Vii's posts
Posted in Dream Job(s)
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: The plight of writers! Getting the histories and aesthetics down for nations is so much fun but also probably the hardest part...trying to make places seem real and tangible with a rich history takes a lot of time!
I'll certainly plop into some of your threads here and there ~
I'll certainly plop into some of your threads here and there ~
Posted 7 years ago
@Fozzy: Exactly q-q it's the lost time that makes me want to ragequit. xD Thankfully I'm caught back up to that point, and I've been obsessively copy/pasting my progress LOL c':
Posted in Who Would Voice Your Character(s)?
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: Exactly! Not only that, but producers are greedy butts, and wouldn't want to support your production unless they can control certain aspects to make it more "marketable"--adding certain actors/actresses for more name appeal, adding cliche' romance or tragedy plot points, the list goes on and on.
I just need Ridley Scott to hang on for a while longer so I can have him direct my material. xD
I just need Ridley Scott to hang on for a while longer so I can have him direct my material. xD
Posted in Dream Job(s)
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: I've considered it, but I'd want to have some things to show people so they're confident and more willing to donate / help the cause. Eventually I'll start a serious web-portal for it, but for the time being I'm just focused on getting the story down in tangible form. It's been boiling around in my head, developing and changing for years, and I've tried a couple times to write it all out but keep deleting everything and starting over. xD c':
Thank you for the encouragement, though! It's always nice to get a little motivation boost from someone. c:
Thank you for the encouragement, though! It's always nice to get a little motivation boost from someone. c:
Posted 7 years ago
So, there I am, coding away, got a good flow goin', got my beats on, when suddenly...idk, something appeared, and I went to go dismiss it... and I ACCIDENTALLY closed the WINDOW i was WORking IN and OMG I LosT so MUCH PROGRESS UHGHGHGHGHG Q-Q
this is what I get for a) turning off the "close multiple tabs?" notification and b) NOT SAVING EARLY AND OFTEN ENOUGH
Oh well. At least I had a really solid plan going, and am certain I can replicate the design.. just, ugh, all this lost time. q-q
this is what I get for a) turning off the "close multiple tabs?" notification and b) NOT SAVING EARLY AND OFTEN ENOUGH
Oh well. At least I had a really solid plan going, and am certain I can replicate the design.. just, ugh, all this lost time. q-q
Posted in Who Would Voice Your Character(s)?
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: You should definitely do it, it's lots of fun! But yeah, there are simply so many people to choose from, and it's impossible to find them all. I'm of the belief that there's gotta be someone out there who looks the same or at least similar, since we apparently can't image or dream of faces which we haven't seen before.
So true about voiceovers, too. I think if, in some wild alternate universe, my story were to ever become a movie, I'd prefer CGI with voice acting, since it's easier to alter someone's voice or have them do an accent than it is to alter their appearance consistently. Plus, CGI would allow the characters to be represented in their pure/true form without the constrains of physical actors or, well, real life physics getting in the way. xD
So true about voiceovers, too. I think if, in some wild alternate universe, my story were to ever become a movie, I'd prefer CGI with voice acting, since it's easier to alter someone's voice or have them do an accent than it is to alter their appearance consistently. Plus, CGI would allow the characters to be represented in their pure/true form without the constrains of physical actors or, well, real life physics getting in the way. xD
Posted in Dream Job(s)
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: Alas, not currently in school. I had a short stint doing my general credits (English, math, etc), but since then, I've never had the time and money simultaneously that I'd need to go back and really be serious about it. I have a minuscule amount of game design experience from a class I took in high school, but that was years and years ago. xD Realistically I could learn it with resources online, and that was sort of my plan, but my computer right now isn't really powerful enough to get into the nitty-gritty of it all, and I'm just one person who's really not sure where even to start. c': My ambitions are always bigger than my abilities, that whole thing.
But the dream has been pushing me ever more so lately, as I have a story I've been working on for a decade that was originally supposed to be a novel, but I think it'd be an amazing game concept, and I wouldn't sell it or trust anyone else to get it right. xD
But the dream has been pushing me ever more so lately, as I have a story I've been working on for a decade that was originally supposed to be a novel, but I think it'd be an amazing game concept, and I wouldn't sell it or trust anyone else to get it right. xD
Posted in Storm Storm, Go away
Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Youre very welcome
Posted 7 years ago
"Y'know, Hoggle, if she kisses you, I'll turn you into a prince!"
... "Really?"
"Prince of the Land of Stench!"
... "Really?"
"Prince of the Land of Stench!"
Posted in Who Would Voice Your Character(s)?
Posted 7 years ago
I actually think of this kind of stuff quite frequently! For my OC bounty hunter / space pirate Dez, it would probably be Joe Duplantier, a French metal singer. For Madison, an Irish/Scottish redhead, one of the actresses from Black Mirror would be perfect. And for Felix, well, his face was inspired by a model named Sébastien Andrieu, whose voice would also be perfect. 8D I think about "who would play them in a movie?" too quite frequently, but am so picky about faces and bodies and everything... xD
Posted in Dream Job(s)
Posted 7 years ago
Honestly it's hard to say. I'm one of those people who wants to do everything and is constantly thinking about opportunity costs. As a kid I wanted to be a mangaka, then an archaeologist/anthropologist, and still think that would be super rewarding and interesting. But more than anything else I'd love to be a game designer; to bring awesome stories to life.
Posted in Cutie Freebie Pixels (Open and also accepting ATs)
Posted 7 years ago
Ooohhh you opened a pixel thread! 8D I might be interested in an art trade, but it'll take me a while to get everything together. |D
Posted in Bioware Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Mass Effect is the only Bioware game I've played, though I have a friend who played Dragon Age; I've considered picking it up but Skyrim is big and time-consuming enough already.
Mass Effect is an amazing series tho. My favourite is Garrus, and he's also my favourite romance, though Thane was really cool too. *Sobs about Thane* My car's name is actually Garrus and I have an action figure of him by my bed. Definitely in my top 5 games! I've worn through more N7 hoodies than I can count, and have more merch for Mass Effect than any other game.
Mass Effect is an amazing series tho. My favourite is Garrus, and he's also my favourite romance, though Thane was really cool too. *Sobs about Thane* My car's name is actually Garrus and I have an action figure of him by my bed. Definitely in my top 5 games! I've worn through more N7 hoodies than I can count, and have more merch for Mass Effect than any other game.
Posted in Storm Storm, Go away
Posted 7 years ago
@Miss Kitty: How dare! 8U They really are great books and films if you're into fantasy and whatnot but they're not for everyone. c': I haven't read all the books. The writing is so dense it takes a while to make it through a chapter, and it doesn't help that they'll spend an entire chapter eating and talking to the farmer lol