Jolly's posts
Posted in I have to write a short story by monday - feedback?
Posted 5 years ago

(Update: I've settled on the story, now just in the process of inking the pages :D I'll show it off in the art forums when its done)
.... about the immune system process.
wait, don't run away yet!
I have a hard time putting my mind into two separate places at once, in this way. Combining my creative writing brain, which usually detaches from the rules of reality by blaming everything on magic. With the side of my brain that is relying on reality's rules of biology and science to get through my day-to-day assignments and soon to be job. I'm trying not to write something stupidly cliche and boring, but also not something that would be too... long lol
I need short and sweet so I can present this without it taking foreverrrrr
I also wanna draw stuff for it
If you don't know anything about biology, would you give me feedback on the story without that part in mind?
If you DO know about this part of biology, feedback on that would be awesome too!
Here's my idea upon making this post:
Think of a kingdom that is peaceful and balanced (the body bein all happy and healthy). Now, think of it being tormented by foreign invaders, a massive heat wave (fever) and spontaneous fires (inflammation? lol)
One girl flutters down from the heavens (lol she's gonna represent a virus or something, so she's one of these invaders. There would be many of them but this gives a character focal point?). There are bird creatures that try and stop her from reaching the ground (enzymes, maybe?), but they fail to do that.
The girl lands in the center of the kingdom, in a ring of some sort of round structure. Idk, stonehenge type of thing, lets just imagine that for atmosphere lol.
When she comes to, she finds that this world is very uncomfortable by the heat, like, unbearably so. It would kill her if she was weak enough. Before she could figure out much of where she is, she could be met with some beastly figures (phagocytes) who try to eat her.
Another character calls out. Someone who looks similarly to herself, another virus. They flee together and this character protects her. They explain the situation, giving the character and the reader an idea of what is going on. Only to be gobbled up by a Neutrophil--a beast which self destructs after consuming its victim.
The girl escapes again and continues on, but is being stalked by another character (A Natural Killer Cell). She doesn't catch onto this until later, but maybe this would turn into a final showdown situation where either this assassin kills the virus, or the virus wins and the kingdom falls.
Somehow I want to express the mindset of the virus characters. There are many of them "infecting" or invading the kingdom, but they aren't doing so intentionally. They're confused when they arrive, have no knowledge where they come from, but if they survive long enough they come to realize that their existence is tormenting this world and causing it to fall apart.
So they either die or this world suffers/dies.
I'm great at positive stories, aren't I lol
Maybe for something less depressing, the viruses find a way to return to the heavens and everyone lives. Except for if you know enough about a virus, once it leaves the body it either infects someone else (thus repeating the characters' torturous lives) or they die after a certain time lmao
Idk, does this make enough sense? :vanora_xd:
Does it suck terribly, or too morbid? I dont know how NOT to be morbid since the immune system is all about killing off foreign invaders to keep the body healthy lmao

Posted in Ugh instructor again
Posted 5 years ago

They pretend to, but the administration is as twisted as it gets lol
I just have to put up with it for 4 more months.
He has ADHD and dyslexia, so if anything he should understand how chaotic organizing things can be lol And he's been a teacher for so long, he should be well adapted to the idea of learning styles (we literally have a class that teaches about that in our course)
The impression that I get is he doesn't like to put out extra effort. I don't know if the instructors are paid hourly or by salary at my school (its a private academy so they tend to do things weird), but many times he'll say something like "I could've done blablabla to make this easier but that requires me to work at home when I'm not getting paid for it". When other students are complaining about not grasping the lessons, they're very wishy washy about it, and he can talk his way out of having to do anything. But when I speak up, I don't complain with half my mind, I suggest methods to make things WORK for everyone (and usually the whole class will jump up in agreement) but he'll start to squirm and find a way to divert the attention to pick on me instead. Find some reason why IM the problem.
That's what it seems like he's doing, anyway. I'm glad enough that I'm not the only student that has felt this. One girl did contact me a month ago when he harassed me about something just as petty, and she was furious about it on my behalf.

Posted in Ugh instructor again
Posted 5 years ago

Right, which was the point I tried to make. Like, its not the notebook if the information didn't even get to the pages in the first place. lol
It may seem unorganized to him but it makes sense to myself.
Unfortunately the administration isn't any better, all they (the entire 1 person) care about is how to get away with the next scam attempt. I've vented about this school a few times on here in the past cause overall, it's among the worst places I've been to.
I'm so exhausted by people. After bf left, now I really have no one in person who pays me any ounce of respect. Every interaction is flat, fake, or just boldly rude. It makes me so crazy sometimes

Posted in Ugh instructor again
Posted 5 years ago

This guy humiliated me in front of the whole class again.
Our midterm was today and before hand he offered to review and answer any questions we might have. All of us went silent until one lady was like "I'm not too confident in this one" and she expressed her concerns about how all of our information is only auditory now, so knowing what to review before a test is really dodgy to keep track of. She was more posing it as a question of, did he even tell us what to review?
In other classes we usually are told what chapters are involved in a big test, or what pages to read over, or generally what to study and expect. This way we don't end up overstudying and doing terribly anyways. This guy didn't really do much of that, or if he did then neither of us could remember it since it was purely auditory. And he has a way of saying a lot but sounding like he's saying nothing at all, if that makes sense, so he loses everyone a lot. Our current textbook is.... extremely vague, to be honest, it doesn't even have everything in it that was on the midterm so we NEED that auditory information from him to be in a written form, too.
We all take notes but I'm finding that with this online class stuff, our instructors will make us talk and participate so much, that I honestly don't have time to write most of what is being said. When I do start to write, I wont hear the current information being spat out cause it's at the speed of conversation. There is no time given, and there is no material to study afterwords other than a grossly summarized textbook. I'm not even joking, one chapter is one page long in that thing.
So I chimed in to show that that lady isn't the only one at a loss. I expressed the difficulty with auditory learning, and every student chimed in agreement to that.
But my instructor immediately casts this big spotlight on me, and only me, and starts to drill me and my methods of note taking, how I organize my notebook, and how I need to decide whether I want to fail a class or have a better method of notebook organization. Just because I have more than one subject in my notebook doesn't mean I can't take notes appropriately??? I have ADHD, I'm bound to be chaotic in my methods, but I still managed to have straight A's and A+'s in EVERY CLASS until this online schooling started up. Now I'm all A's and one B. Oh, but I'm gonna fail if I can't organize a notebook lol bitch its the same notebook since my first class. What does this have anything to do with how shitty auditory learning is?
Even he recognized how aggressive he was being and he emailed me to say sorry after, but its beginning to be not okay anymore. The subject changes, but he's always doing this to me. And ONLY me. The recurring thing is "you're not trying hard enough" kind of idea but then he always reels it back in like wait I don't mean that!! ugh, just be nice, dude.
I keep thinking of recording these calls to go over the information. But I keep forgetting to :vanora_cry:
Still, a 4 hour recording of the same auditory information that I couldn't retain the first time sounds like hell

Posted in And other artists do this?
Posted 5 years ago

I think that is perfectly fine. You may even find yourself with a more connected following, since they were able to have a moment with you in person first.
Plus it makes you happy, so it is a win win

Posted in toilet paper earrings
Posted 5 years ago

.... OH
you guys just opened up a whole new world of accessories for me.
lmao I know some people who almost believed that would become a real thing..

Posted in My pet birb (pets discussion)
Posted 5 years ago

I have a birb too and he is the love of my life. He has a huge personality and is so happy, especially with everyone home all day for quarantine
I couldn't ask for any other feather dragon <3

Posted in toilet paper earrings
Posted 5 years ago

I would totally get them if these hook-style of earrings didn't constantly slip out of my ears xd

Posted in toilet paper earrings
Posted 5 years ago

toilet paper

I want these to wear at my retail job...
this isn't meant to be an ad, I included the price side of things to include artist credit in screenshot

Posted in I did it!
Posted 5 years ago

dude me too. I know I AM the massage therapist, but I also need a massage therapist :vanora_xd:
I held so much stress in my neck recently, my muscles are like stiff metal rods! lol

Posted in I did it!
Posted 5 years ago

Massage therapy! Almost done with it, just about 4 months left <3

Posted in I love alternate colored characters...
Posted 5 years ago

I originally designed my avi (the right side) to be this cheerfully colored character to contrast the grump that I am. When I was feeling moody and I came on this site, I'd see her silly little orange/pink self and be like "aaaaahhhh but this is JOLLY, I must post with optimism cause that's who she's meant to be!"
And in some weird way it amused me.
Of course I kind of broke her character with this current sad face cause life got too cruddy to shake it off. Her smiling pink-eyed face was contrasting me too hard lmao sorryjolly
So I played around with her colors, and my silly character-creator brain is like "dude, no, this is someone else now. Make this a story"
and just like that, I'm amused again
Do you get this attached to your avis?
Like, you just cant help thinking about ways to make them into legit OCs and formulate stories for them
no matter how unintended it was from the start lol

Posted in I did it!
Posted 5 years ago

That is awesome, congratulations <33
I can relate to that feeling last year when I finally got into a college for something
such a good, rewarding feeling!

Posted in And other artists do this?
Posted 5 years ago

As long as that isn't the sole purpose of the conversation or a conflict of interest at your job, I'm sure its just fine!
But if it becomes the only thing you talk about, people might get confused or annoyed. There's always that fine line I dance on between appropriately expressing my hobby or sounding like I'm bragging. But I usually don't self promote.