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Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
Maddie blinked when he spoke, but only nodded her head some. She blinked again when he put the thermometer in her mouth, and glanced at him curiously. She lifted her head slightly as he left, careful not to cause the rag on her head to fall off, and lowered her head back down when he returned. She was even more confused when he put the rubbing alcohol on her forehead, but seeing as she couldn't talk with thermometer in her mouth, she only watched him like a curious child would. Once the thermometer beeped, and was removed, she shyly pulled the blanket up over her mouth a little. Part of her issue now was, she hadn't had anyone actually care for her like he was doing now- not even as a child. So, she really didn't know what to do with herself.
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!] Posted 7 years ago
(in the process of setting up a do-over
xD )
Posted in Closed: Making New Thread Posted 7 years ago
Miroku smiled and nodded lightly at her comment. It made since. "Hey, Sango, let's go to dinner. Just the two of us." He offered, wearing a small smirk.


Inuyasha's golden eyes widen at the mention of their grade for the science project. "Really? Well.. Sure.." He looked almost as confused as he sounded, but he was also very proud. He averted his eyes some and scratched the side of his cheek sheepishly. Anything to make her happy, and help her graduate.


Koga continued to sleep. Ginta smiled and nodded lightly, turning to follow her out. He probably needed whatever rest he was getting.
Posted in Closed: Making New Thread Posted 7 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: a promise is a promise :p

Miroku chuckled lightly and gently kissed her lips after she kissed his cheek. "I love you, Sango, and I'm sorry for worry you." He said to her with a small smile. Making him worry always made him feel bad in the end.
Inuyasha murmured a quiet "don't worry about it.." and glanced at her with a small smirk. He honestly didn't mind, usually. It only bothered him if he was in a sour mood, and even then it really didn't bother him. He loosely wrapped an arm around her waist as he walked her home, since school was over.


Ginta heard himself swallow as he continued through the abandoned building, searching for hope of finding his brother. He found the slightly older male laying on a pallet off in one of the less-clustered rooms and sighed in relief. Koga shifted in his sleep from hearing them, but otherwise didn't stir. He had some bruises and srcatches, but was otherwise alright. Ginta glanced at Sayuri with a small smile, holding a finger up to his mouth.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
Allen smiled some when he heard no argument from her about covering his eyes. So, she did like them after all. The thought seemed to relieve him to an extent. He followed her to the bedroom and quickly recognized the scent, as her room. She was surrendering her bed to him, again. Even though it was just the two of them? He could've slept on the couch, or even her father's bed. Wait.. no.. That would've been a very bad idea. He carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and listened to her words before laying down. He wanted her to stay.. They shared the hospital bed, couldn't they just share her bed?

He listened to her footsteps scurry around the room, and gently grabbed her hand when he felt her fingers in his hair. "Is that really nessecary, lady Kaneko?" Allen voiced quietly, showing his innocence in the question.
Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~ Posted 7 years ago
Andrew could see it before it ever happened when he glanced at his best friend. He immediately began to panic and tried to get the older man off of him. "Damn it, get off me!. Drop anchor, now!" He demanded of the crew mate.with a bitter serious tone lingering. Cross worried for both of the other two, but did as told and let go of the wheel to drop the heavy anchor. He planned on going after the first mate, but the captain had beat him to it. Andrew took off his hat and practically shoved it into Cross's arms before running and diving over the railing, and into the ocean. "Captain!" Cross called in vein, hurrying to the railing to watch the surface. He'd probably need a lifeboat just to bring them back. The idiot!

With the ship in park, at least he didn't have to worry about leaving the two stranded, not that he didn't know how to turn the ship around otherwise. He had his own sailing skills. Andrew swam under the water until he managed to get to Cordelia, seeing how he was a fast swimmer. Even in rough waves, it didn't take much to get to her.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago

Allen offered her a small smile when she reassured him by saying that she believed him. He nodded lightly to the next set of words she spoke. He didn't feel like saying anymore, but he shook his head when she asked about bandaging his eyes. "Don't worry about it." He spoke calmly, giving her a light and playful smirk. He didn't want to cover them up again, not yet. She liked his eyes.. He didn't meet someone who actually liked his eyes everyday, after all. They were unnatural, just like him. He would start conquering his fear of the unknown by first learning to live with himself, and stop worrying about what others thought of him. Kaneko made it easier just by being with him, and not seeming to mind how different he was.

He easily followed her wherever she was leading him, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Allen was sure he was still here for this girl right here. Like destiny had pulled them together and tangled them in the threads of fate. Not that he really believed in that sort of stuff..
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
Maddie lowered her gaze when the male spoke. "Something you said made me remember.." She murmured quietly. Maybe she should just leave.. He was right. What right did she have in asking him for help, now? How could she even explain what was going on in the first place? He might end up shunning her like the rest of them! Trying to push passed the thought, she raised her eyes when he spoke. Rest? Didn't she just wake up from falling out? She lied down anyway, curling up on the couch and snuggling closer to the blanket he had covered her with. "I know what I said.. I thought.. I didn't want y-you to get hurt.. You- you don't even know me.. M-maybe I should just tell you, who I am.. T-then you can d-decide if you want to..or not..?" She tried talking without the stuttering, but the shivering made it rather difficult, and she was asking him really- if that was fair.
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!] Posted 7 years ago

Natalie easily returned her hug, blinking when she held the hug and glanced at her. "You okay?" She asked, a bit concerned for her friend. Nathan covered his mouth to yawn and rubbed the back of his head. "Nightmare Nat." He said, maybe so Sirene wouldn't have to if she didn't need to. Natalie frowned and gave her friend a gentle squeeze in hopes of making her feel better.
Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~ Posted 7 years ago
Cross didn't like how this was going, he could see Andrew struggling with the wheel and glanced at his first mate. "Hey, get below deck and find a bucket to get any water out!" He called to Cordelia, noticing how she clung to the railing. At below deck, most of what she had to worry about was rising water and keeping her balance. Keeping in mind how the sail seemed to stay at full, he tied it to keep it's position and got behind Andrew, and grabbed onto the wheel to help him keep the wheel steady. That and his body sort of kept his own in place. Granted, the younger male was a tad surprised, but he was more than grateful for the extra weight.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
"Let me stay like this..for a bit.." He quietly voiced , still holding her loosely. If she wanted to slip away, she could.

Allen managed to calm down after a bit, after nearly hyperventilating and forcing himself to calm down. Feeling Kaneko's finger run through his hair really seemed to help as well. He called down faster because of it. Still though.. If he had just left her alone like most of the humans, she wouldn't have had to even think about leaving.. Maybe it was for the best. Her father certainly wasn't going to change. Slowly, he raised his head and rested his forehead against hers, his milky eyes seemingly staring into her brown ones.

"I promise you, we will go someplace not even my master would look for me." Allen voiced calmly with a hint of seriousness in his voice. He would keep her safe and hidden away from others like him, and others hunting him. Right now though, he just needed her presence . Soon, he lowered his arms from around her and straighten out some.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago

Maddie sat up when she heard a response, and blinked again. The familiar voice reached her ears once more. Clint. Clint had found her, and brought her to his home? She wasn't mad.. She was surprised to say the least. Maddie held her head as if it would stop the spinning. "I remember you.. I used to watch the elementary kids play outside, some years ago.. You used to talk with me every time you saw me. I know it was you.." Maddie began speaking without really knowing why. She was shaking slightly, but not from being cold, maybe she was starting to run a fever?

"Please help me.." She murmured just loud enough for him to hear. "I'm so tired of running.." Maddie still didn't know why she was even talking. Why would he help her now, after she blatantly turned him down before? Either way, whatever she drank was definitely messing with her.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago

Crying helped someone feel better? That didn't make since.. Not to him anyway. He couldn't stop them though. Allen slowly wrapped his arms around her in a hug and allowed his tears to flow as they apparently needed. He allowed his head to rest against her shoulder and held her. The pain he was feeling now was nothing compared to what he felt when he forgot to take his remedy. Not even close.

Him and her, on the run together. The thought didn't really make him feel any better.. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess.. None of this would even be happening if not for me.." He murmured quietly. He was happy they could be together.. Allen was really just a mess right now. A big soft jumbled mess.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago

Maddie was out like a light by the time Clint found her, and she didn't show any signs of waking up as the male picked her up. It took a bit before she actually began to wake, she was mostly still and very quiet while she 'slept'. When she did start coming to, she noticed the warmth of the blanket first and snuggled closer to it, before slowly opening her eyes and blinking. She felt like crud, and her head was pounding. Where was she..?

She vaguely remembered running blindly, once again, and now she was here.. She instinctively curled up under the blanket and glanced around with her eyes. "Hello..?" Maddie voiced curiously .