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Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

Now my stomach is very upset. Maybe the ice cream was a bad idea all around
stupid waste of $10...

except the tip, about the only thing not wasted about it :vanora_xd:

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

Yeah its always the big trucks with the biggest attitudes here. But they always end up in the ditches because they're too reckless.
I'm really not a fan of them because they always scare me so much lol

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

Speaking of rear ending, I almost got ran down by this massive truck this morning from behind. I was on the highway, which didn't have many cars on it at that time, and this truck is probably going 80 and doesn't think to slow or go around me. Instead comes up behind me SO FAST and got so close that I really thought I was about to feel it on my tail. They had to slam their breaks and seemingly barely missed me (or maybe just really close, hard to tell distance).
I'm going 50 on a 45, chill

Gave me a huge spook. Not a fan of those ginormous pickup trucks that are so common here

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

@priestess of pie:
yea T^T dont get ice cream that doesn't fit in the cup holder

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

ice cream didn't taste the same after such a betrayal T^T

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

Yeah I think most people are like that by my age lol
I had some trauma issues I was trying to sort out, so I'm not sure if I will ever become so comfortable with driving that it could be like breathing?
But I also never thought I would be able to drive at all, and here I am. So maybe one day I'll see myself FULLY overcome my biggest hindrance!
The fact that I DIDN'T hit the curb while turning one-handed already says a lot for me lmao cars behind me were probably like wtf she on?

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

I cant drive one handed ;A;
I'm still a newb
but, I had to try anyway cause it kept falling, and I almost hit a curb lmao ;;;;;;

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

hhhh maybe I can get the car clean in 15 minutes until class starts
but I also need to eat the ice cream
I should've ate it at the shop I didn't think I had time

Posted in AAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago

to get ice cream
but DQ was closed so I went to cold stone
forgot how messy their ice cream cups are
also forgot I'm single now so no one can carry my ice cream, and I got online class to attend soon so I had to gooo



tried to tell myself "its fine its ok, driving safely is more important than reaching for the ice cream"
but then I looked at the ice cream again, and it was crying all over my passenger seat
and full panic hit me

I made it home safe.
ice cream in hand, oozing all over my school uniform
I think this was a test to see how I can handle adrenaline in a car
I dont think I've ever seen my dad look at me with so much sadness when he saw the spilt ice cream lol

(also yes, I'm still gonna eat the ice cream, even though its probably filthy...)

@kitalpha hart:
Yeah I might do that if I'm still feeling inspired! I ended up liking this project more than I thought I would.
hated it at first lol

@kitalpha hart:
Ohh, I haven't seen that anime but I remember spotting it on my netflix(I think?) feed. I meant to watch it, maybe it could help with my A&P class :'D
But yeah I imagine it is similar to that.

I wish I had enough time to go more detailed with the comic pages. I forgot to add that viruses infect good cells, so I wanted to have a bit where the virus character touches a cell character and they become corrupt. Virus chara would be like holy poop i did NOT mean to do that oops

(Veira narrating)
"together we would discover the grim reality of our existence.

We were a curse upon this world,
and if we continued to survive...

this world would turn to ash.

We had a decision to make
... and we were running out of time
(this part is supposed to be like.. quick flashes of things that happen? The mask character is a Natural Killer Cell, literally what they're called. Kind of like how a movie trailer will quickly flash scenes to be like oooooo drama happens but you don't get to see the whole thing unless you watch it! idk, probably poorly executed, I'm a comic newb)

"would it be us?
or the world?"
(the new character is now showing injuries, to imply they've been through some shit already)


I think I'll just roll with it ;v;
There's so much detail missing but hhhhhhh maybe I'll leave more to explain in the presentation.
It's kind of just meant to be a "trailer" anyways, so not everything will be mentioned in the comic.
I just wanted visuals for the effect.

Haha I have a creative instructor. But oddly enough, she didn't come up with it this time, it was legit in my textbook lol
But yeah, I LOVE giving the "enemies" of a story a real range of emotions to sympathize with haha My instructor's probably gonna get all pouty. She is the type to really get into stories and characters. She used to be an actor xD

I'll definitely share the finished thing! It is only going to be a summary, so not fully played out the way I might write it. Just makes it easier to feel the story if they can see it, imo

I like your idea for the fire. Like there's a more direct and accidental cause. My idea was that the atmosphere itself changes when a virus appears. Much like when it gets too hot irl, it often starts to rain to cool it down. In this little universe, the weather is pretty much like OHSHITBADPEOPLE -shoves the sun closer- XD because the heat of a fever/inflammation is meant to stop an infection too
If I were to get more in depth about it, though, I'd definitely have other types of cells or whatever it is that causes inflammation, to be the ones shifting this atmosphere in a fit of panic or something?

I decided to get rid of the structure idea. It was meant to be something but I realized that I was thinking of the lymphatic system, which wasn't going to be chronologically accurate. So she just slips past the enzymes and is simply "in the system"

I planned for the viruses to all be the same type. Not sure how well it makes sense scientifically, haha
The virus that helps Veira is not a scientific reason, just an action to help me from a story and explain that Veira isn't the only (or first) one of her kind. I guess I might be taking a little creative freedom with having other virus characters, I hope that doesn't end up ruining things. They do serve a purpose in helping me tell the story in a faster manner.

Hahaha yeah, I was at a complete mind block until I remembered that film. Gave me some sort of inspiration to go off of. Otherwise I couldn't figure out how to personify cells lol

Some sketches for it
The bird thing being an enzyme attacking the virus, trying to stop it from reaching the kingdom, aka body