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Posted in so doing free art----need practice Posted 6 years ago

@GuttedBunny: cool, oi look forward to whatever ye end up drawing. ovo

@Hachi: lol yeah i did end up using the RNG on my avatars XD
Posted in so doing free art----need practice Posted 6 years ago

I'd love art of my current avatar if ye so wish to draw me. owo

That or something from my avatar closet?

maybe whatever avy the random number generator picks. o3o

175th avy would be this:

draw whichever one ye wants tah. ^u^
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

i can't remember what version of photoshop i have, i think i got a bit intimidated by it,
so i tend to stick with sai. tho i am thinking of branching out and trying other programs,
like firealpaca or medibang paint pro, and photoshop.

ah when one runs out of ctrl z, that is the worse.
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

@Hachi: photoshop can be a bit complicated i think, or at least it is from what oi remember.
lots of trial and error.

ctrl z is the best.
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

@Hachi: what art programs do ye use?
i use sai but on other programs i forget that folders exist on them too XD

Dragoness: layers open up lots of possibilities :D
i gotta have layers, especially since i might animate my art XD
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

@KayBit: this was the first time this happened to me XD

@Hachi: i didn't know there was a limit either lol
i keep it organized through names and folders, lots of folders.

@okios: i usually merge different things when they're done,
tho if i never merge i could probably easily get up to 200 :vanora_sweat:
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

This happened while I was working on art for this:

but it's okay, this happened cause i duplicated the folders with all the layers 3 times,
cause i wanted to merge two sets and have a back-up not merged. XD
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

ahopefully i can figure out how to animate it,
one thing is easy but there's about 3 elements to the drawing i wanna animate,
and i've only done simple stuff like this:


Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

beautiful avatar tuijp.

ah be y'all talking hair earlier eh.
i ordered some wigs recently, and if i like em enough when they arrive i am thinking of cutting off all my hair.
all three feet :D
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

@Kent: thanks. ovo i think this is the 202nd voltra avy i've made.
usually i procrastinate on art but who i has to draw has a cool character.

@kiwi: it's going to be a very simple eyeblink and magic glow,
tho i wish i could do a better animation XD
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 6 years ago

emoji masks would be amazin. sign me up. :vanora_xd:

also i am nearly finished the art for the secret santa >w<
been working on it for a couple days,
got another day or two to go till it's done tho.

i am thinking of animating it too :D

@Salem: sounds like a good evening except for the part where you're feeling sick.

@Shark: hiya shark how are ya?

@Salem: what moodybats said, stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.
rest is best for when you're got a cold. that and soup.
hope ye get better soon.

@MoodyBats: i've seen quite a bit of reposting on tumblr and other platforms. tho i agree instagram has alot of repost blogs.