Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie stuck.to her agreement and casually followed him to the kitchen. It was a rather cozy kitchen, to her, most of his house was like that. She sat at the table and stared off in thought. There was nothing she hated more than wasting food.. But it couldn't be helped. Maybe it was time she explained who those people were, that kept chasing her. Most of them belonged to a cultist church, a group of people following the old ways back from when witch hunts were a thing, led by a woman who managed to brainwash her followers into believing in witches and demons, and had Maddie labeled as such due to her rumored 'palm readings' and records of nightmares. Maddie wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know who was constantly running from, but she already scared him. What if telling him pushed him away?
She also wanted to tell him she couldn't stay here, but she couldn't find it in herself to say it. Maddie didn't want to put him anymore at risk than she already had, but she was trying to hold onto the words he had said to her. Damn it.. What was she supposed to do? She had never felt like this before, never had someone to look after her like Clint was doing so, or someone to straightforwardly tell her to trust them like he had.. She never had any of that.
She also wanted to tell him she couldn't stay here, but she couldn't find it in herself to say it. Maddie didn't want to put him anymore at risk than she already had, but she was trying to hold onto the words he had said to her. Damn it.. What was she supposed to do? She had never felt like this before, never had someone to look after her like Clint was doing so, or someone to straightforwardly tell her to trust them like he had.. She never had any of that.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The other man watched her continue to put on a brave front, wasn't she afraid of what he could do to her? Did she even know what could happen? He had a feeling this woman knew absolutely nothing about vampires, yet she was attempting to stand up to one. How amusing. The man smirked when he saw her reach into her purse and pulled out a can of pepper spray. Really? "Foolish woman, let me teach you a lesson in vampires. " He said as he continued to approach them, only stopping at an arms reach from her. "I left him in hopes he could come to his senses and feed properly. If he had done that, he wouldn't be blind! Giving into the instincts of your blood should have been an easy thing for him, but he continued to suffer. I am here to see him finally give into that instinct. If you want to go with him, it'll be in pieces." He said casually, curious to how far she was willing to go. He raised an eyebrow at noticing the hatred burning in her eyes and his face formed into something menacing. A human who.could look at him like that, really riled him up. He swiftly reached out and grabbed her by her neck, then slowly lifted her up like she was a feather.
Allen was still, and very.much not home, but he could faintly hear Kaneko's voice. Then he felt the menacing aura his master was putting off and somewhat snapped. She was in danger.. He wanted nothing more than to protect her.. His blonde hair continued to cover his eyes as he slowly rose to his feet. Most of his mind was clouded, but his instinct told him he needed to kill him. To kill his master to protect her.. So, without any kind of warning, he grabbed the man's arm and pried his hand off of her until he released her, then looked at him through strewn hair with the intent to kill him.
Allen was still, and very.much not home, but he could faintly hear Kaneko's voice. Then he felt the menacing aura his master was putting off and somewhat snapped. She was in danger.. He wanted nothing more than to protect her.. His blonde hair continued to cover his eyes as he slowly rose to his feet. Most of his mind was clouded, but his instinct told him he needed to kill him. To kill his master to protect her.. So, without any kind of warning, he grabbed the man's arm and pried his hand off of her until he released her, then looked at him through strewn hair with the intent to kill him.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
((g'awww he's acting so adorable! >3<))
Maddie listened without really saying much. Did he actually remember, or was he going off of what she told him earlier that morning? She wasn't totally sure of that. Not that it mattered really. It happened a really long time ago.. She managed a small nod when he started acting nervous and asked her if she could eat in the kitchen, lowering her gaze as well. She felt curious, and confused, and something else she wasn't used to feeling. "Yeah, okay." She said after a moment and slowly slid off the bed and stood. The medicine he gave her really helped with her headache. "I'll follow you." Maddie added, offering him a small smirk.
Maddie listened without really saying much. Did he actually remember, or was he going off of what she told him earlier that morning? She wasn't totally sure of that. Not that it mattered really. It happened a really long time ago.. She managed a small nod when he started acting nervous and asked her if she could eat in the kitchen, lowering her gaze as well. She felt curious, and confused, and something else she wasn't used to feeling. "Yeah, okay." She said after a moment and slowly slid off the bed and stood. The medicine he gave her really helped with her headache. "I'll follow you." Maddie added, offering him a small smirk.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The man who was amused by the woman's act of bravery, even going so far as to try and push him away from the younger vampire. He acted on her attempt, and moved back away from them. It wasn't like it mattered anyway. He was sure of himself that he had Allen in the palm of his hand. "It's only a matter of time now, and there's nothing a human girl can do about it." He mused. Allen grit his teeth and bared his fangs once more, only now it was due to pain. "Bastard.." He murmured quietly, slowly leaning against Kaneko as his body slowly became numb. He felt like he was dropped into a frozen lake, the only warmth emitting from Kaneko's hand over his own. It kept him grounded. This was worse than any pain he had ever felt from going without his remedy! What he done to him? Why did he bite him? "What'd you do.. to me..?" Allen voiced wearily. His master chuckled. "I gave you a bit of incentive, dear boy."
His milky eyes widen some and he soon knew exactly what the man, his master, was talking about. His grip on the bite wound tightened. He could feel his mind going blank and his eyes began to turn red. Allen cried out as he struggled to stay 'sane' and not some mindless slave. "No! I'll kill you.." Despite how hard he tried to resist, his mind was all clouded and he grew quiet, his hair covering his eyes. He wasn't strong enough.. His master noticed and smirked. "That's more like it. Foolish girl, nothing you say will matter now- no one is strong enough to fight off their master." He said, starting to walk towards them once more. "As soon as I get rid of you, I will take Allen far away from here."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie lowered her gaze from him when his face changed into something more. Of course he'd be afraid of hearing that.. Guess he didn't completely believe her after all, as to be expected. She shook her head when he spoke again and brought her knees into her chest tightly, retreating. "I ran.. After I got away from him.. I guess my feet carried me to you.." She murmured quietly. "But.. I don't remember much other than running.." She murmured quietly. "I'm always running.. I don't wanna run anymore.." She murmured quietly, blinking when he asked how she was feeling. Why did being asked that feel like a knife? Maddie slowly raised her head and offered him a small smirk. "I think I'm alright..for now.." She answered honestly, then glanced at the plate of food he had brought her. "Foods probably cold.. Sorry.." She said as she slowly relaxed her legs and draped them over the side of the bed.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The man could only laugh at their act of bravery, especially the girl's front. Who was she trying to fool? He could smell her fear, it was quite tempting really. He took a step forward and Allen bared his fangs. "Don't come any closer!" He stated, causing the man to stop. He would keep Kaneko safe.. The man smirked, allowing his own fangs to show slightly. "Very well. I'll leave the girl alone, but only if you agree to something first." He spoke. Allen shook his head. "I won't agree to anything without hearing it." He said rather seriously. His master chuckled and his eyes began to glow like crimson fire. "Come here and let me look at your injury." He spoke, his words laced with a subtle venom. Allen tensed once more, feeling his mind starting to shift, wanting to obey his mater's command. He resisted strongly, despite how much effort it took. The man rose an amused eyebrow. Was he strong enough to resist him, how? Ah, the girl gave him ground to stand on it seemed.
"Allen, come here." The man said again in the same venom-laced tone he used before, only with more of a sickening bite. Allen was definitely struggling. "Get.. out of my head.." He murmured forcefully. "I don't.. have to listen to you.." He managed to get out before dropping to his knees, Kaneko being there gave him a reason to resist his master, and strength to act on it, but even he could tell it wasn't enough to fight off his mater. "Foolish boy, if only you would listen." In a blurred motion, the man was kneeling before the younger and sinking his fangs into his neck, earning him a shout of pain. He pulled back and watched the younger grip the bite wound as attempt to stop the burning he was feeling.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie honestly tried to absorb his words, but it was difficult in her current mindset. Sure, he was alive for now but.. Maddie forced herself to slowly open her multi-colored eyes to look at him, and the inhaler he had set carefully in one of her hands. Nodding lightly she did as he asked and pressed the top of it to release the medicine inside, then slowly inhaled deeply and breathed out through her nose. Afterwards, she used her elbow to cover a cough before finally beginning to regulate her breathing. Slow breaths, in and out just like he instructed earlier all while listening to his words that attempted to comfort her.
Her mind was very much still going in many directions, but at least she was starting to calm down. "I've lived with nightmares most of my life.. They always come true.." She spoke in less of a panic, reminding him of what she had told him earlier that morning. As much as she wanted to believe him, she had yet to meet someone who could change the outcome of her visions or nightmares- that was why the dream had effected her so negatively. "The other day.. One of my stalkers found me, probably the one who shot at you, but I couldn't see his face.. He pinned me and made me drink some kind of drug.. Then I woke up on your couch.." She explained as best as she could. If not that bastard, she wouldn't be having so much difficulty in controlling her anxieties.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie grit her teeth when he spoke. What hurt? Currently, her chest hurt the most and her head. Her body felt like she had sprung another fever. She was having a major panic attack though, and if she didn't calm down she'd go into an acute heart attack, or a seizure, which ever came first. There was also the chance of her personality shifting, which was what she was afraid of the most. Of course, thinking like that didn't ever help when one had a panic attack. She
She kept trying though, to take slower breaths in order to even her breathing, despite how much it hurt. Maddie slowly managed to open her eyes and forced herself to look at Clint, of course what she was a bloody and mangled version of him, so she closed her eyes again. "It's not.. I'm not.. I killed you.. Those people, they found you a-and I couldn't do anything." She spoke quietly, shaking her head. Hopefully he'd figure out that she had a nightmare, and that was the cause of this.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen could only imagine what must've been going through her head as they walked. They needed a place to rest while they traveled, and food. They both needed to eat, though Allen could go a day or two without eating, or drinking, but Kaneko needed to eat, and if he went too long before eating, it could make him sick. Hearing her okay his plan in going to the manor first, he easily followed. His hand tightened a little around her hand, but not enough to hurt her. "I'm sorry.. I know I'm changing our plan, I just want to get this out of the way.. The more I put it off, the more difficult it will be to face my master.." He spoke quietly. Allen already didn't think he could do it, and that was bad enough. If he didn't do this though, there was no telling how far that.man would go.
Upon hearing the leaves crunching under their feet, he assumed they were in the woods, and he could smell the greenery around them. It helped him relax some, as did being with Kaneko, but he was still very weary. Once they were close enough to the manor, a tall burly man with black hair and crimson red eyes, wearing a pretty casual everyday clothes stood outside the steps to greeted the pair. "Allen! Welcome home, I've been waiting for you." He spoke in a friendly voice. Allen tensed, and pulled Kaneko behind him in a very protective manner. The man acted hurt, although Allen couldn't see it. "Ah, what's the matter my pet? I didn't come here to hurt anyone. I just wanted to talk." He spoke. Allen didn't care what he said, he didn't trust him.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago
Natalie nodded lightly to the terms of her friend's deal. "Okay, fair enough." She agreed, locking her pinky with Sirene's just so she knew that this princess would keep her word. Nathan sighed quietly as he watched the girls make a deal, also going along with it. It sounded like a pretty good plan to keep themselves safe. Natalie hugged her best friend, and then swam closer to the large fishing ship, while making sure to stay hidden.
Nathan shook his head and ran a hand through his messy hair. "How can she be so childish?" He murmured quietly, glancing at Sirene. He wasn't going anywhere until she moved. His sister could more or less look after herself, he was more concerned about their friend.
When a lighting bolt crashed into the large sail on the ship, a fire broke out immediately and the humans began to panic. Natalie had managed to climb up part way of the ship, just enough to watch the humans, but she jumped off when the fire started and landed in the water hard. The crackle made Nathan jump and turn his attention to the now burning ship.
Natalie nodded lightly to the terms of her friend's deal. "Okay, fair enough." She agreed, locking her pinky with Sirene's just so she knew that this princess would keep her word. Nathan sighed quietly as he watched the girls make a deal, also going along with it. It sounded like a pretty good plan to keep themselves safe. Natalie hugged her best friend, and then swam closer to the large fishing ship, while making sure to stay hidden.
Nathan shook his head and ran a hand through his messy hair. "How can she be so childish?" He murmured quietly, glancing at Sirene. He wasn't going anywhere until she moved. His sister could more or less look after herself, he was more concerned about their friend.
When a lighting bolt crashed into the large sail on the ship, a fire broke out immediately and the humans began to panic. Natalie had managed to climb up part way of the ship, just enough to watch the humans, but she jumped off when the fire started and landed in the water hard. The crackle made Nathan jump and turn his attention to the now burning ship.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen was quiet the whole time they waited. When it was time for Kaneko to step forward, he easily followed her, listening to the two take care of business. She was allowed to withdraw five-hundred, that was good. Granted, they'd have to watch how they spend it..but he wasn't too concerned about it. He raised his head some once they were outside again, unable to recall moving his feet. He must've followed her without thinking about it.
"Hey Kaneko, let's skip the clothing store for now.. I can get some clothes from my manor." He spoke, remembering that she wanted to get him some clothes for the trip. He really wanted to get visiting his manor over with, so he could confront his master and be done with it.
"Hey Kaneko, let's skip the clothing store for now.. I can get some clothes from my manor." He spoke, remembering that she wanted to get him some clothes for the trip. He really wanted to get visiting his manor over with, so he could confront his master and be done with it.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie wasn't any better when Clint came to the room. She was still holding her hands over her ears, with her eyes tightly sealed closed, and her breathing had hardened. Her eyes tried to squeeze more closed when she heard her name. Then she realized another body was on the bed and it wasn't just her paranoia messing with her. Maddie brought her hands up from her ears and held her head, keeping her eyes closed, being afraid of what she might see.
She tried to as Clint had instructed, and at least steady her breathing, but it felt like her heart was trying to break her lung. "It hurts.." She murmured in a soft and weary voice. " I can't breathe.. " She murmured quietly.
She tried to as Clint had instructed, and at least steady her breathing, but it felt like her heart was trying to break her lung. "It hurts.." She murmured in a soft and weary voice. " I can't breathe.. " She murmured quietly.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
(hey, what would you say to Kaneko being put in a position where she had to do something to snap Allen back into himself, as if being manipulated by someone? O.o')
Allen continued to smile as the two walked in the warm sunlight. His milky eyes glanced over in her direction wihen she spoke. "Well, I'm glad you have a reason to laugh now, Kaneko." He said gingerly, his smile forming into more of a genuine smile, showing her that he really did treasure her, even if he couldn't 'see' her. Allen had his own way of seeing her. He paused briefly once the cool air from inside the building hit him, and it took a moment for his nose to adjust to the scents within the building, then he casually followed Kaneko inside.
When she stopped, but kept a hold of his hand, he moved his milky eyes to the floor and concentrated on the sounds he could hear. Allowing him to pick up on the fact that they were waiting for the tellers, or whoever, to finish with their current business and call them. After this, it would be time to head to his manor, which he silently dreaded. What if his master was still there? He hadn't seen the man since before he went blind!
Allen continued to smile as the two walked in the warm sunlight. His milky eyes glanced over in her direction wihen she spoke. "Well, I'm glad you have a reason to laugh now, Kaneko." He said gingerly, his smile forming into more of a genuine smile, showing her that he really did treasure her, even if he couldn't 'see' her. Allen had his own way of seeing her. He paused briefly once the cool air from inside the building hit him, and it took a moment for his nose to adjust to the scents within the building, then he casually followed Kaneko inside.
When she stopped, but kept a hold of his hand, he moved his milky eyes to the floor and concentrated on the sounds he could hear. Allowing him to pick up on the fact that they were waiting for the tellers, or whoever, to finish with their current business and call them. After this, it would be time to head to his manor, which he silently dreaded. What if his master was still there? He hadn't seen the man since before he went blind!

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
(i get it, no sweat ^-^ i don't mind waiting)
Maddie blinked a couple of times and glanced at the young man when he spoke. Mads? Was she hearing things? Did he just.. Her mind was practically fumbling over itself, and she just kind of plopped over on the bed. Mads.. It actually kind of made her smile some. She rolled over on her side and snuggled to the fluffy pillow under her head. With the feeling of safety and comfort, she soon drifted off into a light sleep, or nap for while she waited for Clint to return with promised food.
Of course, with her usual nightmares, she woke with a start and quickly sat up. She was tightly holding the bed sheet in a ball under her hand. Those 'church' people again.. Why couldn't they just leave her alone?! What had she done, that she couldn't remember? But her dream was filled with the terror of her hunters getting their hands on Clint and trying to use him, to get to her. She couldn't let that happen! Maddie brought her hands up over her ears and tightly closed her eyes as her paranoia started acting up. Now she knew what that guy had made her drink- it wasn't exactly poison, but it heightened her paranoia, making her anxiety harder to cope with.
(tell me what you think about her dream/ vision :p -- and to explain better/ simpler, she's pretty much having a mental break down which is being fueled by the drink she was given before Clint found her xD)
Maddie blinked a couple of times and glanced at the young man when he spoke. Mads? Was she hearing things? Did he just.. Her mind was practically fumbling over itself, and she just kind of plopped over on the bed. Mads.. It actually kind of made her smile some. She rolled over on her side and snuggled to the fluffy pillow under her head. With the feeling of safety and comfort, she soon drifted off into a light sleep, or nap for while she waited for Clint to return with promised food.
Of course, with her usual nightmares, she woke with a start and quickly sat up. She was tightly holding the bed sheet in a ball under her hand. Those 'church' people again.. Why couldn't they just leave her alone?! What had she done, that she couldn't remember? But her dream was filled with the terror of her hunters getting their hands on Clint and trying to use him, to get to her. She couldn't let that happen! Maddie brought her hands up over her ears and tightly closed her eyes as her paranoia started acting up. Now she knew what that guy had made her drink- it wasn't exactly poison, but it heightened her paranoia, making her anxiety harder to cope with.
(tell me what you think about her dream/ vision :p -- and to explain better/ simpler, she's pretty much having a mental break down which is being fueled by the drink she was given before Clint found her xD)