Jolly's posts
Posted in ORBS
Posted 5 years ago

Aw good luckk! I don't have any ohms so I could only get the volt orb ;;;

Posted in Chat with me while I write?
Posted 5 years ago

Lockdown has saved my life from utter chaos
... but that'll be returning to normal here very soon. I wish it wasn't under the circumstances of a pandemic that I got this time to breathe, but y'know

Posted in ORBS
Posted 5 years ago

I wanted the alchemist one and got it on the first try ;v;
But I also want bard and necromancer
and beastmaster..
ahhhh there are so many good ones!
What'd you get??

Posted in Temtem, a pokemon-esque MMORPG
Posted 5 years ago

@kda drew:
Yep! You can play alongside other people throughout the whole thing.
If you get it let me know! I'd love to hear what you think of it firsthand O:
Yeah that's kinda where I'm at with hesitating. Plus, my last pay check wasn't that great xD
Oh thanks for mentioning that, I'll go check it out! I tend to like watching that lot lol
And yeah, maybe I will just wait it out longer. Its not as though I have a bunch of free time to be spending in games right now anyways orz
I need to play what I have

Posted in Cancelling class for memorial day...
Posted 5 years ago

... is fine and all, but now the instructor is making a fuss about us having to make up today's class on another day. Excuse you, I have a job and other classes, and internship work starts back up this week too. monday and wednesday are the only days in the week that I have free for this class, but the latter doesn't work for other students who have other classes too. ~___~
Why is it suddenly our responsibility that the instructor wanted to take a holiday today?
Just extend the class by one more week to accommodate for holidays. There are no other classes to overlap that anyways.
Other than that I'm a little happy that I can have some peace today
Work on my last commission and finish all this week's hw <33

Posted in Temtem, a pokemon-esque MMORPG
Posted 5 years ago

This game is still early access, like $35 on steam.
I wanna play it so muchhhh but I always hesitate with unfinished games. the feedback is mostly really positive but there are complaints for it getting boring for some people at the end (its unfinished of course). And some people try to compare it to pokemon so much that they kill it for themselves.
It could either get better or worse, being thats how early access games usually go. But the devs sound like they're pretty active so that's a good sign I think.
Any of you know of this game or have tried it?

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah but its not like... a job. Its work that you do because you love your little fluff companion lol
My bird would probably get mad jealous if I got a dog though. He already looks at me funny when I'm hugging the cat xD

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

my neighbors all have dogs and I just sit with my face against my upstairs window and admire them from afar :vanora_xd:
I can't get one until I have my own place. parents don't want anymore free roaming animals in their house

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

hmmm true, but they had yummy fried jalapenos. Like, crispy and all that. I'm drooling just remembering it!
it hasn't come back for like 4 years already. lol

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

ohh i havent tried one. my favorite was when they had those jalapeno burgers. it never came back... :vanora_cry:

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Or settle for a dog <3
thats the first priority
dang I want a whopper now! They're so gross but so good at the same time
Ohh many good things! Glad you can have some time to relax without being at work, always a plus

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Yes, I love stories like these <3 two strong people just making it through life's challenges together.
Makes me happy to hear

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Sorry I ended up typing a lot XD Their story is a happy one, so still relevant to this positivity thread!

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Its kind of funny because we also came from Florida, so that whole process was the same for her as it was for you xD
But yeah she studied to get her masters degree in Art. I think her uni was near st Alban's or somewhere on that side of London. Initially she had a LDR that she moved in with for most of her time there. It wasn't until towards the end that they broke up and she ended up with her current husband a few months later. Now they're doing really well here in colorado, so I'm happy for them.
I think about it a lot recently with how those two inspire me. Like, even when they were living in a van in germany, just struggling to find a place to shower. Or when they lived in a hostel in New Zealand. When immigration wouldn't let my sister in to be with her fiance. In some moments during their relationship, it really did seem like everything was trying to make it too frustrating to be together. They never lost their dedication for each other, never blamed the relationship for their hardship. They made sacrifices together and worked together until they succeeded. They're happy now, my sister always tells me how her husband is so entirely happy with his life and its really wholesome.
My ex couldn't even handle having to sleep on a japanese mat, bill-free for a few months to be with me xD