Jolly's posts
Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

That's how I remember it being. I used to live in Sugarland (but on the border of Missouri City), TX. just slightly south-west from Houston. I loved it so much.
I had a lot of lovely interactions with workers where I just walked in with a question and walked out feeling like I had a new friend. In one case, I literally walked in to ask some managers some questions about their business and walked out already hired for a job. I feel that one was a bit more unique lmao
Colorado is a bit more rough than that. Some nice people here and there, but most of the time it feels more difficult to obtain information because no one wants to exert any effort.
Yeah exactly. I was indifferent about this uncle when I was a child because he used to be into gross habits and would always flake out on plans with us. He flaked out on my sister's wedding and it irked me, cause she had to pay for his table and everything.
But we've started chatting again recently since my dad told him I wanted to go live there. He's cleaned himself up so much and he sounds so happy, I'm really glad he's doing better <3
Wow, yeah my sister studied in England, its how she met her husband. They both live in the states now because immigration over there became too strict for her to stay. She was one year short of being able to apply for residency, but other restrictions would've still gotten in the way.

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Either way I have plenty of time to visit first ^^ and my uncle reached out to help me out with lodging as well (maybe not 6-months long, I wouldn't ask that of him. But if I needed it for the moving process for some reason, I have him as a safety net).
I just get so exciiiiited, it makes me impatient lmao I just wanna be there already!
But yes, I would easily have found a job here within those 6 months and more money saved is always a good bonus

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, my only worry is that there might be a 6 month delay before I can shift my CO massage license over to a TX one. So I might be stuck in place until April or something (assuming I get my license within a month or two of graduating, gotta pass a test)
But I plan to check things out in person when I visit and see if I can have a conversation with massage therapists where I want to move to. Maybe they'll have some helpful insight for me.
Hopefully they wont be rough like CO people and be like uhh why dafuq you talking to me go away xD
seriously that's how people are here.

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

(yay for money saving!!)
I practiced tarot reading last night and honestly, I think it helped me a lot in a meditative sort of way. It inspired me to contemplate my options in the coming months and to keep my mind open to be prepared for what's to come after words. Graduation, the big whoppin' exam, visiting my uncle in TX so I can scout where I want to live and begin solidify my plans. I expect that I'll run into a couple of road blocks before I meet my goal. But, who knows? Maybe I'll be spot on..
I am eager to reach this point of my life but I must be patient. One day at a time. When it gets harder, as my coworker said, just take it 15 minutes at a time and before you know it, you're there.
I also really really want to get a new tattoo of a phrase my best friend tells me in times like these (it always becomes relevant to my life lol)
"konting kembot nalang"
roughly translates to "just a little more wiggling", as in to keep working, you're almost there

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

My day just began so I don't have anything meaningful just yet
But I'm loving the responses in here so far <3 It feels good to really take a moment and focus on what's going right
especially in contrast to how negative everything has been lately.
be the light!

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

Aww, I'm glad she received it in the end! I always get so anxious when mail I sent takes so long to be delivered. My post more often loses things completely.
Yes! I'm proud of you!
I get that urge too but usually when I'm in a situation where I can't draw at all lol like any time I'm not home.

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

I definitely empathize with that reasoning, its why I hold back with painting too.
But "just doing it" is such a great way to get better and over time, little light bulbs just start going off!
I get real hard on myself lately when it comes to painting, but honestly.. I just gotta DO it more often <3

Posted in Something positive today
Posted 5 years ago

What is something positive that you could say about today?
If nothing specifically happened, say something positive about yourself. How you look or feel today!
Jolly is practicing being jolly again xD
So for me--
I had a lot of decent interactions with people today. It feels like everyone I bumped into while I was out was in a pretty good mood, and it was just sorta pooling off of them in a way.
Oh yeah, and I was finding a bday gift for my sister. I only love shopping when it comes to gift shopping. Its like a chance to blow money without cluttering my own home. Is that weird? Does that make me a true female? I'm joking, joking

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, its why I'll probably never live on a corner. But everyone has that chance I guess.
Last I heard he was doing fine. He's my ex's friend so I don't know any updates from it, but I remember seeing a photo of one of those large pickup trucks being inside his bedroom. Luckily he wasn't home when it happened, but I think it crushed his PC.

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago

Oh sweet jesus! I'm so glad that you all are safe! How on earth could they mess up a parking job that badly?
I hear this happens SO MUCH though. People driving into houses. It just happened a few months ago to a mutual friend of mine, not too far from where I live. But he lives on a corner, I hear that's most common to get hit..

Posted in Cute games to play on laptop
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah I went back around... 2011 or 2012? and played a 14 day trial so I could do the non-free stuff. Once that time was up I stopped playing it and moved on to another game lol

Posted in Cute games to play on laptop
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, that sounds about like the level of trolling in 2008 MMOs
I always think about trying to play runescape again but with no friends to play with and it restricts free players a lot, I usually change my mind before I bother.
Oh but for cute games, if money isn't a big concern there's also dofus or wakfu. I CANT remember if they have a browser version but they aren't heavy on computers at all. They are technically free to play, but just like runescape, there are restrictions. One of them is more of a free demo.
... or both of them are, I cant remember now

Posted in Cute games to play on laptop
Posted 5 years ago

I haven't played any browser games in a long time. there used to be one on facebook that was actually legitimately fun, where you explore different countries (but there's a hint of fantasy, with monsters to fight or catch) and gather materials to cook or craft things for your land.
It shut down several years ago T^T
Need more simple games like that. But most of the time they become big money grabs..

Posted in Random art thoughts
Posted 5 years ago

Hahaha hopefully! I always have a hard time fitting into groups or club-like things where I live. People get really cliquey, even older folk.
But the artists here tend to be much more open minded and pleasant so it might be just what I need <3
Yes, I empathize with that in a sense! Most tutorials and classes require photoshop. But I know that Clip Studio can do many of the things that photoshop can, I just might have to do a little tweaking of brushes and settings. Regardless I gotta learn how to color well in the first place XD
@priestess of pie:
Yeah and you're very right about that. Even the course I'm taking right now has a bunch of numbskulls in it, and I paid 20 grand for them lol
Streams sometimes help me a lot, but more often I just get overwhelmed by them. I've been trying this for 10 years already lmao But if there is no other option that works, I have no choice but to stick to my own devices and maybe when I'm 80 I'll finally get it down