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Posted in Misoginy at work rant/story Posted 2 years ago

It baffles me how much energy people put into being so incredibly weird
and just how common I see guys with not just a subconscious sexist quirk--but they are SO BOLDLY sexist and discriminating its loud. I see it from my customers constantly here. It must still run pure in texans even now days >:T

Or maybe its just military town nonsense?

Posted in Misoginy at work rant/story Posted 2 years ago

forgive any weird grammar, I typed all this on my phone after having to work with T this morning.
He always gets me all annoyed with how rude he is lmao

Posted in Misoginy at work rant/story Posted 2 years ago

I'll start by saying, this situation was already somewhat resolved, so not truly serious at the minute. But it is a bit silly. I see a lot more misogyny living in a military town..

So, at work, we got a new employee back in late July. I'll just call him T. Around the same time, a couple weeks prior, we also received a temporary comanager who has been a blessing to work with. I'll call him J in here. My other managers usually ignore me and everything cause they're lazy. But J is the best. He gives a toot!

T was hired on to become our warehouse manager. He serves to count and organize back of house inventory, mainly the mattresses and bases themselves. Among other tasks. Even so, we're a team, we are all equally responsible for inventory. As sales people, the rest of us just sorta find what we're good at and settle into a rhythm. T does all the back house inventory while we do the front. Im tasked with processing damages, which is the only back house thing that T won't be doing cause its supposed to only be done by managers. I just... do it cause my managers admittedly suck at it

This means I go into the warehouse to research items once a week.

We also alternate pages of an inspection booklet to make sure everything in the store, front and back, is right.

So I go into the back to do both of these things and I am faced with a huge mess. As usual.
And like usual, I roll up my sleeves and get to it. I ended up straining my back a little cause I hate asking people to help me with something. One of the things I did was toss some mattresses that were discusting. They weren't our product, they were haul away mattresses from people's houses. gross gross

T was glaring daggers at me the whole time.
After I tossed the mattresses he barked at me a little, telling me not to do his job. I knew this guy lacked bedside manner, so I didn't think anything of it. I laughed and said sorry, I only did it to test my own strength. He didn't laugh with me.

I later asked him about the two mattresses, our product, that was sitting out without being in a bag or box. Just naked mattresses slumped in a bad way. This should never happen!
I didn't want to stress him so I simply asked like, "are these damages or returns?"
He flips his hands up rudely, and snips "idk man I just got here"

rude, rude. I just shook my head and left the warehouse to investigate in the system. They were returns. He was supposed to sanitize them and bag them up first thing, like, an hour ago. So I go back and tell him I found out they're returns, so they just needed to be processed. I handed him a paper with their skus and he ignored me otherwise.

4 hours later.

Mattresses haven't been touched.

Hes new, and I'm not a manager, and my manager on duty is lazy as hell. So I'm not about to instruct this guy on how to do his job. But at the same time, we're all responsible if mattresses [keep on] getting damaged by us mishandling them.
So as I'm walking through I ask T, "Could you start on sanitizing these so they have time to dry?"
The sanitizer has to soak for a couple hours on the mattresses before we seal the bag. We closed in 3 hours. and still need to pull deliveries.

This hit a button, and he just has a go at me about how I shouldn't be asking him to do anything. He straight up said that he was hired with the idea that he would expect a lot of downtime in this job, "and I haven't had much down time lately"

He said a lot of weird rude things and disrespected me, kept standing over me. He kept saying that our managers tell him to set his own schedule so he does things at his own pace. Despite what I wanted to say, I just smiled and said "I'll talk with them to get on the same page then"

I tried to walk away and he stormed after me like "what do you mean by that?"

This ended up wasting so much of my time. He kept berating me and not letting me go. I just kept saying ok, it's fine, ok ok yup

Like, I got way better things to do than fight with you man.

Let it GO

Finally, that ended and I was super agitated. I've never supervised an employee like that before. So the next morning, J was in so I sat to ask him what his thoughts were. I explained my point of view and my confusion. I asked him what I should do in such a situation without being unethical (but I did tell him what I wanted to say lmaoo)
He didn't like hearing about this and it really made him angry. But he also needed a minute to think about how to handle it appropriately without things exploding in our faces.

We dont have HR managers and J is still quite young, so he has not dealt with this before either. Not specifically with someone like T. Our company unfortunately does not offer guidelines for these kinds of misdemeanors (unless its sexual misconduct) and even our store managers sometimes have limited authority. If an employee rage quits cause we hit the wrong buttons, we can actually get in trouble for it. IT'S DUMB. Companies only care about money in their pockets.

As the day went on, J noticed more than I did that every time I would go to the warehouse or pass through for anything, even though I was minding my own (and I never went into T's side of the warehouse, Id go in through another door where someone else is stationed for the furniture side) T would start stalking and storming behind me. When I truly mind my own, I apparently don't even notice this big ol bear of a guy looming over me with questionable intentions.

at one point he even stalked me back to the sales floor and J had ENOUGH of it. J went to the warehouse to ask T what's wrong, and it ended up with a long conversation.

Basically my female existence was pissing T off even before I ever asked anything of him. Because I'm a girl he doesn't want me to tell him what to do. The last warehouse guy we had was also like "get these women out of my warehouse"
it's our warehouse toooooo
How did we end up finding a guy even worse than the last?? At least the last guy was friendly to my face, he would only complain about the women being around to the males.

J couldn't find a conclusion even after trying to tell T to knock it off. So he called our Regional manager for advice. The regional manager is not my favorite person in the world, and I wasnt surprised when he told J to just kiss T's ass and give him what he wants.

J never fully got over how mad that made him.
He actually ended up protecting me from not just T but also our Regional manager too
Regional manager wanted to deal with us himself, which would have made things worse no doubt. So J intersected and we kind of unintentionally did a setup where J acted like a judge and T and I each had a turn in sharing our story lmao T straight up SWEAT.
Then J said his piece and sets T in his place. I didn't do anything wrong, but J was really good at laying everything out without sounding like we're ganging up on T.
T and I came to terms and shook hands.

He still hates my guts, but when I have to ask something of him, his complaints are just noises and not words. Then he does it. I watched J and our store manager continue to fuss over how this guy acts for the last few weeks. He's not great at the job cause he's lazy and he keeps breaking very expensive product, which affects our customers.

Does my company really benefit from keeping a person like this, really...
It's so annoying that I still have to work with this person. Hes already offended the girl on the furniture side too, and they're not actually the same company/staff so they don't even work WITH him, we all just share a building!

Update: J has been an unmaintainable grump when it comes to T for the last month. The store manager, S, also got involved but in this company he does not have the power to fire someone (backwards i know). RSM aint got no one's back cause he gets in trouble when employees quit. So he continued to tell them to kiss T's ass.
The moment they were like "this is bullshit we need to set boundaries right"
T quit

He's gone now :>
J and S are happy af
RSM big not happy but no one care

Posted in Puppy! Posted 2 years ago

She probably has grown!! Those breeds can get pretty big, too. I love big dogs ♡♡♡

I remember my friends akita puppy kept peeing constantly and couldn't wait for us to take him out. it was like every hour. so they brought him to the vet worried that his kidneys werent functioning right.
turned out he was just REALLY addicted to water. we would always refill his bowl when it emptied cause ha ha thirsty boy. didn't realize we were the problem

i flippin love animals, they're so crazy

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close Posted 2 years ago

I'm glad you like!! and nw there's no rush

Heyyy o/

I'm over here trying to get my procreate brushes to imitate the one I use for these chibis. I wanna draw these at work so muchhhh

Posted in Puppy! Posted 3 years ago

and chows too
although both breeds are especially temperamental and have a natural tendency to try and dominate the household--so be prepared for some heavy training as your pup gets older! I remember when my old room mate got a little akita pup. Lots and lots of work, but SO worth it!

Congrats on the new family member! <333
There is no such thing as replacing a pet that has passed. But it does help to keep the home lively with animals!

Posted in I had a moment of weakness [genshin] Posted 3 years ago

Ohhh if Hu Tao comes back on a banner, I'm gonna be so ready! >:D
I'm willing to bet that they'll bring them all back around in the future, especially when they release genshin on the switch.

Ahh that stinks!
With the pity system it guarantees a 5 star if you dont roll one within like 89 or 90 rolls. But I think there were 2(?) 5 star characters in his banner, so there's still a chance to not get him. Hopefully she gets the opportunity to roll enough more that she will get him, before the banner ends

Posted in I had a moment of weakness [genshin] Posted 3 years ago

ohhhh yes, I tried for Raiden before and failed to get her. She's so pretty <3
I'll probably roll for her too. I also still really want Hu Tao i obsessed over her like I did with Tighnari but didn't get her cause I only saw her banner toward the last few days of it (also didnt pay any money--I dont usually)

I use hydro a lot with barbara, just enough to get wet status and then I use Rosaria to freeze things! Helps a lot with some big enemies so I can just start wailing on em XD Thats probably the only way I survived without even knowing to level up artifacts and talents! Which, I still didn't know about the talents until you said so! lmao

Posted in I had a moment of weakness [genshin] Posted 3 years ago

Doesn't Zhong Li appear often in the banners? Maybe you'll still have a chance before long?
Mona is super cute too, I do want her just for hoarding sake XD I probably wouldn't use her much tho cause I already have my favorites

Posted in I had a moment of weakness [genshin] Posted 3 years ago

Yeah before doing all that, it was like a "dont let him touch you" challenge
but i got grumpy and yeah... leveling stats is the way to go lmao

I can see how hes fun now too! This game is real satisfying to beat things

Posted in I had a moment of weakness [genshin] Posted 3 years ago

Ohhh I see now that the artifacts make a huge difference! I rearranged mine to get everyone sets and leveled them a bit. fought Childe last night and beat him a lot easier this time
my team didnt get slaughtered no more!

I shouldve planned ahead and did that! But oh well XD
I dont usually play with bow characters a lot unless im using Amber to fight those ruin monster things (the ones that shoot missles out their backs?) cause she can get some good crits in.

Tighnari has a sort of burst damage thing with his combo that i really like though?? I havent come up with any good combo attacks with him and other characters yet but hes real fun!

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close Posted 3 years ago


I finiiiished :D
Hope I got the details right!
These colors are so satisfying to look at

These were all meant to be flat colored doodles but I cant help shading them a lil bit XD

Posted in I had a moment of weakness [genshin] Posted 3 years ago

Ahh, yeah my characters were super strong until I accidentally leveled up the world
then everything kicked my arse for a while Now I'm on par with Liyue area finally!
I usually have my party set with protag, Amber, Sucrose, and Rosaria
But I change it up sometimes cause my moods change :') Trying to make either Barbara stronger to have a decent healer, too.

Definitely need to start artifact farming now too, cause that's probably a big factor in my party being too weak to get through Childe!
I also may just be bad at this game tbh but its fun

Posted in I had a moment of weakness [genshin] Posted 3 years ago

oooh well I hope you pull him! ;;
I havent even started with the event yet cause its in Sumeru right?
I've been focused on beating childe so I can move forward in the story
my problem is I get new characters and then use all my resources to catch them up to my level, rather than just committing to one set party to make them stronger. I'm a genshin jack of all trades XD

that and jobs get in the way!!