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@MoodyBats: i like instagram, i don't really use twitter tho i has one.

what tumblr should do is axe the porn bots instead of flagging every supposed nsfw post.

@MoodyBats: i'm using a default customizeable theme, it would suck if they got rid of that, all blogs would be so boring looking if that happened/ tumblr is supposed to be a place to be creative and unique. but things have changed >.<

@MoodyBats: that sucks that tumblr is flagging everything.

heck they've even flagged their own posts >.>

@MoodyBats: hungry as well, right now i'm going through my tumblr to see what posts got flagged,
tumblr came out with new restrictions, all nsfw is getting flagged. except their algorithms is so messed up.
like what part of this is nsfw?

@Little Crane: good morning to ye

@Little Crane: i dunno when the next chapter will come out on the series i was reading but ima keep an eye out on it o3o

@Salem: welcome back :D
like the avatar btw, what is those antennae like things on ye head?

@Sabrina: the new event is pretty interesting.
i like that the shop 'Reduce, Reuse, Reinventions' is open.

@MoodyBats: how are ye doing?

@Unicorn: if ya ever make an avatar closet too be sure to point me in the direction of it.
oi like seeing the avatars other ppl make. ovo

good morning.
i'm headed to bed.

finished reading the manga i was reading,
it leaves off with "next up is the final chapter"
aah i am not sleepy now, excited to find out what happens next,
but the next chapter isn't available right now >.<

@Unicorn: i really like making avatars. once i got a bit of a inventory going i became unstoppable XD
i made an avatar closet around avatar 50, if i waited any longer it would've been too much work to upload things.

so far the story and plot has been suspenseful without too many cliffhangers,
tho the secrets to the world in the story is being revealed and it's a plot twist after a plot twist.
i wish there was more chapters out but i am looking forward to it's continuation.

@Unicorn: it is a pretty good read, tho i have a feeling it's going to leave off on a cliff hanger
and the previous chapter i just read left off on a pretty big plot twist.

thanks be to ye too. this is my 199th avatar on voltra :D

@Unicorn: i'm awake and good morning XD
i haven't gone to bed yet, i lost track of time reading this manga :vanora_sweat:

how are ye this morning? cute avy btw
Posted in OLD USERNAMES *EMBARESSMENT HERE* Posted 6 years ago

@vintage: my current name is derived from my past usernames of random japanese names :vanora_sweat:
Mizutakara, mizu meaning water and takara meaning treasure, i thought that combo looked good.
that name tho was taken on gaia so i went with mizu-no-kimi
i got the ending no-kimi from a manga i think,
from wiki:
"No kimi
No kimi (の君) is another suffix coming from Japanese history. It was used to denominate Lords and Ladies in the Court, especially during the Heian period. The most famous example is the Prince Hikaru Genji, protagonist of The Tale of Genji who was called Hikaru no kimi (光の君). Nowadays, this suffix can be used as a metaphor for someone who behaves like a prince or princess from ancient times, but its use is very rare. Its main usage remains in historical dramas.

This suffix also appears when addressing lovers in letters from a man to a woman, as in Murasaki no kimi ("My beloved Ms. Murasaki).

so basically i went from water treasure to water princess XD

anyways i used mizu-no-kimi for like soooo many years.
friends called me mizu. and then a friend took zu from that name and nicknamed me zuzu.
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

i am an indecisive person too, hence why i didn't know what to ask to be drawn XD
RNG on my closet is a good idea tho, maybe for if i ever decide to draw my own avatar. lol
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

ha that's true, i'm easy to assign cause i have a variety of avatars to choose from XD

tho that might make it hard on whoever gets me if they can't decide which one to draw lol

but tis good i didn't link every single avatar i've made, here and everywhere else.
cause uh it's in the 4 digits. :vanora_sweat:

@MoodyBats: i bought the adopt ovo after i paid they sent me a nice resolution png image of the character.
i'll probably look up how adoptables work as well, so i can brush up on what i know and know the etiquette of it all. :vanora_sweat:
anyways the grey/pink one here is the one i bought. o3o
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

I wonder what I'm going to get, cause my wishlist was basically "here's 200 avatars, take your pick." XD