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Posted in What animal is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

betta fish
Posted in How many Topics do you have? Posted 5 years ago

oi has 11 topics
Posted in Yuck or Yum? Posted 5 years ago


doctor pepper cotton candy
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 5 years ago

@Piaro: all three items, sure. i shall send a trade ^u^
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 5 years ago

update: i has one each of En Garde and The Ruffian for sale, 4k volts per item.
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

I am looking forward to seeing what avatar of mine got drawn cause I couldn't decided and basically said for my secret santa to chose an avy from my closet, which has a bit over 200 avatars in it XD
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

I am 99% finished with the art I'm doing :D

The last one percent is just, resizing, saving as png, then as gif. o3o
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

@Hachi: I'll be done with me arts right before the deadline. lol so much for me getting a head start on it. :vanora_sweat:
Finished the main part weeks ago. But last touchs & animation I'll finish when I get back on the 30th. (Will draw on new years)
I'm visiting my friend for a few days. I didnt bring my laptop with me.
Bit of a unplanned visit cause her cat is sick & she said I could come see him if I wanted to. He's doing good for now tho, energetic for the most part. ^-^
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

i'm almost done, just procrastinating on the last bits.
plus a little busy due to it being christmas.


also happy holidays :D
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

@Luffer Nutter: sure i shall send a trade with it ^u^
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

i've got a strange land and a keep warm for sale. o3o
4k volts per item
Posted in ~*Avi Appreciation Thread*~ Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: awe thank ye >w<
oi like ye avatars as well, i has one of them saved. ovo
i like saving pics of avies that i like.
Posted in so doing free art----need practice Posted 6 years ago

@GuttedBunny: that is the cutest art i've ever gotten on voltra >w<
thank you