabled. Sorry, folks! c':
Features a standalone video player for your favourite video or tunes, unique online/offline orb animations, and a smooth parallax scrolling effect!
There is a Template for your BIO included, be sure you copy and paste the separate codes into the right places!! <3 Have fun!
Here is the source code!

WONDERLAND (Comapct Type) - FREE!!
Specially designed to complement our Wonderland event, this profile is decked in a calming pastel colour scheme and absolutely packed with functions and features. Note: Likes, Dislikes, and Hobbies are disabled. Sorry, folks! c':
Features a standalone video player for your favourite video or tunes, unique online/offline orb animations, and a smooth parallax scrolling effect!
There is a Template for your BIO included, be sure you copy and paste the separate codes into the right places!! <3 Have fun!
Here is the source code!

PRESCIENCE (Compact Type) - Free ~
IMPORTANT! In order for your profile to display properly, you must follow the steps included with the profile's source code. Please pay attention while reading the directions and copying/pasting any codes! All it takes is a single missing bracket and BAM! everything is broken. This profile requires a video link to display properly! You can add "?autoplay=1" to the end of the YouTube embed link to made your tunes automatically kick on. c:
Features fully styled components, hover transitions, a harmonious purple/indigo palette, custom cursor, styled online/offline orbs, fully functional notifications panel, and animations. Note that the orange battery in the corner is not permanent / part of the layout and will disappear at the end of the Blackout Event.

PRESCIENCE (Compact Type) - Free ~
IMPORTANT! In order for your profile to display properly, you must follow the steps included with the profile's source code. Please pay attention while reading the directions and copying/pasting any codes! All it takes is a single missing bracket and BAM! everything is broken. This profile requires a video link to display properly! You can add "?autoplay=1" to the end of the YouTube embed link to made your tunes automatically kick on. c:
Features fully styled components, hover transitions, a harmonious purple/indigo palette, custom cursor, styled online/offline orbs, fully functional notifications panel, and animations. Note that the orange battery in the corner is not permanent / part of the layout and will disappear at the end of the Blackout Event.
Username: your name
Profile Name: name of the profile you wish to buy
Listed Price: price of the particular layout you wish to buy
Re-skin (optional): none or for an extra 2,000 volts I can re-skin a pre-made layout for you; this includes changing the colour scheme, images, fonts, and border style, if desired. Link any images and request a specific colour scheme here if you wish to purchase a re-skin.
Username: your name
Profile Name: name of the profile you wish to buy
Listed Price: price of the particular layout you wish to buy
Re-skin (optional): none or for an extra 2,000 volts I can re-skin a pre-made layout for you; this includes changing the colour scheme, images, fonts, and border style, if desired. Link any images and request a specific colour scheme here if you wish to purchase a re-skin.

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago

express yourself with a fresh profile layout from STARDUST!

Each layout is meticulously planned out by hand, coded from scratch, and customised to your specifications. Please do not rip or steal my codes, and please do not alter or reuse them without my permission. Most of the time, I'll say yes, and be more than willing to help you through the process. I do my best to make sure each layout works in small and large resolutions, but many of them aren't 100% mobile-friendly (I'm sorryyyyy). All are built in, tested in, and optimised for Google Chrome, HD resolutions (16x9).

Posted in HAPPY BIRTHDAY to....
Posted 7 years ago
It's also my dad's birthday. Congratulations on getting old, everyone! ^-^

Posted in So light em up up up
Posted 7 years ago
You mean @Tuijp: took pics of the Sun while it was bathing? How dare!
shut up and take my money
shut up and take my money

Posted in So light em up up up
Posted 7 years ago
what's all this about knee-knockin' boobies
makes me think of Bad Grandpa with the testicles tucked into his sock LOL
makes me think of Bad Grandpa with the testicles tucked into his sock LOL

Posted in So light em up up up
Posted 7 years ago
I know it's been said before but Honestly though that fire gif is really nice c': almost tempted to buy the non-watermarked version. almost.

Posted in The Curious Case of Vontell
Posted 7 years ago
@Vontell: Investigate Outside
Part of me wants to say visit the VPD since you now have goggles to ask them about, but if they weren't much help before....
Part of me wants to say visit the VPD since you now have goggles to ask them about, but if they weren't much help before....

Posted in Favorite books?
Posted 7 years ago
My favourite books have got to be The Quantum Thief (The Quantum Thief; The Fractal Prince; The Causal Angel) series by Hannu Rajaniemi. He's a relatively new sci-fi author but his science is solid, and the world he's created is just absolutely mind-blowing. So full of imagination and wonder! It's so inspiring and got me going on my novel again after a dry spell. c:

Posted in Hello.
Posted 7 years ago
Hello there, welcome to Voltra! Sorry to see you're going through a rough time. There are lots of friendly people around to get to know and help you relax. c: I'm sure you'll make some friends and things will look brighter. c:

Posted in A new berry in the snack aisle
Posted 7 years ago
Scent memory is actually the strongest kind of memory; you'll remember someone's smell much stronger than their face or voice. My favourite smell...gosh that's a hard one. I love the smell of food cooking LOL...but also of my boyfriend, and of clean sheets...not really sure how to describe those things.
Anyway, welcome to Voltra! ^-^ Things have been kinda slow on account of the site lag but this place is usually hoppin'.
Anyway, welcome to Voltra! ^-^ Things have been kinda slow on account of the site lag but this place is usually hoppin'.