Colin's posts
Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
The blonde saw her wave to him, and waved back.
"Seems nice enough." he said.
"Doesn't look like much of a fighter, though..." he went on. "...but then again, neither do I." he chuckled.
He then finished off his drink, and cracked his knuckles.
"Right then. Guess it's time to rumble, soon."
"Seems nice enough." he said.
"Doesn't look like much of a fighter, though..." he went on. "...but then again, neither do I." he chuckled.
He then finished off his drink, and cracked his knuckles.
"Right then. Guess it's time to rumble, soon."

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
The blonde made his way to a corner, and started to hydrate himself.
"So who am I up against now?" he asked the one that was there.
"Her." they replied, pointing to Lily.
"Huh. I see." the blonde replied.
"Never seen her before..." he muttered.
"So who am I up against now?" he asked the one that was there.
"Her." they replied, pointing to Lily.
"Huh. I see." the blonde replied.
"Never seen her before..." he muttered.

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
The hunters' battle concluded with the blonde-haired one utterly defeating his opponent, and smiling.
"Heh." he chuckled.
"You almost had me, there." he said.
"Well, almost only counts in horseshoes." his opponent replied, as he got up and they shook hands.
"There will be a 5-minute break so the champion can recuperate his energy, and his next challenger can ready themselves!" a mage said over the P.A. system.
"Heh." he chuckled.
"You almost had me, there." he said.
"Well, almost only counts in horseshoes." his opponent replied, as he got up and they shook hands.
"There will be a 5-minute break so the champion can recuperate his energy, and his next challenger can ready themselves!" a mage said over the P.A. system.

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"Right." Ash replied.
"Here." he said, scrawling his number on a scrap of paper and handing it to her.
"My number." he told her.
"When you're ready tomorrow, gimme a call." he said.
"I'll take you there, and we'll get a special amulet coin done up for you so you can teleport into the guild, but it'll be like a... 'visitors pass', but at the same time not." he told her.
"The guild will recognize you as welcome, but not a hunter, essentially."
"Here." he said, scrawling his number on a scrap of paper and handing it to her.
"My number." he told her.
"When you're ready tomorrow, gimme a call." he said.
"I'll take you there, and we'll get a special amulet coin done up for you so you can teleport into the guild, but it'll be like a... 'visitors pass', but at the same time not." he told her.
"The guild will recognize you as welcome, but not a hunter, essentially."

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"Indeed." Ash agreed.
"And he's been grateful for you being so chill lately." he added with a light laugh.
"Right, Lily." he then said.
"When do you want to have your first session?" he asked her.
"We can do it ASAP, or schedule it for later tonight or tomorrow, or... whenever, really."
"And he's been grateful for you being so chill lately." he added with a light laugh.
"Right, Lily." he then said.
"When do you want to have your first session?" he asked her.
"We can do it ASAP, or schedule it for later tonight or tomorrow, or... whenever, really."

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
Once all the draydins had signed, Ash took the papers and signed them, himself.
He then dated them and used an official rubber stamp of the guild logo he'd brought with him, and stamped the papers in the appropriate places.
"And there." he said.
"All finished and official." he commented.
"So when do you want to start?" he then asked Lily.
"There's no real 'schedule', really. But we ARE aiming for 4-5 sessions a week." he told her. "Time is flexible, obviously." he continued.
"And you can come in whenever you feel you need to de-stress, there will always be people willing to spar." he added.
He then dated them and used an official rubber stamp of the guild logo he'd brought with him, and stamped the papers in the appropriate places.
"And there." he said.
"All finished and official." he commented.
"So when do you want to start?" he then asked Lily.
"There's no real 'schedule', really. But we ARE aiming for 4-5 sessions a week." he told her. "Time is flexible, obviously." he continued.
"And you can come in whenever you feel you need to de-stress, there will always be people willing to spar." he added.

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"Indeed." Andrew agreed.
"Come on." Ash said.
"There's some papers you need to look over and sign." he told her.
"As well as you guys..." he said to Anna and Andrew, "...and myself." he added.
"Come and sit." he told her further.
"Read them over if you like, but we need to all sign them right here."
"Come on." Ash said.
"There's some papers you need to look over and sign." he told her.
"As well as you guys..." he said to Anna and Andrew, "...and myself." he added.
"Come and sit." he told her further.
"Read them over if you like, but we need to all sign them right here."

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
As soon as she stepped in, she saw that Ash was there as well.
"Lily." Andrew addressed her.
"In light of your most recent... altercation... your mother and I have decided that it may be best for you to be enrolled in a sort of 'martial arts' program." he told her.
"At the guild." Ash chimed in.
"Feel like having a place to vent your aggressions, and learn how to be a more effective fighter?" he asked her.
"Lily." Andrew addressed her.
"In light of your most recent... altercation... your mother and I have decided that it may be best for you to be enrolled in a sort of 'martial arts' program." he told her.
"At the guild." Ash chimed in.
"Feel like having a place to vent your aggressions, and learn how to be a more effective fighter?" he asked her.

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
Ash left, and smiled as he looked at the papers.
"Awesome." he said quietly.
The next day, Lily was still laying in her room, with her snake coiling about through the bars, when she received a mental message from her father.
'Lily, can you please join your mother and I downstairs in the den?' he asked her telepathically.
"Awesome." he said quietly.
The next day, Lily was still laying in her room, with her snake coiling about through the bars, when she received a mental message from her father.
'Lily, can you please join your mother and I downstairs in the den?' he asked her telepathically.

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"Well, despite the elemental misalignment, they're making it work." Ash responded.
"And thanks." he said, accepting the pages.
"You're a lifesaver sometimes." he told her.
"Anyway, I should probably go." he went on.
"Let you get to being the manager and owner of this club."
"And thanks." he said, accepting the pages.
"You're a lifesaver sometimes." he told her.
"Anyway, I should probably go." he went on.
"Let you get to being the manager and owner of this club."

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"Kelly's been amazing." Ash responded.
"Ever since she helped Luke get his cooking up to snuff, they've been a thing." he told her.
"And I've never seen her so happy." he said further.
"It's showing in her own cooking. I've never seen such heart and soul put into the dishes she makes now." he continued.
"She's even coming close to MY level in some of the things she makes." he went on.
"I have no doubt that she will surpass me before she even reaches her 30th birthday."
"Ever since she helped Luke get his cooking up to snuff, they've been a thing." he told her.
"And I've never seen her so happy." he said further.
"It's showing in her own cooking. I've never seen such heart and soul put into the dishes she makes now." he continued.
"She's even coming close to MY level in some of the things she makes." he went on.
"I have no doubt that she will surpass me before she even reaches her 30th birthday."

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"It's all we CAN do." Ash responded.
"So, how have things been?" he asked.
"I know your legal practice and club keep you busy, but what about Adrian?" he asked her.
"How's SHE been doing?" he asked further.
"So, how have things been?" he asked.
"I know your legal practice and club keep you busy, but what about Adrian?" he asked her.
"How's SHE been doing?" he asked further.

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"She seems to have the potential to exceed her mother." Ash responded.
"And she also seems to have the fighting instincts that neither of her parents really have." he continued.
"This can be the perfect opportunity for her to vent steam and hone her skills." he told her.
"Maybe even become a hunter, herself." he laughed.
"Maybe." he repeated.
"Regardless, we'll see how she does once she's 'enrolled'." he added.
"And she also seems to have the fighting instincts that neither of her parents really have." he continued.
"This can be the perfect opportunity for her to vent steam and hone her skills." he told her.
"Maybe even become a hunter, herself." he laughed.
"Maybe." he repeated.
"Regardless, we'll see how she does once she's 'enrolled'." he added.

Posted in Growing like Weeds
Posted 7 years ago
"Excellent." Ash replied.
"Because this seems to be direly needed." he told her.
"Lily's temper seems to be just like her mother's is, and the last thing we need is for her to not have somewhere to vent it or channel it." he said.
"And she can't even use my brother." he sighed.
"Sometimes even his regeneration and rebirth has a tough time keeping up with what Anna dishes out."
"Because this seems to be direly needed." he told her.
"Lily's temper seems to be just like her mother's is, and the last thing we need is for her to not have somewhere to vent it or channel it." he said.
"And she can't even use my brother." he sighed.
"Sometimes even his regeneration and rebirth has a tough time keeping up with what Anna dishes out."