Xnovax's posts
Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Miroku loosely intertwined his fingers with hers, and sighed quietly. "I hope for the best, but expect the worst.. Either way, I guess it gives Inuyasha less to worry about." He spoke, trying to lighten the mood a little. He kissed her cheek and offered her a small smile, showing that he felt slightly better after voicing his concerns. "Thank you for worrying about me, Sango." He said casually.
Inuyasha smirked and scratched his cheek sheepishly, where she had kissed him. "I can't wait to see you in it." He admitted shyly, averting his gaze to hide his darkened cheeks.
Ginta continued to lead her, until he spotted a small building that appeared to be abandoned. He lowered down some as he cautiously approached the building, opening the door as quietly as he could manage. He glanced at Sayuri and gestured to her with his free hand, to go on inside.
Inuyasha smirked and scratched his cheek sheepishly, where she had kissed him. "I can't wait to see you in it." He admitted shyly, averting his gaze to hide his darkened cheeks.
Ginta continued to lead her, until he spotted a small building that appeared to be abandoned. He lowered down some as he cautiously approached the building, opening the door as quietly as he could manage. He glanced at Sayuri and gestured to her with his free hand, to go on inside.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan smiled, and kissed her forehead lightly. "We shall, otherwise she'll come drag us out of bed." He joked with her as he stretched some.
Natalie had just finished cooking, and set the table for all of them to sit together. She swam back into the bedroom and smiled at them. "Breakfast is ready."
Natalie had just finished cooking, and set the table for all of them to sit together. She swam back into the bedroom and smiled at them. "Breakfast is ready."

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Cross mainly stood by the sail to adjust the position if the wind shifted, he glanced over when he heard the voice of the first mate, then glanced at Andrew who seemed to have his hands full. Lucky for them, this ship only had one sail to worry about. He glanced back at the woman and shook his head. "Not unless you help me keep the sail full, keep an eye on the wind." Cross called to her.
Andrew didn't have any objections, agreeing with Cross. He mainly kept his focus set on keeping a hold on the wheel, and watching his compass as they sailed. The waters roughened, and the sky darkened, meaning the storm was catching up with them.
Andrew didn't have any objections, agreeing with Cross. He mainly kept his focus set on keeping a hold on the wheel, and watching his compass as they sailed. The waters roughened, and the sky darkened, meaning the storm was catching up with them.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen patiently waited for the door to open, and he offered her a kind smile. He entered the apartment when she invited him back in, and easily slipped by her. He set his bag of stuff on the chair, once he found his way back to the kitchen and shook his head. "No trouble, just a bit of inconvenient visitor." He spoke quietly, reminded of the anger he had been feeling when he realized who was at his manor. "I grabbed all of my herbs, and my remedy. I didn't stay long enough to grab any clothes.." He explained calmly, rubbing the top of his head sheepishly. He just wanted to get away from the man who abandoned him. Honestly.. Nothing else seemed to be on his mind other than his herbs. He didn't even remember if he wrapped his eyes up since leaving the hospital.
He grit his teeth, allowing his fangs to poke out some. "My master, the one who turned me and then left me, had the nerve to ask me to go back with him.." Allen spoke in a lowered voice, not even realizing that he had said it. He was hurting..deep inside.. "After all this time.. Suddenly showing up on my doorstep.." He voiced quietly, raising a hand to cover the tears he could feel pricking his blind eyes. "I apologize Miss Kaneko.. It doesn't seem I can keep my composure after meeting with him.." Allen spoke quietly, lowering his head a bit. He didn't want her seeing him like this.. .

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
Maddie hadn't had much time to wake up before getting grabbed from behind and forced to drink something from a clear bottle, despite the fight she put up. She manged to elbow the guy hard enough in the gut, to make him release her and immediately tried to run, Why was she always running? She knew how to fight, and she knew she could take whoever it was that tried to mess with her. So why was she already running?! She didn't even know where she was running, and her head was messing up on her- probably from whatever the prick had forced her to drink. She also had no knowledge if the guy was following her. She just kept running, until her legs finally caved and she fell face first into some soft grass, Someone lawn probably. Too weak and disoriented to move, she just laid there as her consciousness slowly escaped her.
What she didn't know was that she found herself at Clint's house, or nearby anyway. How could she have known where the guy lived? Maybe though.. Maybe someone would find her, over then the guys after her.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
@Boss Rimi: happy to oblige! ^^
Allen didn't stop once he left the manor for Kaneko's apartment. He was beyond surprised to hear that voice again..especially when the man was asking him to come back. He knew he couldn't run forever, but, he'd do anything to keep her safe. To keep her suffering anymore than she was was, and to keep her..human.
When he managed to get back, without getting lost, he slowly approached the door and sorta tapped on it, for not wanting to scare her too much. "It's just me, alright?" He voiced after a moment, thinking maybe it'd put her at ease a little. He did tell he'd be back after all.
Allen didn't stop once he left the manor for Kaneko's apartment. He was beyond surprised to hear that voice again..especially when the man was asking him to come back. He knew he couldn't run forever, but, he'd do anything to keep her safe. To keep her suffering anymore than she was was, and to keep her..human.
When he managed to get back, without getting lost, he slowly approached the door and sorta tapped on it, for not wanting to scare her too much. "It's just me, alright?" He voiced after a moment, thinking maybe it'd put her at ease a little. He did tell he'd be back after all.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Miroku gave Sango a slightly surprised expression when she seemed so adamant to get him to talk to her. "Sango.." He murmured quietly. Was she really that worried? Had he been acting that off around everyone? He rubbed the back of his head and sighed quietly, averting his gaze. "I've been worried about Koga.. and Sayuri.. I haven't seen him in a while and Sayuri is obviously worried as well. He might be in some sort of trouble.." He explained calmly, raising his eyes to see her once again.
Inuyasha smirked and lightly placed a hand over here when she hugged him. "It's not her yet, we've still got some time before the dance." He reminded her casually, smirking lightly. Inuyasha was quite happy as well, he just wasn't very good at showing it.
Ginta offered her a small smile and nodded lightly as they began to walk. "Yeah, I know." He reassured her, stalling an arm loosely around her shoulder as to not slow her down or impair her walking.
Inuyasha smirked and lightly placed a hand over here when she hugged him. "It's not her yet, we've still got some time before the dance." He reminded her casually, smirking lightly. Inuyasha was quite happy as well, he just wasn't very good at showing it.
Ginta offered her a small smile and nodded lightly as they began to walk. "Yeah, I know." He reassured her, stalling an arm loosely around her shoulder as to not slow her down or impair her walking.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
@Boss Rimi: ahah, I'm happy you like our rps so much! ^~^
Allen made haste as he went to his manor to gather his herbs and remedies, mostly importantly his eye remedy. When he got there, there a man waiting for him. He paused, catching the scent of a familiar being. It couldn't be.. Could it? He wondered. "It's been a long time, hasn't it Allen?" The man spoke in a calm, strong voice. Anger was what Allen mostly felt when he heard the man's voice. The one who turned him, and then left him alone. "What do you want? Why did you come here?" He asked as he cautiously approached the walkway to his doorway. "You can't run from them, don't you know that? They'll keep coming after you, now that they know you're alive." The other voiced sternly.
"Come back with me. We can be a family again.. I can give you you're eyes back." He spoke. Allen shook his head and stiffened a growl. "You're not welcome here, leave! I have someone to protect, I don't need you!" Allen voiced, walking passed the one who turned him and went inside without saying another word. What the hell?! Did they really expect him to go back? No! He focused on getting what he came for, and then left again. It took him maybe a couple hours to get everything and go back to Kaneko's apartment, even with the unexpected surprise waiting for him.
Allen made haste as he went to his manor to gather his herbs and remedies, mostly importantly his eye remedy. When he got there, there a man waiting for him. He paused, catching the scent of a familiar being. It couldn't be.. Could it? He wondered. "It's been a long time, hasn't it Allen?" The man spoke in a calm, strong voice. Anger was what Allen mostly felt when he heard the man's voice. The one who turned him, and then left him alone. "What do you want? Why did you come here?" He asked as he cautiously approached the walkway to his doorway. "You can't run from them, don't you know that? They'll keep coming after you, now that they know you're alive." The other voiced sternly.
"Come back with me. We can be a family again.. I can give you you're eyes back." He spoke. Allen shook his head and stiffened a growl. "You're not welcome here, leave! I have someone to protect, I don't need you!" Allen voiced, walking passed the one who turned him and went inside without saying another word. What the hell?! Did they really expect him to go back? No! He focused on getting what he came for, and then left again. It took him maybe a couple hours to get everything and go back to Kaneko's apartment, even with the unexpected surprise waiting for him.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
Maddie stopped when she reached her cubby-hole, made mostly of a large cut-in cardboard box with a blanket, hidden away in an ally that no one used, usually. She crawled inside, covered up with the blanket and fell asleep.
She dreamt of one of the days she was stalking the school kids, watching them play outside from behind a wire fence. No one had noticed her for the longest time until a ball went rolling down the hill, and a small boy wound up chasing after it. He saw her, and talked with her and from them she continued to go and watch the children play. He found ways to sneak away and talk to her. Then one day she stopped going..
Maddie woke with a jolt, and stared at the top of her shelter, a hand over her forehead. "Why am I remembering...now if all times..? It's been years! It shouldn't matter! I'm not.. I'm not the same.." She yelled and murmured to no one but herself. Maddie slowly got out from her box and glanced around. What time was it anyway? She knew she'd been out for at least a greater part of the day.
She dreamt of one of the days she was stalking the school kids, watching them play outside from behind a wire fence. No one had noticed her for the longest time until a ball went rolling down the hill, and a small boy wound up chasing after it. He saw her, and talked with her and from them she continued to go and watch the children play. He found ways to sneak away and talk to her. Then one day she stopped going..
Maddie woke with a jolt, and stared at the top of her shelter, a hand over her forehead. "Why am I remembering...now if all times..? It's been years! It shouldn't matter! I'm not.. I'm not the same.." She yelled and murmured to no one but herself. Maddie slowly got out from her box and glanced around. What time was it anyway? She knew she'd been out for at least a greater part of the day.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan woke when Sirene woke, and rolled over to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her and soothing rubbed her back. "It's alright now, Siri.. He was there and he helped her, despite being a human."

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: bump?

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
Cross ventured downstairs to check on the first mate after a bit, just to see if she was feeling any better. She seemed to be a sleep, so he left her be and headed back up to the deck. It was then began to notice the dark clouds gathering above them. Shit! With just the two of them, riding out a storm would be difficult.
Of course, Andrew had already noticed and planned on trying to out run the storm. "We need the sail set to full sail, if we've any chance to stay ahead of the storm! " He called. Cross nodded and immediately went to work on setting the sail. Once the sail was at full, Andrew tightened his grip around the wheel. Cross was watching the clouds. Maybe they'd actually pull this off.
Of course, Andrew had already noticed and planned on trying to out run the storm. "We need the sail set to full sail, if we've any chance to stay ahead of the storm! " He called. Cross nodded and immediately went to work on setting the sail. Once the sail was at full, Andrew tightened his grip around the wheel. Cross was watching the clouds. Maybe they'd actually pull this off.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
@Boss Rimi: bump?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
@Boss Rimi: hey, sorry for the disappearance ~ life has been crazy and I had a bad case of writers block x.x I hope we can continue :3
If not, I understand ^^
Allen began to feel better as Kaneko gently wiped off the burning ointment. He felt bad though.. Due to the after effects of his remedy, he should've just bared it. "I'm sorry.. I'm not usually bothered by a little bit of pain.. I guess the skin is more sensitive then I thought.." He murmured quietly, slowly inhaling. Her scent still calmed him greatly. He was glad for that. Truly, he was.
Gingerly, Allen rested a hand in the top of her head and offered her a small smile. "I'll be back before morning, I don't feel right leaving you alone." He spoke calmly, pulling back his arm and fixing his shirt before standing. "Lock the doors and windows until I come back, please? " Allen voiced, just worried about something or someone getting to her while he was away. He gave her a light peck on her forehead and then made his way to the door, opened it, and walked outside to head back to his manor.
If not, I understand ^^
Allen began to feel better as Kaneko gently wiped off the burning ointment. He felt bad though.. Due to the after effects of his remedy, he should've just bared it. "I'm sorry.. I'm not usually bothered by a little bit of pain.. I guess the skin is more sensitive then I thought.." He murmured quietly, slowly inhaling. Her scent still calmed him greatly. He was glad for that. Truly, he was.
Gingerly, Allen rested a hand in the top of her head and offered her a small smile. "I'll be back before morning, I don't feel right leaving you alone." He spoke calmly, pulling back his arm and fixing his shirt before standing. "Lock the doors and windows until I come back, please? " Allen voiced, just worried about something or someone getting to her while he was away. He gave her a light peck on her forehead and then made his way to the door, opened it, and walked outside to head back to his manor.