Jolly's posts
Posted in Job rants, personality criticism
Posted 2 years ago
Yeah, good benefits would be nice. My job has benefits but they're not a great fit for me either. Not the worst I've seen, but a 4500 deductible and it doesn't cover birth control or mental health at all... I'm not a fan XD
I also just found out 5 min ago that when we get PTO they don't tell us by how many hours, they tell us how many "days" we have of it. but even though we work 11 hour shifts our PTO only pays for 8 hours
Gotta love it.
I need to get started on gov job research soon :,,)
it's hard to commit to changing jobs, kinda scary when your home depends on your income being stable and good

Posted in Races, Personas and OCs (answered) ♥
Posted 2 years ago
@Qiqi Agatha:
Yes absolutely!!
that said, I would neeeeeever try to cosplay a character that is POC! I think that would be too rude of me XD
I only draw them cause its healthy to appreciate our differences! But when it comes to culture, I'll let the right people tell that story, so I can support them instead

Posted in Races, Personas and OCs (answered) ♥
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Looooooooooook
Posted 2 years ago

I got this brush off an artist that I follow
its so fun to use (Its pwyw if any of you use clip studio)
If I'm not overly lazy I was wanting to try making this into a gif later, maybeee

Posted in Races, Personas and OCs (answered) ♥
Posted 2 years ago
Gosh its so hard to just stick with something! At this point I have gone by so many names online

I was consistent only in childhood, then as I became an adult my personality feels like it became super inconsistent. It reflects in my constant username changes haha
Yep, that is exactly where it dawned on me that she became unintentionally a persona.
So yeah, for the sake of shes-not-me, I might rebrand sometime. But that it isn't bordering on being rude, gives me more time to think through my next change <3

Posted in Races, Personas and OCs (answered) ♥
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Races, Personas and OCs (answered) ♥
Posted 2 years ago
In terms of WoW lore -- I have actually separated the OC from the game entirely over the years. Not a fan of the companies anymore so that was for various reasons, for my comfort. Since doing that I've grown attached to this OC quite a bit <3
I think I may eventually rebrand to something else, as much as I love using Zelleya's name. Just cause she still doesn't feel like a persona (she's too far removed from me in terms of personality) Its just tricky cause rebranding gets confusing for people who follow me :') I seem to change my usernames every couple years..

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Generally happy thread
Posted 2 years ago
What I did was played a ton of Atelier Ryza video game until I couldn't think about my job or problems anymore. All I could think about was alchemy alchemy synthesizing
Legit had a dream my mom needed things so I was just gather gather synthesize make the thing

But it was relaxing cause the game is chill

Posted in Races, Personas and OCs (answered) ♥
Posted 2 years ago
What brought this up was a lot of debates around Vtubers, where some will use models of different races from themselves and say "this isn't supposed to be me/a persona, this is a character I'm RPing as" but people still find it to be incredibly offensive. But some of the context is that they're trying to imitate a realistic POC culture entirely, and in Vtuber context it can be very misleading.
(I've had interest in learning to rig, but I would never use my dark elf OC for that. Not in any context where I'm speaking through her)

Posted in Races, Personas and OCs (answered) ♥
Posted 2 years ago
I've been thinking about this subject a lot recently. I don't know the right words for it, but you know how it can/is deemed offensive to, say, have a persona that is POC while you yourself, are white. I don't want to begin a debate on "is THIS right or wrong" because I do feel that it is reasonably uncomfortable for a lot of people, so it is something that I choose to respect.
and maybe this is just my brain struggling to comprehend social concepts, cause I mean, I normally struggle with things that seem obvious to others
But I sometimes run into spots where I don't quite know where the line is drawn, ESPECIALLY where fantasy races are involved. I obviously really like creating and drawing characters of all types, races, fantasy or not, ect. I love the diversity and I love how much others enjoy my character designs too.
I DO NOT have a persona that is dark skinned, as I am a white fool and that just doesn't sit well.
But unintentionally I DO have a dark skinned character that I have been using as a mascot of sorts when I rebranded my twitter account. She is a dark elf, so being a non-realistic race, I didn't really think much of it. My reason for using her (and I did this like a year ago) was she originated in WoW when my husband and I used to play. We grew attached to our characters and have been slowly crafting a story about them. They are not us, they are their own beings with their own personalities, as OCs would be. But I like her so much and her name felt like such a nice one to go by, I was like hey why not use her as my brand mascot?
I'm not trying to treat her as a persona, but recently I understand that using her as my account's "face" kind of makes it look like that in action, despite intentions. No one has ever said anything or sounded uncomfortable with me for it, but also, I never asked anyone before. So I keep flip flopping on the matter of "hang on, am I being a problem or is this bothering no one and I'm just being over cautious??????"
Does this become uncomfortable or jarring when it is a race and color that is not realistic, and has no implication of realistic culture? This is what it looks like in practice

I do think that in some cases, intentions should matter more than anything, cause not everyone has a thorough understanding of the modern PC culture. And opinions will always vary on what we like and dont like. But like, is this something you've heard any debates on to think "maybe this is JUST controversial enough to maybe rebrand again?"
I very very much love thoughts and opinions on this,
but please refrain from complaining about the concept of respecting others' discomforts. I know some people hate PC-ness. Sometimes it can go too far, sure, but this is an area that I feel is appropriate for me to respect?
If I do rebrand I thought about creating a persona based on my avi on here, but then again idk if that's allowed cause of copyright on the item designs

Posted in Generally happy thread
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Generally happy thread
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Arielle
Posted 2 years ago
I'm late to hearing about this! I just watched the trailer and I honestly really hope it'll be good! Looks like heavy on cgi so hope they pull it off well.
As for the actress, I don't personally see why she's unfit, but I dont know anything about her or her acting style. The trailer I watched really didn't give me any impressions c: