Xnovax's posts
Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago
Miroku smiled. "Come now, it's late and we should get to bed." He said, really offering for her to sleep with him in his room. Really, he wanted to spend time with her without disturbing the rest of the castle.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Andrew nodded some and watched her go. He waited until she was a ways off before slipping out his flint lock and hurrying towards where he had heard the commotion. It was time to act like a pirate. He stayed back some as he watched a man wrestle with a small group of three or four 'cops' before he had finally been over powered and hand cuffed. Then he watched at the hauled him off, and followed. They were probably a type of pirate hunter. He followed them near a set of gallows, and an underground tunnel like system. Andrew waited for them to come back out and take their leave, before slipping into the jail system and wandered about.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Inuyasha nodded lightly, stretching some. He had already eaten, now he was just relaxing before the next class started. He glanced at Sango and Miroku and smirked some. "I think Kagome's soup helped fight it off." He said casually. Miroku chuckled some. It was nice to have him back to his old self.
Koga tried to give Sayuri her space as she made friends. He honestly believed they were better for her, than he was. Right now, he was sitting on the small dock at the pond. Alone with his thoughts.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Natalie felt pretty bad after hearing that. His sister had passed, and Nathan had acted pretty protective, it probably only reminded him of when his sister was alive. "Oh Bryan.. I'm so sorry.." She said softly. Natalie inhaled slowly and looked off shyly once Sirene had swam off after her brother. "You know.. For helping a mermaid, you get a wish." She said calmly, glancing back at him with a shy smile.
Nathan paused when she grabbed him and he looked at her. "I'm not upset, okay? Just a little annoyed with myself.. Even if he is a good guy, how could she not tell me? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked calmly. He wasn't getting upset, he was trying to understand what was going on. "I trust your judgement, I promise." He said to her calmly.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen nodded lightly as she spoke, indicating that he understood her concern. Again, it was nice to have someone worry over him, a nice feeling. It meant someone cared. He tilted his head slightly as his noticed the nervousness in her voice, even if only slight. When he suddenly felt her soft lips against his cheek briefly, his own pale cheeks darkened to the tips of his ears.A shy smile spread across his thin lips as her footsteps became distant. He turned and headed back down the trail, towards his old mansion.
Half way down the trail, he felt a change in his body temperature as it all to quickly heated. He wasn't much for feeding but once every two or three days, but the first thing he noticed was his sudden craving. He took a moment to lean against a tree, which just so happened to be the very same tree he had torn into, and forced his body to calm down. Why was this happening now? He already knew the risks of getting too close to a human, but this- this wasn't one of the things he worried about. He continued home and locked his door before going up to his room and laying down to immediately fall asleep.
Half way down the trail, he felt a change in his body temperature as it all to quickly heated. He wasn't much for feeding but once every two or three days, but the first thing he noticed was his sudden craving. He took a moment to lean against a tree, which just so happened to be the very same tree he had torn into, and forced his body to calm down. Why was this happening now? He already knew the risks of getting too close to a human, but this- this wasn't one of the things he worried about. He continued home and locked his door before going up to his room and laying down to immediately fall asleep.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
A few days had passed and Inuyasha was over his cold, pretty much entirely, and he had started asking for help understanding the project so he could actually pull his end of it.
A few days had passed and Inuyasha was over his cold, pretty much entirely, and he had started asking for help understanding the project so he could actually pull his end of it.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago
Miroku nodded lightly. "I do understand what she's going through.. This is only normal behavior for someone in her shoes. I'm sure Inuyasha understands at least that much." He said quietly, gently taking her hand and kissing her cheek. It was late, mostly everyone would be in bed and he could now spend some time with Sango, if she wanted.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Andrew nodded lightly, if course he had already thought of that. He paused when he started hearing shouting and soon a gunshot. He just found their first crewman, but he didn't want to endanger his friend and first mate. Andrew glanced at Cordelia. "Hey, head to the tavern and start scouting there. I'll check out the town a little, alright?"

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen slowly moved his free hand to lightly caress her cheek with his thumb. "Relax, I'll be careful. I've been living out here for quite some time remember." He spoke calmly as a way to ease her worry. Once she had released his hand, he lowered his hands and nodded to her. It was time to part ways, and say goodnight. "Good night, miss Kaneko. You be careful as well." He said calmly. Allen planned on waiting for her to trail off before he himself would go anywhere .

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan only nodded, then glanced between the girls before averting his eyes. "I'm going home." He murmured, as his way of admitting defeat. He felt a little bad but he couldn't be too careful. Nathan dived into the water and swam home. Maybe he'd seen that not all humans were bad.
Natalie sighed and shook her head lightly. "Sorry..about him.." She murmured softly, glancing at Bryan. She gently hugged him again, with a little more affection.
Natalie sighed and shook her head lightly. "Sorry..about him.." She murmured softly, glancing at Bryan. She gently hugged him again, with a little more affection.

Posted in [Request] looking for 1x1's
Posted 7 years ago
Sure, whatcha got in mind?
I don't currently have any ideas atm x.x
I don't currently have any ideas atm x.x

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen smiled some when he felt her hand squeeze his. It meant she was okay with it, right? He was also glad she was happy with his answer to her picnic question. Now he really had something to look forward to, having a picnic with the human girl he fancied much too much for being a vampire. As they walked he kept his ears open.
Allen smirked lightly at her words and nodded lightly. "You're quite welcome, miss Kaneko. It was my pleasure." He said to her.
Allen smirked lightly at her words and nodded lightly. "You're quite welcome, miss Kaneko. It was my pleasure." He said to her.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Andrew chuckled lightly and reclaimed his arm. "Let's go explore then." He said to her, with the understanding that they stayed together. Neither of them needed to get into trouble without the other close by.
(Who should they find first?)
(Who should they find first?)

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Natalie hugged him as well, really trying not to cry. She pulled back slightly and nodded lightly. "I'm alright.. Thank you." She said, kissing his cheek.
Nathan surfaced with Sirene and swam over to his sister, looking at Bryan as he slowly pulled Natalie behind him. "I owe you for saving my sister, but don't think for a second that I trust you. How do I know you aren't a danger to us?" He asked calmly. Natalie glanced at him. "He wouldn't hurt us Nathan, or anything to endanger us! He knows all about our legends and..."
Nathan kept his eyes on the human boy. "Please.. I just to keep her safe. Can I trust you to do the same?"
Nathan surfaced with Sirene and swam over to his sister, looking at Bryan as he slowly pulled Natalie behind him. "I owe you for saving my sister, but don't think for a second that I trust you. How do I know you aren't a danger to us?" He asked calmly. Natalie glanced at him. "He wouldn't hurt us Nathan, or anything to endanger us! He knows all about our legends and..."
Nathan kept his eyes on the human boy. "Please.. I just to keep her safe. Can I trust you to do the same?"