Xnovax's posts
Posted in Monk of Nightmares (1x1)
Posted 7 years ago
@BlissBlossom: do I need to change my post?

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Cross chuckled and lightly pat the top of her head. "You'll get used to a lot of things out on the sea, but never a storm." He said casually, removing his hand and looking out to sea once more. "Don't you worry about me, lass." He said, shaking his head some and glancing at her. "As I mentioned earlier, you're precious to the captain- and by the time he would've gotten the life boat.. Who knows how far out the sea would've carried you." Cross said to her, his voice having a serious tone to it briefly. He understood that now, that the captain actually made it easier to rescue the first mate. He raised his spy glass and looked through it once more. "You should really see how the captain is fairing." He teased casually, a light smirk playing on his lips.

Posted in Monk of Nightmares (1x1)
Posted 7 years ago
(it's cool! imma try to think of a good opening x~x)
Minako stayed in the girls dorms at the college she was attending, since she was old enough to move out of her mother's house but didn't quite have enough funds to rent/ own her own house. Currently, it was lunch time and she was sitting with her two best friends. "So my roommate is like everyone else, she keeps asking if me and my mom are secretly sisters- even though I keep telling her the same thing. Do I really look that much like my mom? She's like mid-thirties!" The blonde haired teen asked, glancing at her friends. She had heard from her homeroom teacher that they would be getting a new student, and wondered who it would be.
Minako stayed in the girls dorms at the college she was attending, since she was old enough to move out of her mother's house but didn't quite have enough funds to rent/ own her own house. Currently, it was lunch time and she was sitting with her two best friends. "So my roommate is like everyone else, she keeps asking if me and my mom are secretly sisters- even though I keep telling her the same thing. Do I really look that much like my mom? She's like mid-thirties!" The blonde haired teen asked, glancing at her friends. She had heard from her homeroom teacher that they would be getting a new student, and wondered who it would be.

Posted in Monk of Nightmares (1x1)
Posted 7 years ago
(Erm.. What are their names?)

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Miroku answered the phone when it rang, having already finished getting ready. He was actually just about to walk out the door. "Hello beautiful, you ready?" He asked curiously, wondering if he could go meet her.
Inuyasha smirked some and ate some of his popcorn while watching her scroll through movies, trying to find a good one to watch.
Ginta went home, even though he was still worried about his brother. Why hadn't he said anything, if he knew they were their? Then again.. Maybe he didn't know? Koga could've been sleeping after all.
Inuyasha smirked some and ate some of his popcorn while watching her scroll through movies, trying to find a good one to watch.
Ginta went home, even though he was still worried about his brother. Why hadn't he said anything, if he knew they were their? Then again.. Maybe he didn't know? Koga could've been sleeping after all.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 7 years ago
((I'm home~ :3 dunno how much rping i can manage ^^' i'm kind of exhausted xD ))
Natalie paused when she saw the large fishing ship, and sank under the water some so the humans wouldn't see her.There was a boy she noticed that looked familiar, she had even felt Sirene grab her arm. "I'm not leaving.. There's a boy on that ship, around our age probably- I've got a bad feeling those humans is the trouble our mystic forewarned us about. I want to make sure they'll be alright in this storm.." She said, sounding much like a responsible young lady, then a spoiled child.
Nathan rolled his eyes and shook his head."It'll be trouble if they see us." He warned, crossing his arm lightly. "Humans can tend to their own." Natalie glanced between her friend and her brother and started pouting. "Please? It's okay as long as they don't catch us in their nets. Even if they see us, we'll be alright." She glanced at her friend. Nathan just didn't like humans in general, but Natalie could see the good in most of them.
Natalie paused when she saw the large fishing ship, and sank under the water some so the humans wouldn't see her.There was a boy she noticed that looked familiar, she had even felt Sirene grab her arm. "I'm not leaving.. There's a boy on that ship, around our age probably- I've got a bad feeling those humans is the trouble our mystic forewarned us about. I want to make sure they'll be alright in this storm.." She said, sounding much like a responsible young lady, then a spoiled child.
Nathan rolled his eyes and shook his head."It'll be trouble if they see us." He warned, crossing his arm lightly. "Humans can tend to their own." Natalie glanced between her friend and her brother and started pouting. "Please? It's okay as long as they don't catch us in their nets. Even if they see us, we'll be alright." She glanced at her friend. Nathan just didn't like humans in general, but Natalie could see the good in most of them.

Posted in Looking?
Posted 7 years ago
link to thread
link to thread

Posted in Monk of Nightmares (1x1)
Posted 7 years ago
just setting it up
sailor moon 'next gen'
Minako and Kaeria, daughters of sailor venus and Saturn

*sailor transformation coming soon
Minako - Age 19
College student and waitress at a local Wine & Dine restaurant.
She's literally named after her mother, who often calls her "Min" or "Ako" just to be affectionate. Due to this, she prefers to be addressed by her nick-name, and people often mistake her for her mother because she looks so much a-like a younger version of her mother. Even now, she her mother almost look identical. She's best and childhood friends with two of her college classmates, and daughters of Usagi "Sailor Moon" and Michiru "Sailor Neptune." When a new threat arises, she takes the role as the new Sailor Venus- soldier of love and passion.
Kaeria - Age 19
College student and debuting singer.
Kae (Kay) is a young singer who is still debuting, so only a handful of people know who she is. She's been singing since she was a child, but only recently has she been working with a label. Her foster parents thought it would a good idea to enroll her into college, after homeschooling her from elementary through high school. Still, even at nineteen she doesn't know that her birth mother is Hotaru Tomoe, nor that she was adopted as a child, until the role of the new Sailor Saturn is given to her.
sailor moon 'next gen'
Minako and Kaeria, daughters of sailor venus and Saturn

*sailor transformation coming soon
Minako - Age 19
College student and waitress at a local Wine & Dine restaurant.
She's literally named after her mother, who often calls her "Min" or "Ako" just to be affectionate. Due to this, she prefers to be addressed by her nick-name, and people often mistake her for her mother because she looks so much a-like a younger version of her mother. Even now, she her mother almost look identical. She's best and childhood friends with two of her college classmates, and daughters of Usagi "Sailor Moon" and Michiru "Sailor Neptune." When a new threat arises, she takes the role as the new Sailor Venus- soldier of love and passion.
Kaeria - Age 19
College student and debuting singer.
Kae (Kay) is a young singer who is still debuting, so only a handful of people know who she is. She's been singing since she was a child, but only recently has she been working with a label. Her foster parents thought it would a good idea to enroll her into college, after homeschooling her from elementary through high school. Still, even at nineteen she doesn't know that her birth mother is Hotaru Tomoe, nor that she was adopted as a child, until the role of the new Sailor Saturn is given to her.

Posted in Looking?
Posted 7 years ago
Sounds good!
One last thing, we need a villain/ threat to make the sailors return xD
One last thing, we need a villain/ threat to make the sailors return xD

Posted in Looking?
Posted 7 years ago
Oh, will get it then ^^ once my kid goes to bed, kay?
The other thing is, how did you want to do this? We don't have a plot or know how the sailors will meet up x.x'
The other thing is, how did you want to do this? We don't have a plot or know how the sailors will meet up x.x'

Posted in Looking?
Posted 7 years ago
I just gotta figure out who my favorite are xD
Would you mind setting up with thread? O.o
I just gotta figure out who my favorite are xD
Would you mind setting up with thread? O.o

Posted in Looking?
Posted 7 years ago
i was thinking you could use your favorite two (their children or reincarnate) and i could my two favorite (same)? and maybe they could all go to school together? O.o
i was thinking you could use your favorite two (their children or reincarnate) and i could my two favorite (same)? and maybe they could all go to school together? O.o

Posted in Looking?
Posted 7 years ago
i liked most of the characters, but i'd probably only use four at the very most- maybe five >.<
it'd give us two a piece and an extra for whoever, doesn't even have to be a scout. could just be a love interest or something, but that's just me.^^'
it'd give us two a piece and an extra for whoever, doesn't even have to be a scout. could just be a love interest or something, but that's just me.^^'

Posted in Looking?
Posted 7 years ago
I would be okay with that ;3
Whose kid(s) would you want to be? And how many 'sailor scouts' should we use?
Whose kid(s) would you want to be? And how many 'sailor scouts' should we use?