Jolly's posts
Posted in Smart watch brands
Posted 3 years ago
Yeah it seems to have all the regular features of a smart watch.
You can receive calls and texts on it (which I probably would turn off, I like to disconnect from my phone)
Music and Camera Control, Brightness Adjustment, Weather Display, Sedentary Reminder, Alarm Clock, Stopwatch, Flashlight.
8 sport modes and 7-15 days of battery life.
Honestly if the battery life is true, that alone beats a samsung watch by a mile imo.

Posted in Smart watch brands
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Aspergers vs Autism
Posted 3 years ago
Oh, I think I've heard about Autism Speaks before.
I have a hard time finding trustworthy info online when comes to these kinds of things. There's a lot of this and that. That's why I came here, I tend to respect the minds of the people on this site. Conversation helps me pick up on context too TvT

Posted in Aspergers vs Autism
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Aspergers vs Autism
Posted 3 years ago
*edit: I understood faster than I thought I would! ty
Hello hello
this is actually not intended to be a serious topic, but it can absolutely be a sensitive one so I felt this the best forum to put it in. Also a place to avoid the subject if it makes anyone uncomfortable. Please let me know if that is the case though and I can happily erase it! I by no means intend any disrespect, I am really just oblivious to the social expectations.
I moreso wanted to understand the common opinion and negative implications surrounding the label Aspergers
What brings this up was a happy little chit chat in a discord server where someone started to assume I was autistic. They had innocent intentions, it was moreso referring to a kind of hyperfixation that I have on things sometimes. To give credit to their thoughts, I mentioned that Aspergers was suggested when I was young but not officially documented (I take it as not truly a diagnosis, doctor didn't want me to lose rights later in life by being "less than ordinary" on paper--the world sucks a bit). All in all, I leave it open as possibility but I'll probably never have it confirmed. No need to.
But by saying the word, the chat exploded as if I just said hail h*tler or something. Before I could get any explanation as to why "Aspergers" has become such an offensive word, mods silenced everyone :vanora_xd:
I did some quick google searches but couldn't find anything concrete I guess. The only information I got was that aspergers is now just merged into autism. That was alarming to me because I could've sworn I read about Aspergers in DSM-5 as still being a separate thing. There are distinct differences in the two even if they share similarities--!
What do you all think about this?
Of course, I'm open for corrections! I guess my concern was that I understood differences, and it feels like a mental disorder has been essentially erased for some reason. But I'm 30 now so I'm a boomer who dont understand

Posted in Smart watch brands
Posted 3 years ago
Yeahh, sadly I cannot stand iphones ;;
Im so comfortable on androids and pcs that I dont use any apple product. Some of that is for cost as well.
But yeah!
I ended up getting the $59 Cakuja watch (knocked it down with a coupon too). Never heard of them but reviews are good across the board, so we'll see how it works! If I like it Ill simply change the band to a less ugly one lmao

Posted in Smart watch brands
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Smart watch brands
Posted 3 years ago
Ahhhhhhh I'm going crazy with researching these things, so I'm gonna compile a small list on here D<
Please tell me your experience with these or any other brands I dont mention!!

I'm looking for in features:
○ step tracking (ofc)
○ sleep tracking (if it can detect things like snoring or grinding, even better, but not deal breaker)
○ REMINDERS! This is probably the biggest thing, I need it to be able to either set reminders in its own app or read off my existing phone calendar. I need them alarms bb
○ Size--I have tiny wrist. If I measured right, my wrist is like 45mm wide.
First idea is always Fitbit. But I REALLY dont like how difficult it is to actually find a breakdown of what features are premium and what aren't. For the big price, I start looking around elsewhere >>

Pros: 40mm!! It SMOL
I have a samsung phone. A samsung tv. They have great stuff, but--
Cons: Bad reputation for awful battery life. Like its supposed to be 24 hours which is sucky already, but it doesn't actually last even a day. This is based on feedback my husband gets at work (he works at a phone company). Reviews online seem to share the opinion.
And $200+
Apple watch is pretty but i have android :')
and its $$$$ with 18 hour battery life

Pros: GORGEOUS. Professional. R O U N D.
I love this design, I would pay the extra $ for it. But--
Cons: 42mm
so big
so bulk

Pros: price is in the double digits.
Fully customizable watch face--I can have fun with that!
I cant find measurement in mm but it appears to be a smaller one? probably 40-41mm?
multiple days of battery life even on heavy use (per reviews)
Cons: Ugly
Do not like the bands (but may see if these can be changed)

Pros: EVEN CHEAPER in cost but also even more positive reviews
Cons: 42mm wide is so biggggggg for me
Too many options and all of them look ugly
or big
or expensive
I just want a device on my wrist that will yell at me and hold me accountable for my routines/meds/ect

Posted in End of Spring Detox
Posted 3 years ago
After writing all this, I ended up taking a nice detox bath
I only used orange essential oil in it and used a hemp based salt scrub.
Orange is really good for mental health :vanora_icon:
Felt pretty good after! Highly recommend!
That sounds like a nice blend too :D
All essential oils are dangerous to animals, they can cause respiratory problems. So its not recommended using diffusers around them. Just be careful and watch them for signs of discomfort! (cats hide discomfort tho)
I keep my cat out of the bathroom when I use these so she isn't directly in it ^^; she hates it cause she loves sitting on the tub when Im in there lol

Posted in End of Spring Detox
Posted 3 years ago
I've decided that among all these routines and health rituals that I have been wanting to try for the sake of my mental health, that the first step is actually taking more care of my physical health! Just because I don't feel pain or unwell, doesn't mean improvements cannot be made.
So I want to adopt some Springtime detox rituals. Nothing crazy like shooting water up places it shouldn't go--I moreso am referring to simple, comfortable naturopathic methods with the use of essential oils.
That aside, I'll be quoting an Essential Oils and Aromatherapy book on this because its quite useful~
"Used in therapeutic baths or massage blends, healing oils can help to free the body of impurities and improve health [Jolly: if done correctly]."
I was a licensed massage therapist in CO a year ago. In my studies, I was officially certified to recommend 3 essential oil flavors: lavender, lemon, and orange. This being that they are the 3 safest flavors to use.
Believe it or not, essential oils can be quite dangerous! Some will alter your circulation, blood flow, which affects your cardiovascular (heart) function. Some can affect other systems in your body and may intervene certain medications. I am not an aromatherapist, so I cannot rightfully say what is safe for you or not. If concerned, please please find a local aromatherapist that can most safely confirm if any of these things are safe for you or not!
"To maximize the effects of the bath, dry-brush your skin with a natural fiber brush before bathing to open up pores and remove dead skin cells. Spend a few minutes doing this before you enter the bath. Always [Jolly: important!!] work toward the heart area when brushing the skin."
I quote this part mainly for the directional mention. I am glad this book includes that! In massage therapy, it is always very significant to focus most of our strokes toward the heart. It encourages healthy blood flow. Working away from the heart discourages it. The body subconsciously knows this because any time a therapist doesn't do this, the session does not feel very good comparatively.
Anyways, when soaking in a detox bath, work your loofah or sponge in gentle circles to draw circulation to the areas. It feels good, it is good, and especially if you have sore muscles. A gentle massage while soaking in a warm bath can do wonders.
1 "Detox Bath: Use a jar of plain bath salts or fine sea salts and add a few drops of detoxifying, regenerating lemon oil, along with a couple of drops of fresh, green rosemary oil. Grapefruit oil can be substituted for any one of these oils; it is diuretic and decreases unwanted mucus during detoxification. [Jolly: This can be a thing--sniffles during detox is pretty common] This oil may be an irritant for some, so do a patch test before use."
Patch tests are when you give your arm a good wash with unscented soap, pat it dry, then you put a sample of the essential oil on your skin. Just a little, like a single drop on the underside of your arm. Cover it with lightly a bandaid or something (I'd use self adhesive wrap, cause adhesives can be irritants) for about a day. If you feel any signs of discomfort, don't use that oil.
2 "Use a jar of plain bath salts or fine sea salts and add a few drops of lemongrass, an oil that is good for drainage of body fluids, and calming lavender oil. Do not bathe for longer than twenty minutes, as bathing for longer than this will dry out the skin. Avoid high concentrations of this oil."
OK so lemongrass essential oil is one of those may be dangerous ones. It does affect blood pressure by lowering it. I almost didn't include this piece because when it comes to blood pressure, I just find it hard to recommend these even if I do a full intake form with yall. Just be careful!! It DOES have antifungal/antioxident properties though, and can help with digestive issues, so there are definitely benefits to this oil if its safe for you. ALthough its only animal-tested so even that.. XD patch test it
3 "Juniper oil helps detox the body by ridding it of toxic wastes, improving elimination, and supporting liver function. Add it to a cup of fine sea salts, as these salts encourage sweating, which is another way the body eliminates toxins. Juniper is nonirritating in dilution. [Jolly: By my studies, I believe all oils should be diluted anyways]
During the detox regimen, add two drops of juniper on the pulse points of the wrists each day and inhale its stimulating aroma. This oil helps tone up the glandular system, particularly the pancreas and adrenals."
I'm obligated to repeat the same kinds of caution warnings. But for this one, the book itself DOES disclaim Juniper oil; Do NOT use this if you have any sort of kidney disorder. The book suggests that you can substitute with grapefruit oil, which supports the liver and lymph. But only on a very low concentration. Personally, I would ask a legal aromatherapist for this one if you have any relative conditions.
if you made it past all my bipolar "this is great" but "this is also danger" and choose to try any of these; let me know how you feel afterwords!!
If you have any other rituals for healthy cleansing, feel free to share :vanora_icon:
If you'd like to know specifically how many drops of these oils to use, its usually easy with a quick google search for each one! Healthline website is often pretty accurate as well. I actually cant remember on the top of my head what the typical doses were for lemon, orange and lavender. I think it was like.. 4-6 drops into water.

Posted in Self help and healthy routines
Posted 3 years ago
OH one thing that may help a lot with my mental health
next week I'm finally getting my bc implant removed :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry:
TOOK SO LONG to get to this point
but SOON my body will no longer be scientifically modified (lmao)
I will be taking a few weeks before I start on bc pills to allow my body to just. be.
I'll probably have a big ol hormone freak out until I balance again. I'm curious to see how well my body and mind may bounce back?

Posted in Self help and healthy routines
Posted 3 years ago
These are all real helpful advices ;v;
I'll definitely see a dentist when I can to help with the teeth grinding. I looked at teeth guards but I have two bottom "fangs" that are not aligned, so the normal guards may not fit right (I wanna try but they're also insanely priced for something that might not fit!)
I only need something for my back molars >> maybe something exists that doesn't need to wrap around my whole jaw?
Anyway, I do wanna try Kaira's suggestions too. I think it does sound helpful to categorize my thoughts and organize them in a structured fashion.
I do this when I want too many "things" like material items. It helps me not impulse buy XD
"Without fixing the sources of stress it’s almost more stressful to force yourself to eat."
YES to this so much. Food only becomes easy when my mind is not in scrambles. ;;
I like what you mention a lot too. The closest I've gotten to journalling so far is using that Finch app. Found that after posting htis thread and it kiiiind of helps? It asks me questions and I either answer or dont if I dont feel like it. I'm a bit choosey cause I prefer the bullet points than paragraphs. I'm also too lazy to explain anything I write about, so very vague. But I have my husband doing it with me (he's also looking for self help for depression) and I think it is helping him more than me. That makes me happy~
Either way, I am proud of you for being able to help yourself in these ways. Its such a hard thing to keep up with long term or routinely. My husband is better at routines than I am so he's trying to help me keep on track with it. I may need to start setting alarms haha

Posted in Self help and healthy routines
Posted 3 years ago
Even right now I'm getting so pent up with anger
I lost a serial number to my art program
left my ipad charger at work
so all in all, cant digital draw at all like I had planned to until I get that number, but it was a gift so idk if the support team will even be able to help ;;;;;;
tv from the neighbors upstairs is so very very loud.
I just cant relax

Posted in Self help and healthy routines
Posted 3 years ago
I could never figure out how to journal. Ive always been terrible about writing diaries because I feel like I'm bringing myself back to what has passed and sitting in it. My brain does that all day long, but by writing it I feel I'm just immortalizing the day. I dont know how to make it work I guess, my brain might just be too negative in how I think about it ;;
But obviously my methods don't work either. I just try to take breaths and tell myself I can do it, and just keep charging through the day. Yearning for the hour when I get to go back home. But then at home time gets ruined every time because I have so many other things I've been trying to deal with that keep going wrong. Doctors being dumb, incorrect bills I have to fight, usps of all things creating problems for me too. Its endless. I just had a 3 day weekend where I tried, SO, HARD, to do just have at least a half day to play video games with my partner and not think about anything else. But so much went wrong, we didn't even have time. I almost didn't have a PC either, cause the one I got came broken so I had to run an hour out of town to exchange it. Every task takes like hours of my day and then I end up fuming for even more cause I failed to relax again.
I've begun grinding my teeth at night and I can feel it :vanora_stunned:
idk how to just snap out of it