Jolly's posts
Posted in Work frustrations, ranting
Posted 3 years ago
I haven't seen any ads for any job that pays even close to this one that isn't about driving a box truck. I don't have a lot of wiggle room to cut my wage until my husband gets full time (his job is being crap too so he's also hunting). or until I pay off my car.
I made 52k last year, this year I'll probably be around 40-45k with how inflation actually dropped our sales and foot traffic. i try to stay in this pay range. This company pays well and its not absurdly hard, but the managers can really make or break it.
With warehouse guy gone too, we're all about to add a ton of tasks to our daily load. last one we lost, it was so chaotic trying to run the floor while managing the warehouse at the same time
Posted in Work frustrations, ranting
Posted 3 years ago
meanwhile, i see my assistant manager has been job hunting for a couple months already. he doesn't hide it from me cause i don't yap, but i really see that he goes through a lot here too.
our warehouse guy just quit because of the store manager,
a few months ago another sales person quit because of him.
the other asst lady got promotion to another store, so she did exclaim to me that she was happy to leave this store manager.
now the current asst and i are so so tired
Posted in Work frustrations, ranting
Posted 3 years ago
My store manager sat me down to tell me that our Regional manager, allegedly, is threatening to change my schedule up without my permission as some gross punishment because I haven't sold enough adjustable bases at work last week.
I've had normal adjustable base sales for the year and a half I've worked here. quotas fluctuate like with anyone.
But the entire store is down, everything is down. All quotas for the store overall is mostly down. But that's the entire region, the company even!
Foot traffic is 80% DOWN at my store, we actually calculated it compared to last year. My assistant who works My same schedule, he's same as me on numbers and he's known for being amazing at this sales thing.
So to frame this as a punishment is cruel! And when I bring these reasons up, I'm met with "that's just an excuse". My store manager said that and it really got under my skin.
They know that Mondays are important to me, so it's felt like a low blow every time they do this. they've always tried to take it away because jobs just cannot STAND a person needing one day out of the week to not be available because it's the only day I can run errands and take care of my family. The only day I'm guaranteed to see my husband. holidays take it away which is fine, although sometimes I feel like my store manager finds joy when I lose my Mondays this way. But like I'm fine working that day occasionally as needed, just need it to be my usual off day for my personal life. If they take it, I'm absolutely screwed out of any appointments (share 1 car and I can't drive here ect ect), dates, anything that I do with my partner outside of work. It's only on this day because my shifts are 11 hours, it's impossible to squeeze family time with work time otherwise. My husband CAN'T change his off day at his job, he had to fight a lot to get his Mondays off too.
My managers know how important this is to me.
This is only because I didn't sell adjustable bases for one week! I mostly sold mattresses for kids last week!!
RSM also suggested I didn't sell any Tempur/Sealy/Stearns brand mattresses. another quota we have. But in fact I sold more than anyone else, I only didn't sell any last week. The week before last I only worked 1 day because bereavement, but I still sold these brands and an adjustable in fact!! I don't understand that even when I say this, they still continue to threat. I HAVE BEEN selling these things, just last week flopped!
I'm not inadequate! Why do they push my nerves like this?
I'm so angry
no other job around here will pay what this job pays, I've been looking, but I can't afford our home if I take a pay cut. This is just the straw on top, I've been biting back on so much work stress from these managers. I wonder if they're trying to push me to quit? Maybe this is why my store manager keeps pushing extra work on me.
In desperate times, my management team is becoming rude af.
It's terribly angering :vanora_cry:
Posted in journalist wishful speaking (rant)
Posted 3 years ago
but I ain't clicking on your story
I swear, when I see such bs like this, I wish nothing but failure for this kind of journalist. This is a sick style of rage baiting.
Do not speak for a country as if you are the voice for the masses--maybe YOU care more about this rubbish because its easy to get rage clicks off it. Maybe some do, there are some ridiculously awful amercans for sure. But while we already have such a reputation for being little shitheads, can we not make it worse with stuff like this pls? Now days, people believe everything they see on the internet.
stupid celebrity drama does not compare to things like war..
I feel that MOST americans are so sick of this D*pp and H**rd story, but the media keeps shoving it down our throats as if it were more important than the heckin' genocide happening across the globe.
This isn't to say abuse isn't a significant topic but like... journalists seriously need to stop trying to compare these things! Agh its so irritating, social media garbage
if im incorrect on this, then I'll be very disappointed. i just find it impossible to believe with how much its getting shoved in our faces. like is it truly interest or is it the constant advertising
Posted in ❀ Digital Art Stuff - WIPs and Things!
Posted 3 years ago
Posted in ❀ Traditional Projects - Dioramas!
Posted 3 years ago
Posted in Hiiiii
Posted 3 years ago
man I love when I have this chunky price on my amazon cart, but then after coupons and surprise promo balance I didn't know I had, the price nearly cuts in half and I can update my entire kitchen~!
Anyway, How are you all? Tell me whats new, whats exciting in your week so far!
I just got back from a trip to see my family in Colorado over the weekend. My RSM was very kind in letting me do so, considering my company doesn't usually allow non-managers to take weekends off. It was nice, but definitely glad I don't live up there anymore! Walking through those spaces where I have so many heavy, bad memories. Was probably a healthy reminder that I needed.
I came back feeling so happy and appreciative of my life currently! Sometimes I get caught up in the work-burnout blues, but really, life is very good to us.
And in a week, I'm gonna have a heckin' good lookin kitchen. No more chipped dishes we got off some old yard sale lmao
Posted in My dog goes blep
Posted 3 years ago
Posted in I spoiled myself again
Posted 3 years ago
They already charged me twice for my copay and bitched at me about it so ;D hopefully thats the end of it
but i learn that health care is especially awful in texas so ill expect the worst.
lmao no you're soooo right! mattresses are absolutely luxuries, so when any tiny thing happens, we lose business. If I don't make enough in commission for the week, I only get paid $7.25 ph (just around $300 per week). We call it 7i since thats what the form is called, and that happened to me 2-3 times already this year lol its usually a very rare thing!
Posted in Smart watch brands
Posted 3 years ago
Thanks for the info! It was real hard to find a breakdown of what came with the non-premium other than how the heart rate thing graph looks like. But its starting to sound like theres really no point in premium :vanora_xd:
But yeah! my cheapo (which turned out to be free?) watch can measure how wide my steps are. I have short strides, short legs, but maybe doubling the estimated step distance would help with the inaccuracies a bit Lol It just has basic standard sport modes, which I haven't tried any yet. Bit too nervous to take it swimming
If this thing fails me, I'll probably go with a fitbit! :D
OH CAN fitbit have custom watch faces? Like maybe thru the app or something? O:
I heard some other watches do but its not advertised
Posted in I spoiled myself again
Posted 3 years ago
I have an emergency savings already actually! :D
I debate on throwing it towards the medical bills if they end up sending the bill itself (I only have statements from insurance so far) so It'll need rebuilding ;;
but yeah
they're government student loans, so the interest deal is really helping out! Gives us a pretty big head start. But then I thought, what if they do offer loan forgiveness once we have it paid off. :vanora_xd:
Posted in I spoiled myself again
Posted 3 years ago
Yup, thats exactly why we focused on the loans first! They're like somewhere around 4% or something, whereas my car I got down to 1.9% so its easy to manage. I got hella lucky when buying it cause I brought my store manager with me lol he's good at playing the dealership game and has a very intimidating german mother. They saved me thousands :vanora_xd:
But got the loans down to about 8k, so hoping to have that paid off by december if we budget right. medical bills may be the only thing that can push us back, but so far I only have statements and not the bills themselves yet :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Trying to sneak around at 5am
Posted 3 years ago
Posted in Trying to sneak around at 5am
Posted 3 years ago