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Posted in Word Association Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Story time! Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: have you ever climbed to your school's roof? XD

I was pretty high in the tree but oi could still hear what the person was saying,
tho maybe i should've not climbed as high cause i did fall out of the tree on a different day,
when no one was around. luckilly i wasn't hurt, but i did put a dent in the metal shed roof. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in An annoying coworker just quit Posted 6 years ago

I don't have any odd co-worker stories, mainly cause I've never worked a job where I had co-workers XD

Currently I am a nanny/babysitter.
I guess I could tell stories about the person i work for. :vanora_sweat:
she's nice but there is things she does sometimes that just gets on my nerves.
Like one thing that bugs me is the way she treats their two chihuahuas,
to her they are just pets not family, but to me pets are supposed to be family.
So when she thinks about getting 'rid' of one cause the pup has chewed something or peed on something,
this irks me. like one has to go through the effort of training their pets.
once you adopt a pet, you have a responsibility to care for them.
ya can't be callous towards them or neglectful.

Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

@Apollo Im Burning: okay i shall send a trade over to you now. thanks for the purchase :vanora_smile:
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

update, selling a bit more ohms again,
250 this time for 5k volts
Posted in Story time! Posted 6 years ago

bit ironic that he was a angry gay man when the word gay technically means happy. XD

this reminds me tho of the time a neighbor yelled at me when i was about 10yrs old.
I just stared blankly, confused, and continued what i was doing since she was yelling at me in another language.

I probably should've figured out she was yelling something along the lines of,
Posted in What are you looking forward to this weekend? Posted 6 years ago

I'm babysitting this weekend, but since the kid has no school obviously, I'm taking him to the festival of trees,
there's also a santa's workshop event thing. I'm kinda looking forward to it, I've never been to the festival of trees.

festivals of trees is some kind of event showcasing christmas trees.
i remember when i was in highschool, our sewing class submitted 2-3 trees with all hand made ornaments.
Posted in Word Association Posted 6 years ago

red rum
Posted in What food is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago

blackberry pie with cherries
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 6 years ago

117 volts and i started the day with 10k
Posted in Continue on letter game! Posted 6 years ago

Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 6 years ago

those boots look nice totally gunna steal those o3o
Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 6 years ago

i've got spotify playing and 'have you ever had' nitecore, is playing
Posted in Which AAY do you like better? Posted 6 years ago

ghost is adorable.