Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Trouble sleeping, so insomnia? And you don't take anything that can help you sleep faster?

Posted in Is Nervous About Doing this but.....
Posted 6 years ago

@guttedbunny: D'aww you're too sweet! hugs

I have my Christmas Avi but I might just wear that one in December.

Posted in Is Nervous About Doing this but.....
Posted 6 years ago

@guttedbunny: Lies!

It's all cruel lies. D:
I wanna change my avi again even though I just changed it yesterday. xD

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@Kozi: Aww, can't you take a nap maybe?
Although naps aren't really helpful and not a lot of people can or like taking naps. :/

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Oh man, that sucks. lmao
Hopefully you can get plenty of sleep tonight.

Posted in Is Nervous About Doing this but.....
Posted 6 years ago

@guttedbunny: Tackles and loves on <3
Missed you lots

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@vengeance: Goodbye Veng! Have a nice dinner!

Posted in Is Nervous About Doing this but.....
Posted 6 years ago

@guttedbunny: Oooohh you changed! You look FABULOUS!

Posted in Is Nervous About Doing this but.....
Posted 6 years ago

@guttedbunny: Wha? But it's already pretty! :o

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@vengeance: Thanks, I am. Or at least attempting to. lol

Posted in Is Nervous About Doing this but.....
Posted 6 years ago

@guttedbunny: Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. D:
On a bright note, your avi is really pretty. :3

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: I woke up early to be ready for when registration opens for the new semester.
I'm hungry too though. I guess I'll eat afterwards.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
The pitter patter of raindrops splashing down on the roof of his car was soothing. However, not soothing enough to calm his worries he still had. Maddie hadn't said anything and Clint couldn't help but worry that something might be wrong. However, right now was not the right time to worry. He had to have a clear head for work. If he was too distracted, he'd end up getting himself hurt or someone else. Clint parked his car, killed the engine and stepped out before heading into the garage to be greeted by his co-workers. Boss wasn't in today, apparently he wasn't feeling very well. This was fine, it just meant that Clint had to lock up at the end of the day.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Hearing that the bell rang, Mia gathered her things and started to put them away in her bag once more. Today didn't feel like it had been a successful day. She felt she didn't make any progress despite getting everything done in time. Maybe she was being too hard on herself, she didn't know. Picking up her homework off the desk and walked to the teacher's desk, turning it in. Looking back at Takashi and the smaller boy, they seemed preoccupied and she stepped out of the class with the small group of students who had stepped out as well.
Honey glanced around, and Mia was nowhere to be spotted. When had she left that they didn't notice? Maybe she understood that she was crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed. Regardless, he gathered up his homework and waited patiently for his cousin.
Hikaru frowned and knelt down, picking up her bag for her and anything that might have fallen out. Standing back up, he held it out for her. "I'm fine Alice. I'm more worried about you. You don't seem to good. Is everything alright?" Maybe she had gotten into a fight with her mother? It wouldn't surprise him if that were the case.
Honey glanced around, and Mia was nowhere to be spotted. When had she left that they didn't notice? Maybe she understood that she was crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed. Regardless, he gathered up his homework and waited patiently for his cousin.
Hikaru frowned and knelt down, picking up her bag for her and anything that might have fallen out. Standing back up, he held it out for her. "I'm fine Alice. I'm more worried about you. You don't seem to good. Is everything alright?" Maybe she had gotten into a fight with her mother? It wouldn't surprise him if that were the case.