Xnovax's posts
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 7 years ago
We decided to change the plot a bit, so here we are!
This is between KimmiChan1989 and myself, no one else post please
Natalie and Nathan
In this world, being a mermaid/ merman and gowning the surface once in awhile was alright, as long as you didn't get found out for being merfolk. Natalie and Nathan are royal twins of one of the seven seas, the Atlantic Ocean. Nathan preferred life under the ocean, while his twin sister often found herself watching the humans on the surface, and neglecting her duties as princess. So, being good brother he was, usually covered for her whenever she ventured off, if he didn't go with her of course.
Like today for instance. Natalie had noticed the ocean floor darken as a storm on the surface, and Nathan immediately found himself swimming after her, as she swam out of the castle to search for their best friend. Natalie loved to watch the storms from the surface. There was just something about how the water acted, that brought out a more playful side of the mermaid, which made her all the more fun to hang around, in Nahan's opinion. She seemed to love the surface all together.
This is between KimmiChan1989 and myself, no one else post please
Natalie and Nathan


In this world, being a mermaid/ merman and gowning the surface once in awhile was alright, as long as you didn't get found out for being merfolk. Natalie and Nathan are royal twins of one of the seven seas, the Atlantic Ocean. Nathan preferred life under the ocean, while his twin sister often found herself watching the humans on the surface, and neglecting her duties as princess. So, being good brother he was, usually covered for her whenever she ventured off, if he didn't go with her of course.
Like today for instance. Natalie had noticed the ocean floor darken as a storm on the surface, and Nathan immediately found himself swimming after her, as she swam out of the castle to search for their best friend. Natalie loved to watch the storms from the surface. There was just something about how the water acted, that brought out a more playful side of the mermaid, which made her all the more fun to hang around, in Nahan's opinion. She seemed to love the surface all together.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
Maddie could pretty see it on his face which or he ate, that he was deep and n thought, but she didn't ask. She thought he was thinking about how she showed up so close to his house. Nodding lightly, she smirked some and averted her eyes briefly when he asked if she was feeling any better. She felt better since eating a proper meal, but her head was still scrambled, and she was still running a fever. "Still about the same.. But the shivering stopped, at least. I think your cooking did that though." She murmured quietly. It wouldn't do her any good to lie to him.
Her mind wandered and tried to think back on what happened.. She wouldn't know if she had been poisoned until morning, if that was even the case. Maddie sat up and took a drink from her water, then curled up under the blanket.
Her mind wandered and tried to think back on what happened.. She wouldn't know if she had been poisoned until morning, if that was even the case. Maddie sat up and took a drink from her water, then curled up under the blanket.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen slowly lowered his hand when he noticed Kaneko had shifted, and soon felt one of her hands over his own. She mentioned his remedy and was just about to comment, before she removed her hand and scurry across the floor to fetch his bag. He listened to her bare footsteps and raised his hand back up to his head , and by the time he felt her weight back on the bed, his milky eyes were squeezed shut as tight as he could possibly manage. This wasn't his eyes.. t felt more like someone was trying to probe his mind, and use his eyes as a distraction. He only knew one person who could do that.
"No.. It's not my eyes.. My head.." He said to her in an unusual manor, not really sounding like himself. He sounded like he was straining himself. Since he knew what was going on, now he was just trying to block him out. He couldn't allow his master to know where he was, or Kaneko would be in danger. Possibly. But he didn't want to risk it.
"No.. It's not my eyes.. My head.." He said to her in an unusual manor, not really sounding like himself. He sounded like he was straining himself. Since he knew what was going on, now he was just trying to block him out. He couldn't allow his master to know where he was, or Kaneko would be in danger. Possibly. But he didn't want to risk it.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
Maddie nodded some as he spoke, and mentioned giving her water for now. That was fine, she didn't really drink soda or anything, since she couldn't afford anything but free water most days. Unless she was lucky enough to get some customers for her 'fortune readings' . After all, she only charged a single dollar. She straightened up once he set the tray of food down and thanked him for the meal (again) before taking a bite and trying some. Her multi-colored blue eyes stared at the food on the tray in amazement, and after that, it didn't take her too long to eat most of the meal. Even with her taking her time eating, she finished well before Clint, and drank some of her water. When was the last time she had a meal so fresh?
The sat for a moment, to allow her stomach a break and leaned back against the the couch some. She fully intended on finishing her meal completely, but maybe she should wait to eat the rest.. Since she wasn't feeling well? Debating the choices was perfectly shown on her face for a moment, before she sighed quietly and covered back up with the blanket, and leaned back so she wasn't laying down. She just ate! "It was very good, but I don't think I can eat anymore right now.." She murmured quietly, glancing at him curiously.
The sat for a moment, to allow her stomach a break and leaned back against the the couch some. She fully intended on finishing her meal completely, but maybe she should wait to eat the rest.. Since she wasn't feeling well? Debating the choices was perfectly shown on her face for a moment, before she sighed quietly and covered back up with the blanket, and leaned back so she wasn't laying down. She just ate! "It was very good, but I don't think I can eat anymore right now.." She murmured quietly, glancing at him curiously.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
She smirked lightly when he told she was right about the alcohol on the forehead thing. Maddie actually smiled a little at his next set of words. "Thank you, Clint." She said quietly . She watched him curiously as he went off to finish the supper he had abandoned to care for her, the aroma mentally making her mouth water, before the food was even finished. To have a home cooked meal like this.. Surely, she'd enjoy every bit of it.
She took the rag off her forehead and set it inside the bowl of water, like he had said, and slowly sat up some more, so she could actually eat. Maddie shook her head when he mentioned eating at the table would be fine, as well as sitting in the couch. "I think I'll stay right here." She mused quietly, not feeling strong enough to get up from the couch. Plus, she was comfy.
She took the rag off her forehead and set it inside the bowl of water, like he had said, and slowly sat up some more, so she could actually eat. Maddie shook her head when he mentioned eating at the table would be fine, as well as sitting in the couch. "I think I'll stay right here." She mused quietly, not feeling strong enough to get up from the couch. Plus, she was comfy.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen slept through the night with only one nightmare, of being hot twice by the same man who took his eye sight, but it hasn't troubled him enough to wake him up. He didn't wake 'til morning, after a brief 'vision' of his master getting to him and turning him against Kaneko. That woke him, and he jolted upright, quickly placing a hand over his burning eyes. His master wouldn't do that..would he? Sure, he abandoned Allen, by he wasn't a malicious vampire.
If he did though.. Fighting your master, the one who turned you, wasn't an easy thing to do. Not for any vampire, unless you were stronger than your master, and Allen doubted he was anywhere near as strong as his master.
If he did though.. Fighting your master, the one who turned you, wasn't an easy thing to do. Not for any vampire, unless you were stronger than your master, and Allen doubted he was anywhere near as strong as his master.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Cross out the bucket aside once the water was dealt with, and he shook his head. "Being on a ship out at sea isn't about being careful, it's about thinking on your feet and expecting things to go wrong. That way you'll be more prepared if something like that does happen. " He explained, lightly placing a hand on her head and ruffling her hair some.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Andrew had Cross climb up next, then securely tied a rope between the lifeboat, and the ship's ladder before climbing up as well. It was the only boat they had, and they couldn't reset it until they docked or went to shore. Cross went and grabbed a bucket as well, assisting the first mate with scooping water and dumping it out of porthole.
The storm has lightened some, and Andrew raised the anchored, then adjusted the sail to the wind, and took his place behind the wheel. Lucky the storm hadn't taken them too far off course.
The storm has lightened some, and Andrew raised the anchored, then adjusted the sail to the wind, and took his place behind the wheel. Lucky the storm hadn't taken them too far off course.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen felt a smile form on his lips when she somewhat agreed to share the bed. It wasn't like he was going to do anything to her in her sleep or something. No, she was far too precious to him. He allowed her to tuck him under the covers, and slowly closed his eyes as he felt her laying next to him. When she kissed his forehead, he smiled again and pretty soon he fell right asleep. Feeling much better with her at his side. Her s scent, her pressence, were both comforting.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
Maddie shook her head lightly after he spoke, and slowly lowered the blanket so she could speak. "The alcohol didn't bother me.. It's to help bring down the fever, right?" She asked curiously in a quiet voice. At the mention of food, and just as she was going to decline the offer, her stomach growled, which caused her to avert her eyes as a dark blush colored her cheeks. When the last time she actually had a decent meal? "I've never had anyone treat me like this.. Everyone's always treated me like an outcast, even my parents.." She voiced quietly, pressing her lips together. Maddie glanced at him again and slowly sat up some, not much though, since she didn't want the rag to fall off.
"Do you.." She started to ask before stopping herself and averting her eyes once more. "I'm not sure how to ask this.. So, I just tell you I'm not a picky eater." She murmured, a bit embarrassed by not knowing how to talk to someone asking if she was hungry.
"Do you.." She started to ask before stopping herself and averting her eyes once more. "I'm not sure how to ask this.. So, I just tell you I'm not a picky eater." She murmured, a bit embarrassed by not knowing how to talk to someone asking if she was hungry.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Cross glanced at her and shook his head. "Listen, even if you had this storm caught up to us faster than most storms. If we would've had more time, we could've gotten a head of it. You didn't do anything wrong, got that?" He said to her, sounding like an older brother or something. Andrew was the only one who had any ryme or reason to be sorry, jumping overboard like he did. Once they reached the ship, Cross pulled up by the ladder and set the paddles aside to hold the ladder. "Everyone up. We'll need to scoop out any water below deck." He said. Andrew nodded, and helped Cordelia up the ladder first.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Miroku nodded and held up his phone. "Just call me when you're ready, and I'll come pick you up." He said with a smirk.
Inuyasha thought for a moment before nodding some. "Sure, if your mom wouldn't mind." He said casually.
Ginta chuckled once they were outside and pat her head gently. "So I guess he should see him at school tomorrow."
Inuyasha thought for a moment before nodding some. "Sure, if your mom wouldn't mind." He said casually.
Ginta chuckled once they were outside and pat her head gently. "So I guess he should see him at school tomorrow."

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Cross smirked at the two of them and got Cordelia into the boat with Andrew's help, before pulling him into the boat as well. "Don't you go pulling' a stunt like that again, you're the captain! Remember that." He scolded lightly as he began to row back to the ship. Andrew chuckled and glanced at Cordelia briefly. "You okay?" He asked her.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Andrew kept swimming, breaking surface when he reached his childhood friend, and wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her above water. "Now, before you go worrying about getting back to the ship, just leave it to Cross." He said to her in between having a wave hit him in the face. For the time being, they'd need to keep from drifting in the tide. So, while having an arm wrapped around Cordelia, he began to slowly paddle back towards the ship, with his free arm pulling her with him. And to thing, taking swimming classes actually did some good back in high school!
Cross went about the ship readying the life boat, and climbing inside to lower it down into the ocean. He took the two paddles and out to sea after the captain and first mate.
Cross went about the ship readying the life boat, and climbing inside to lower it down into the ocean. He took the two paddles and out to sea after the captain and first mate.