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Posted in Looking? Posted 7 years ago
Haha, well we could always do an off-branch of the series :p
How would you want to do this?

Lol, it's quite alright :)
Posted in Looking? Posted 7 years ago
I haven't seen sailor moon in so long.. But I'd be willing to try lol
I read manga when I have the time and watch anime. I can't really get it into like before, due to having to work most days and I have a 4yr old daughter ^^

I'm actually getting ready for bed ^^'
I'll be on tomorrow though
Posted in Looking? Posted 7 years ago
I've been really wanting to do a shugo chara or a blue exorcist next gen type fandom ^^' new threats and our own plot, branching from the original

Or a full metal alchemist plot twist role play lol
Posted in Looking? Posted 7 years ago
I'm always looking for a new role play partner :3
I'm pretty open to anything

Please check out my search thread;
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
Maddie was quiet as Clint spoke, almost regretting opening her mouth, but she didnt. He was probably the first person, other than her late mother, who didn't tell her she was crazy. His input seemed to relieve the young woman and she offered him a small smirk. She had no words, nothing she could say to him about the matter. When he left and came back, she thanked him for the tea and the medicine, then took the pill only to pop in her mouth. She carefully took the offered tea and sipped from it to down the pill.

Maddie hesitated when he asked if she was hungry, then nodded some. Of course she was hungry.. "Have you any eggs? And ham? " She asked curiously, glancing at him. Maddie liked eggs, and ham when she could manage to eat it- which wasn't very often.
Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~ Posted 7 years ago
Cross lowered his spy glass and glanced at her briefly, then looked back out to sea. "Nothing in particular, the island is still a ways out there. We should get there by nightfall if sailing stays smooth." He said to her, lifting his spy glass to his eye once more. If not, they'd reach port early to mid morning. "How are you fairing, after that storm?" He asked her, lowering the spy glass and looking at her.
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!] Posted 7 years ago
Natalie watched in awe as the lightening brightened the dark clouds briefly, then struck a rock. Storms had always intrigued her, and never ceases to amaze her. She wasn't scared, not for a second. This was her favorite time to surface. Nathan instinctively held Sirene when she coward in his arms, not thinking much of it since the three of them were very close. "Natalie, it's not safe! We need to go!" He said in a very strict brotherly voice.

Natalie glanced at him, then her attention was shifted to a ship, a fishing ship, and she swam off again. Nathan slowly released Sirene and grew annoyed with his sister. "Nat!" He called as she swam off.
Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~ Posted 7 years ago
Cross smirked and helped her clean up, then headed up to the deck and leaned against the ship's railing. He took out his spy glass and looked through it, wanting to see how close to the other island they were getting.

Andrew kept his eyes focused and kept his hold on the wheel of the ship as they sailed. He didn't need to look at the compass to know he was going the right way. He just knew, like he'd been sailing his whole life.
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!] Posted 7 years ago
Natalie broke surface before either of them, her eyes widening with awe. The clouds were so dark, they were almost black and the wind was really messing with the sea water. Nathan quickly followed after Sirene, not liking how the water also began to darken. That was a sign that the clouds above were darkening. He began to worry for his sister, and his childhood friend.

Natalie blinked and glanced at Sirene. "I haven't seen a storm like this in a long time.. There's nothing unsettling about this storm, it's just big." She spoke calmly. Nathan broke surface after Sirene and wearily glanced at the sky. "It's dangerous. " He murmured.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
Allen gently held her hand as she lead him around, knowing they were headed for the bank since that was next on the list. He trusted Kaneko. While they walked, they didn't really talk much, but they both had a lot going on in their heads. When she spoke, he lifted his head some and smiled a little when she laughed. Her laugh made him feel better, but maybe he needed to remind her about keeping to shade. He brushed the thought aside and have her hand a light squeeze. "That's the first time I've heard you laugh like that." He said casually, the smile on his lips hadn't faded.
Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~ Posted 7 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: poke :p
Posted in Closed: Making New Thread Posted 7 years ago
Miroku had cleaned up and picked out a nice suit to wear. Really, it was the monk who lived with him that suggested it, but did it really matter? Now he was waiting for Santo to call him.


Inuyasha gratefully took the offered bowl of popcorn and set it down in his lap. As much as he was enjoying this, he was really nervous deep down. How many times had he actually been alone with Kagome? He wasn't sure what to do with himself.


Ginta smirked some and nodded to her. "Don't mention it, and honestly - He probably already knew we were there." He said casually, shrugging lightly. He hugged her briefly then waved and turned to walk home.
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!] Posted 7 years ago
Natalie immediately swam up and hugged her friend Sirene. "I haven't seen you all day! We have to go see the surface, our castle mystic warned us about this storm, but I just can't help it!" She chirped, lightly touching their noses like when they were merchildren, then released Sirene and Sean up towards the surface. Nathan sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. This happened every time a storm came to the surface. His sister acted like a child, but it was more-so when their was a storm. "C'mon, we can't let her go off on her own. "
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
@Boss Rimi: (oh no! It's totally fine ^^' I hope things ease up for you <3 )

Allen carefully took the bag she handed him, being able to tell from the feel of it that it was the bag he had put his remedy stuff in. He lifted his head some when she spoke, and he shook his head lightly. "I'm alright." He assured her calmly. Allen waited patiently for the other woman to come back, and he nodded his lightly when the stranger spoke to him. "I intend to, don't worry about her. " He murmured casually, offering the woman a small smile.

When it was time to leave, he followed Kaneko out of her old workplace. He kept his head lowered as thoughts swam around in his mind. Was she really okay with leaving like this? He wouldn't deny feeling a bit like an ass for asking her to leave with him.. He hadn't realized how it would affect the people she worked with or so forth. Next, they needed to go to the bank.