Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie tilted her head when he hung up the phone after talking to the person on the other line. "I know it's not my business.. But I heard most of the conversation." She said sheepishly, running her fingers delicately through her long black hair. "Your friends wanted you to go out with them, right?" She asked hesitantly, hoping she wasn't sounding pushy.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi casually led her to an empty table, and pulled the chair out for her to sit. He could only imagine what she was thinking. Different themes required a different kind of mannerisms. This one required a more subtle mannerism. He briefly glanced at his cousin, making sure to keep a subtle eye on him to make sure he didn't eat too many sweets.
Alice blinked as Haruhi and Kaoru left to get tea, and snacks, leaving her alone with a dashingly dressed Hikaru. That suit for him quite well. She nodded lightly when he spoke and she lowered her gaze so she was staring. "You wouldn't do something so childish, right?" She spoke calmly. Alice sat down in the chair and fiddled with her uniform.
Alice blinked as Haruhi and Kaoru left to get tea, and snacks, leaving her alone with a dashingly dressed Hikaru. That suit for him quite well. She nodded lightly when he spoke and she lowered her gaze so she was staring. "You wouldn't do something so childish, right?" She spoke calmly. Alice sat down in the chair and fiddled with her uniform.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen shook his head. "Not all hunters have an anti-vampire gun. Some of them just have normal weapons." He explained as he listened to her scurry off into the room. When she came back, he sat up some so she could help him put his shirt on and paused when she spoke. He could hear it in her voice.. Allen made a promise to her he couldn't have kept from the very beginning. Allen slowly leaned forward and gently placed a hand over her hands, and lightly pulled her into his lap where he wrapped his arms around her, in trying comfort her. "No one knows we actually live here.. We were down closer to the lake when he found us."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Hearing the phone ring caused Maddie to look up from her book. She set her book down and quietly got down off the bed and walked into the hallway. No, she was eavesdropping.. She was just curiously listening in. Okay, maybe she was eavesdropping a little. What was he doing trying to come up with a lame excuse like that? She slowly approached him and lightly pat his shoulder. Why didn't he want to go out? If she had to guess what was going on by his attitude. Maddie offered him a light smile as if trying to encourage him to go. When was the last time he went out with his friends?

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
((damn autocorrect xc ))
Takashi held a hand out to Mia. "Want to sit somewhere?" He asked very gentleman like. She was his first after all, now he'd treat her like one..and since Mitsukuni was off enjoying his sweets, he'd have think of something to say.
Tamaki smiled at the smaller boy. "I did make a promise to you after all, Honey-senpai." He noted, before going and tending to his personal guest. Though he would've liked to spend time with his childhood friend, he couldn't just ignore the other girls.
Alice nervously stepped forward and nodded to Haruhi's words. "Y-yes! Let's sit and have some tea." She said with a sheepish smile. Anything was better than just standing here.
Takashi held a hand out to Mia. "Want to sit somewhere?" He asked very gentleman like. She was his first after all, now he'd treat her like one..and since Mitsukuni was off enjoying his sweets, he'd have think of something to say.
Tamaki smiled at the smaller boy. "I did make a promise to you after all, Honey-senpai." He noted, before going and tending to his personal guest. Though he would've liked to spend time with his childhood friend, he couldn't just ignore the other girls.
Alice nervously stepped forward and nodded to Haruhi's words. "Y-yes! Let's sit and have some tea." She said with a sheepish smile. Anything was better than just standing here.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen frowned some as he listened to her words. Maybe that was it.. He missed. The size of the bullet was irrelevant really. "It's possible, but most hunters always carry at least one weapon with them no matter where they go." The smell burned his nose some, but he didn't move from where he was standing. He felt the chair move slightly as Kaneko slowly stood, and spoke about getting him a clean shirt. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly, gently. "That man was carrying an anti-vampire gun. They are weapons forged in a magic specifically made to kill us." Allen said calmly, only wanting her to know this information. He wouldn't keep her in the dark like her father did. Slowly, he made his way to the chair and sat down.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie glanced up from the book and just outside her door, a small smile forming in her lips. He hadn't changed much since their younger days.. Only now he wasn't as clumsy. He grew up into a fine man, and the thought made her cheeks heat up a bit. Pushing the thoughts aside, she sighed. She always looked up to him back then, and even now, but did she like him? Not anymore than a brother, or a friend. She lowered her eyes back to the book to start reading again.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Alice offered her a small smile and released her hand shortly after. Mia.. Such a pretty name. She shook her head lightly at her question and offered her more of a sheepish smile. "No idea.." She admitted shyly.
Once the others were finished getting changed, Tamaki called an order with the help of a small glass. Takashi went back over to Mia and stood by. The other guests were curious about what the Prince of the host.club had to say. "My fellow students! Welcome to another year at Ouran Private Academy, let's be sure to enjoy this year as we did the last year! " He said, putting on his charm and causing the girls to clap, then he glanced at the newest students. Alice blinked a couple of times and lightly backed into Hikaru. What was he thinking of doing now? "Now I'd like to welcome our newest students, and wish them a wonderful year here at our school." Tamaki said with a smile, ending his speech. He walked over to Mitsukuni and easily led him to a table covered in different sweets, and if course, there was more where that came from.
Malachi glanced at Mia to see how she was holding up.
Once the others were finished getting changed, Tamaki called an order with the help of a small glass. Takashi went back over to Mia and stood by. The other guests were curious about what the Prince of the host.club had to say. "My fellow students! Welcome to another year at Ouran Private Academy, let's be sure to enjoy this year as we did the last year! " He said, putting on his charm and causing the girls to clap, then he glanced at the newest students. Alice blinked a couple of times and lightly backed into Hikaru. What was he thinking of doing now? "Now I'd like to welcome our newest students, and wish them a wonderful year here at our school." Tamaki said with a smile, ending his speech. He walked over to Mitsukuni and easily led him to a table covered in different sweets, and if course, there was more where that came from.
Malachi glanced at Mia to see how she was holding up.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen sat very still as Kaneko patched him like a true nurse, quietly listening to her humming. He found it very soothing. He hadn't even noticed she had put the ointment on him. Once she was finished, he slowly got up followed her to the coffee table. Even though he wasn't wearing a shirt, it kind of felt nice for the moment. He lightly placed a hand on the back of her chair and his nose crinkled some. "This bullet smells like magic.." He murmured quietly. And blood. His blood. But he could also smell magic. "I'm surprised it didn't do more damage." Allen sighed quietly.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie rubbed the back of her head some and shook her head at the offer to do her laundry first. "Nah, go a head. I don't really have that much to wash.." She said with a small smirk. Hell, she was still in pjs! Maddie would wait a day or two to do wash. She had a shower this morning.. Maddie thought of something she could. "I guess I'll just read more of that book." She said with a light smirk before heading down the hall to her room, then sat down on the bed and opened up the book she was reading. She couldn't live in fear.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi nodded to his cousin and set Mitsukuni down on the floor before heading off towards the back, to get changed.
Alice nervously fiddled with her dress as the other hurried off to go change. Now what? She was alone with Tamaki..and someone else.. Before Tamaki could gush over her, Alice approached the other new student. "Hello.." She said shyly. "I'm Alice, nice to meet you. " She greeted, holding her hand out to her. Armani went and greeted his other guests while the others were getting changed.
Alice nervously fiddled with her dress as the other hurried off to go change. Now what? She was alone with Tamaki..and someone else.. Before Tamaki could gush over her, Alice approached the other new student. "Hello.." She said shyly. "I'm Alice, nice to meet you. " She greeted, holding her hand out to her. Armani went and greeted his other guests while the others were getting changed.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen quietly listened to her words. The bullet had something on it? He relaxed some as his nerves died down and slowly took a breath to calm himself. He nodded lightly when she spoke again and slowly opened his glazed eyes. "Sounds good.." He said quietly. "You have everything?" He asked, only curious if she needed anything else. He'd be lucky to stay conscious much longer though, just because of the use of a magic weapon, if that's what it was anyway. The pain was fading at least.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie actually giggled some. "No take backsies." She repeated quietly, sitting on her butt. She was quiet for a moment when he spoke and glanced outside through the curtains. "This won't be the last time we see her.. I can almost guarantee that." She said before slowly standing and glancing at Clint. "It's okay though. We'll deal with it when the time comes. " She said calmly. She wasn't a scared child anymore. Maddie wasn't alone anymore. Aurelie couldn't say that anymore.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen nodded lightly and held the tweezers. "Yeah.. Just hold the rag, please.." He murmured quietly, trying not sound demanding of her. With his free hand, he lightly felt around for the wound, biting his lip some when he found it, and felt for the bullet. Okay, now the hard part, getting it out. He didn't want anything for pain, just to get it over with. Allen slowly brought the tweezers up to the wound and grabbed hold of the bullet, closing his eyes tightly as he pulled it out. Which of course made the spot bleed more. "Apply pressure.." He murmured weakly. Allen felt like he was burning up! What kind of gun had that. man shot him with? An anti-vampire weapon? Did they really have those here?