Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint looked at her, it was pretty late now wasn't it? He just hadn't noticed how late it was, he had been too focused on the movie to notice the time. "Of course, let me know what you think of the ending." He said with a smile. Maddie then told him she hoped they got more sleep and he laughed softly, reaching out and ruffling her hair. "Yeah, I hope so too Mads. We really need it." Him especially. He coudln't just fall to sleep at work, that wasn't very safe.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko sang quietly to herself, making sure to keep her voice soft in case Allen did fall to sleep. She went to work, measuring how much paper she'd need and then cut it carefully with the scissors. Wrapping the gifts carefully, one by one they were set off to the side once she added the tag and bow on each one. Then she carried them to the small tree, setting them down underneath.

Posted in spooky art (full)
Posted 6 years ago

@bean: Oh mai gosh! Bean, I love them!

They're perfect, thank-you so much! (if I could frame these I would)
@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: I've heard of that one. Never tried it though. Maybe I will next time I visit. :3

Posted in spooky art (full)
Posted 6 years ago

@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: I've never had a matcha smoothie before. Am I missing out on a grand life experience? o n o

Posted in spooky art (full)
Posted 6 years ago

@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: True. Them electrolytes are important. ; u ;
I never had hot green tea before, just cold. It's pretty good though.

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 6 years ago

I'm pretty bad at checking back as well.
I just get distracted with stuff. D:

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
"Take your time." Kaneko said and went to the closet. From there she pulled out a roll of red wrapping paper with Christmas trees on it. She grabbed a bag of bows, some scissors, some tape, and some Christmas tags. Then carefully carried that off to the kitchen so she'd have enough space to do this without making so much noise and keeping Allen up. She walked back and gathered the gifts then looked at Allen. "If you need anything, just call my name and I will be right over, alright?" She asked him quietly.

Posted in spooky art (full)
Posted 6 years ago

@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: Yes, they're all doomed now. Muahahah
Mmmm Honey tea is really good and add some lemon on it and it's delish!

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Once the water is there, you add your clothes and you add one and a half scoops of soap. Then you add one little cup of fabric softener and you just relax while it does it's thing. When you add it to the dryer, just toss in one of these sheets and turn the dial to regular and push it. That's all there is to it Mads." He said to her honestly.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Oh, okay sure thing mads. Come with me." Cint told her and led her back to where the washer and dryer. "Alright so depending on mow much clothes you have to wash, that will be the size of the 'load' that you have to set it to. It's pretty easy. This dial here is what you turn to the size you need and then you will push it. When you do that, the machine will automatically start adding the water." Clint explained to her.

Posted in spooky art (full)
Posted 6 years ago

@bean: Well it's about 2 hours. Sooo hopefully I survive.
I drank some tea and it seemed to have helped so there's that.
Avis like what? Mine?

Posted in spooky art (full)
Posted 6 years ago

@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: Hahah yeah, I'll just bite everyone I come into contact with today and spread the sickness.
I'll cough in their drinks when they aren't looking. >:D
Thanks though. I'm going to have to drink water. I wanted coffee to drink for the two hours I'mma be there but I guess water will have to do.
Since I'm sure coffee is just going to kill me.

Posted in spooky art (full)
Posted 6 years ago

rolls thru
I feel sick today and I have to get ready to go tutor some people. D:

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint ate some more of the popcorn that was left, which wasn't much, and looked at Maddie when she spoke up after the movie was over. Another one? He wasn't sure that would be a good idea. It was late and he had work in the morning. "Can't. I have work in the morning so I'll make you something if you want. I'm good on this popcorn actually. This stuff is filling. If you're hungry though, I can make you something. I mean, you dind't really eat much today if memory serves me right." He explained, getting up and going to the kitchen to wash his hands quickly.