Xnovax's posts
Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Cross smirked and shook his head. "Don't worry about that, we'll find a crew." He said to her. Andrew rested an arm on her shoulder casually. "Hopefully easier than I found you, Cross." The man chuckled. "You afraid of a little action, captain?" He mused. Andrew smirked. " Never. Delia and I have been waiting out while lives for this. " He glanced at her with a smile.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Natalie smiled sadly, his words only made her feel a little better. "I better go, and you need to get into your boat before you turn into a prune." She said with a giggle.
Nathan nodded lightly and lightly wrapped his arms around her.
Nathan nodded lightly and lightly wrapped his arms around her.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago
The monk smiled and held her hand as he lead her up the stairs and to his room. He opened the door for her.
(Bleh x.x)
(Bleh x.x)

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Inuyasha smirked and watched her go to get her lunch. He glanced at his friends. "I finally asked her." He said, referring to the upcoming dance.
Koga lifted his head and glanced at her. "Oh hey, yea." He said to her with a light smile, moving over some so she could sit .
Koga lifted his head and glanced at her. "Oh hey, yea." He said to her with a light smile, moving over some so she could sit .

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
A chill went down his spine, and he paused. Maybe.. Just maybe, he should wait here for the man and lead him into the woods. He was afraid, but the more he thought about it, he remembered the fortune cookie. As simple as it seemed, it meant something to him. Why was he running? Allen slowly turned around and began walking back towards the park. A hunter would stop at nothing.. Even if a noble was different than an average vampire, they were still vampires. He'd allow the man to find him, and then lead him away. No one else needed to get hurt.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Andrew smirked some when she greeted them, and he glanced at Cross briefly before looking back at her. Cross nodded to her and held a hand to her, not even caring that she was a lady pirate. He wasn't like some of the old pirates. "Name's Cross, you must be his first mate, miss." He spoke casually.

Posted in Secret Message 1x1
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
As the chilled air cooled his already cold skin, he decided it was time to go home before he froze, or fell asleep. Allen slowly stood and inhaled the air, and whatever scents lingered around him. He paused, picking up a faint scent. A familiar scent, even if was distant. He knew that scent. Now he really needed to get home. The last thing he wanted was to face a hunter. Up he stood and off he walked at a quickened pace, hoping to at least make it to the woods where he had cover.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen stayed where he was and simply enjoyed being at the park. The longer he sat there, the more relaxed he began to feel. But the more his eyes started to bother him. Was there a possibility of his eyes healing? Probably not.. But they weren't really hurting, it was more like an itch from being wrapped up for so long or something. He sighed quietly and leaned his head back. He missed the sky..
It wasn't long before he started thinking about Kaneko, and he wanted to tell her so much. But he afraid, as would anyone in his shoes.
It wasn't long before he started thinking about Kaneko, and he wanted to tell her so much. But he afraid, as would anyone in his shoes.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen sat on the bench when he was sure he was in the park. He couldn't pick up any other scent, which meant he was alone, which was good. He didn't have to worry too much about people. The adrenaline from that morning had faded and he was reminded that he hadn't even made a batch of his remedy, when his eyes began to bother him. Well, he wasn't about to turn around and go home after just getting here. It was bearable. He sat there and enjoyed the peaceful sounds of the park.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Earlier that evening Allen still felt like sinking his teeth into something, or someone. He hadn't even thought about his remedy, or his eyes not that matter, as he cleaned up and headed out. He thought maybe some fresh air or getting out of the house would help. He hoped it helped. So he left the manor and headed to the park.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
(xD i love her, i really do! )
Andrew continued until he found the guy behind metal bars, and tapped on the bars with the butt of his flint lock. The man quickly stood and approached. "Who the hell are you?" He asked. Andrew smirked. "You're freedom, if you agree to join my crew." He spoke quietly. Soon, the officers were coming back and the man nodded. "You've got a deal, captain." He said. Andrew figured a fight would break out anyway, so he just shot the lock and let the iron door swing open. The officers arrived to collect their pirate, and they of course defended against them without killing any of them. Cross got his pistol back and followed Andrew to the tavern.
Andrew continued until he found the guy behind metal bars, and tapped on the bars with the butt of his flint lock. The man quickly stood and approached. "Who the hell are you?" He asked. Andrew smirked. "You're freedom, if you agree to join my crew." He spoke quietly. Soon, the officers were coming back and the man nodded. "You've got a deal, captain." He said. Andrew figured a fight would break out anyway, so he just shot the lock and let the iron door swing open. The officers arrived to collect their pirate, and they of course defended against them without killing any of them. Cross got his pistol back and followed Andrew to the tavern.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Natalie flushed some at his request. Sure, she could grant him a wish, but to change him? That wasn't really something she wanted to risk. What if she hurt him? She shook her head. "As much as I understand, that's not a wish I can grant.. Not permanently anyway. If I did it, it;d be temporary, a few days at most. I'd have to find someone who could do that for you, if it's what you really wanted." She explained.
Nathan listened, and became more annoyed with himself. Great. His temper was getting in the way of being kept in the loop. He blinked a few times and placed a hand on his head as an attempt to stay calm. "My sister fancies a human.." He murmured quietly, taking a deep breath. "Even if he wanted to be a merman, he can't. He's a human. Humans and mermaids can't mix like that. Being friends in one thing- but having a crush on one? It's totally crazy." Now he was slightly panicking, :Oh jeez, what if she tells him about the wish?" He glanced at her semi-worried.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen slept soundly for the most part, until his dreams once again turned into a nightmare that woke him. It was the same as before only he wasn't attacking his friend, but her father. Quite brutally, and it scared him more that he enjoyed it. What was happening to him? He laid in bed for some time, trying to calm down, and that's when he noticed the dampness to his blankets. So, he slowly got up and ripped the sheet off his bed and shuffled around for a clean, dry one, and made his bed. He actually started to miss the old nightmares.. At least in those he wasn't attacking anyone. Maybe he'd stay in the for the day? At least until a part of the day that wasn't so buzzing with people.