Xnovax's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen seemingly came to his senses when the man starting going on about keeping him away from his daughter, and getting rid of him. As much as he wanted the suffering to end, he once again thought of Kaneko. He swore to himself that of what he told her father. He wouldn't be another to abandon that girl. That girl he grew so fond of, that he would sacrifice himself to keep her safe.
That was about the time the gun went off and Allen hissed in pain, clutching the spot on to his arm where the bullet struck. He paused and slowly lifted his head when a scent sent caught him. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly. "Our fight must end, unless you want to risk endangering your daughter. " Allen said to him.
That was about the time the gun went off and Allen hissed in pain, clutching the spot on to his arm where the bullet struck. He paused and slowly lifted his head when a scent sent caught him. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly. "Our fight must end, unless you want to risk endangering your daughter. " Allen said to him.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Inuyasha noticed the tired look in her eyes and sighed quietly, instead of saying anything. Miroku wrapped an arm around Santo as they enjoyed the rest of their lunch period.
Koga shook his head and glanced at her. "It's not that simple.. These guys, there's only one way out. I have to keep my family safe. If you don't see me for a few day, don't come looking for me."
Koga shook his head and glanced at her. "It's not that simple.. These guys, there's only one way out. I have to keep my family safe. If you don't see me for a few day, don't come looking for me."

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago
Miroku was off checking the borders of the castle. Word had speed through the castle that a demon had tried to attack the castle. So he was placing demon wardings to insure keeping them out. He hadn't thought the demon was lurking within the shadows of the castle walls. A new demon had arrived to help with the kitchen or purifications another that Koga had rescued. A kitsune and a wolf.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago
"Nah, the only thing I need here, is to leave." He said with a light smirk. Andrew glanced at Cordelia. "We'll head back to the shop and leave port." He said casually , trying to think of the next place to port, for crewmen.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Natalie nodded lightly and hugged him back. "Can I..see you tomorrow?" She asked shyly as a faint blush painted her cheeks.
Nathan smiled some and kissed her cheek. "Let's wait for her at our place, alright? Since she thinks I went home." He suggested .
Nathan smiled some and kissed her cheek. "Let's wait for her at our place, alright? Since she thinks I went home." He suggested .

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen bared his shortened fangs slightly as the man spoke. "I'm not human, remember?" He voiced, technically voiding out his taunt. Vampires did better alone, usually. They didn't need company as much as humans did. Unless they were a coven or a group. Allen had that though, before he lost his eyes. He hissed at the man and instinctively lunged forward to strike him. "I've been robbed twice in my lifetime, how would you know what that's like? I had a life, even if I was dying.. That life was taken from me! I don't need to tell me what I had or didn't have!" Allen hissed, dark red liquid started to leak from under his bandages. He was crying, technically.
Allen slowly approached him, holding his arms up as if surrendering. He was lost in the moment of despair, not thinking about anything else. "Kill me! End my suffering old man, go ahead!"
Allen slowly approached him, holding his arms up as if surrendering. He was lost in the moment of despair, not thinking about anything else. "Kill me! End my suffering old man, go ahead!"

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen remained silent a moment as the man fumed. He couldn't believe his ears. We're all humans this ignorant? Allen felt the punch pass him, and faintly heard metal class with a tree. He just stood there, facing the direction of her father. "You let me inside your head the second you brought Kaneko into this debate. She's a human being!" Allen stated rather calmly. He side-stepped behind him quickly. "Humans need interaction, not just pretty things." Allen stepped back and waited for him to make his next move.

Posted in [Request] looking for 1x1's
Posted 7 years ago
@Austiderps: I might've miss read your post Dx
I'd like to do a rp with you, romance is fine but I don't currently have any ideas. I'm sure we could think of something though. Any specifics?
I'd like to do a rp with you, romance is fine but I don't currently have any ideas. I'm sure we could think of something though. Any specifics?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen tilted his head some. When had he said he did? He must have a guilty conscious. "I wonder.." He murmured quietly as he began to focus on his surroundings . It had been awhile since he had to fight, and fighting blind would be tricky. Maybe he could keep the guy talking just so he'd know where to expect an attack.. "Why do you all day such things? First, you lump the good harmless vampires in with those who kill for blood mercilessly- and then you neglect your family and claim to only want the best for them! I don't know which sickens me more." He hissed, unable to bite his tongue any longer. "I may be blind, but I can clearly see your daughters loneliness."
Allen bit his tongue and focused on keeping track of the man.
Allen bit his tongue and focused on keeping track of the man.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen smirked as the man voiced his distaste for him, now he knew where he was. Did he think he was protecting her, by shutting her in and neglecting her? "Funny.. You'd be doing me a favor." He mused quietly. "I wouldn't hurt her. I don't go after humans, and certainly don't have any intentions of being someone else who abandoned her!" Allen hissed , allowing his shortened gangs to be seen by him. Enough talk. Allen readied himself for an attack, or to defend himself.
He couldn't bring himself to attack first..
He couldn't bring himself to attack first..

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Into the woods he went, knowing the man would follow him. What hunter didn't like a good chase? He paused once he had gone a little ways into the woods, and acted as if looking around. He could smell the guy, but he didn't exactly know how close he was. "I hope I've haunted you, like you've haunted me.. You took everything from me! I didn't ask to be like this old man!" Allen called through the woods, really just hoping to trigger a reaction. He wanted to hear him, not just smell him. To fight, he'd need all of senses, to make up for not having sight.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Inuyasha smirked some and leaned back against the tree they all gathered under. He was just enjoying this time with his friends.
Koga's head fell when she said that, and put a hand on his head breifly. Great. Everyone around campus probably knew. He lifted his head again when she said Ayame was only bothering her a little. She'd be alright, right?
Koga's head fell when she said that, and put a hand on his head breifly. Great. Everyone around campus probably knew. He lifted his head again when she said Ayame was only bothering her a little. She'd be alright, right?

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Inuyasha nodded, hiding his blush as Kagome returned. "She thought I'd be going with someone else." He murmured quietly, with a small smirk. Miroku shook his head lightly.
Koga nodded lightly. "We're alright." He said, not mentioning his younger brother getting mixed up with a bad group . Why should he make her worry? "Is Ayame still bothering you?" He asked her curiously.
Koga nodded lightly. "We're alright." He said, not mentioning his younger brother getting mixed up with a bad group . Why should he make her worry? "Is Ayame still bothering you?" He asked her curiously.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Allen waited. He waited until he could smell the man within reach. "If you want me, you'll have to catch me." He called to him, making sure he heard him, before turning and quickly made for the woods. Without running mind you, that wouldn't be fair. He was just doped walking. He really hoped Kaneko was at work..