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@kozi: Thanks. I think it's the coffee I made.
I don't usually drink coffee but I was cold. D:

Glad to hear you're doing well though! :D

I'm back and not feeling well.
How is everyone doing today?

I feel sick to my stomach... ; n ;

I'm still awake and I don't know why. xD

@devil: The event was a ton of fun!
I can't wait to go again next year.

*drinks offered coffee*
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

My balance isn't all that great but it's kinda improved I think. :D
How are you doing by the way?

I'm back and tired. I need coffee.

@devil: That's what I was thinking yesterday. Perhaps they're expecting more people, or reformers.
Yeah it's gonna be pretty cold but I got my beanie on so I should be good.
I gotta go now though. But I'll hope back on when I get home.
Byeee and good luck with the auction!

@devil: It should be.
They're doing it outside this year though, so I have to dress warm.
You know, don't want to get sick.
It's odd though. They always used to have it indoors in a large room.
So I wonder why they're doing it outside this year.

@devil: Oh well that was nice of them. :D

I'm heading out to a pow wow today. I missed it last year so I don't want to miss it again.
And I believe a friend of mine will be there, but we'll see.

@devil: Well 13k volts is quite a bit. :)
Are you enjoying your time here by the way?
How did you find out about Voltra?

(If I vanish, it's cause I'm heading out to an event in a few.)

@kozi: Yep, I thought so. lol
We need more rainbow items. Then maybe I can make a proper rainbow avi. BD

@kozi: You're welcome!
Needs more rainbow?

@kozi: Gah! Your avi is soooo prettiful!