Jolly's posts
Posted in MY DADS HOME :D
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in MY DADS HOME :D
Posted 3 years ago
Following up on an old post I did in the serious topics forum, about my dad being in a motorbike accident.
He was making real fast progress and sort of impressing the doctors and surgeons along the way. He still cant walk or move to his wheel chair on his own yet, mainly that he cant put weight on his pelvic/hip bone (it was shattered but all put back together and healing too). There's still a lot he's dealing with but he is stabilizing and they cleared him to go home!!
He went home yesterday, on my wedding day!

(I eloped so he didnt miss anything) I called him once I got home and turned the face time thing on. He looks like he lost a ton of weight from being in the hospital for a month and a half. But he looks good! He looks very healthy, just got casts on and tape over one of his glasses lens. His vision got messed up a bit where when he tries to look out of both eyes, he sees double. But if he covers one eye he's good. The tape blurs the one eye so he can see but still lets sunlight in a bit.
They think that may or may not fix itself, so they're watching it and doing exercises with him to help strengthen his eyes. He just noticed improvement that when he looks up, his eyes stop seeing double in that angle. So HOPING thats a sign it might clear up in time!
He's big happy though
and he's back to his normal sassy personality
so the brain damage really didn't get him
My job approved me time off to go visit them in october, so I'm excited

Posted in August 22nd
Posted 3 years ago

My phone camera makes it look a lot more dull and hazy cause I have no photo taking skills
but the colors actually printed out just as crisp as the digital version, just with texture! :D
I printed it rather smol
I measure with my brain sjzfgh but actually I think the size is perfect, I wanna collage pretty art on my wall so it fits really well in this spot for that

Posted in Work pranks
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Work pranks
Posted 3 years ago
That last one is so dang funny, I love it!
Also how does one rubber band a whole desk? XD
My manager does -not- like christmas. Like, he really despises it. So last year when he was off for a day, my coworker (the "gullible girl") I came in to decorate his desk

I realized I should have bought way more bows but it was still fun. Ended up interrupted by a customer while doing this and he JOINED IN helping us tape the bows down while we discussed his invoice :vanora_xd:
The funniest thing is that because I put those eraser things on his pens, ALL OF HIS PENS GOT STOLEN by customers before the holiday season even ended???? THEY'RE THE CHEAPEST GREY PENS YOU GET EVERYWHERE just with dollar tree erasers worth a nickle ea.
Why yall want them lmfao

Posted in Work pranks
Posted 3 years ago
I can't get over how much this made me laugh yesterday.
Everyone was on staff, so that's me, my coworker K, manager C, store manager S and comanager J.
Well S and J were acting like they were having a normal conversation next to K. They were talking about a gun shop in town and mentioned something about donuts being sold at the counter "again". These guys are solid actors, even I thought they were having a normal conversation, so I wasnt even paying attention yet.
K is confused, like uh what guns and donuts??? She didn't believe them when they were elaborating. So S and J turn to manager C who was not part of this, but very convincingly joins in. He's like "Huh? The one on [street name]? They moved the donuts there again??"
S is like "Yeah!!! They took it out for a while but they just moved it back not too long ago!"
K is so confused, thinking they must be pulling her leg. She's trying SO HARD not to be gullible.
They show her a photo of a gun shop with donuts in a glass case (my husband said this is a meme going around lol)
She's still like no there's no way, yall are foolin
S, J and C have MAD poker face, that even i started to get fooled by them.
K was convinced to call the store
We're all laughing cause even if it was true it's funny to ask. K was all "fine, I'll put on my most southern accent i can" (she's from NC so her accent is different from theirs)
On the call she politely asks them, "If I came in to buy ammo, would I be able to get some donuts with that?"
We're laughing cause it sounds like a prank call but she's serious. Like she fully believes what she's saying.
The person on the other line HAD TO ASK THEIR MANAGER
That's where the manager reveals the truth, they do not sell donuts. She apologized and got off the phone and all of us laughed so much our customers might have thought us mad :vanora_xd:
Thought I'd share!
This has to be the best prank they've done to her yet. Topping the one from when she first got hired last year and she asked S how to tell if a mattress is a flippable or nonflip mattress (all of our are nonflip) and he told her to knock on them cause they'll sounds more hollow. She did to one before realizing... lmfao

Posted in ❀ Digital Art Stuff - WIPs and Things!
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in ❀ Digital Art Stuff - WIPs and Things!
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in ❀ Digital Art Stuff - WIPs and Things!
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in August 22nd
Posted 3 years ago
Haha yeahhh I know people like that in general.
I dont drink alcohol very much either, but more that its too dehydrating. I would hate to be addicted to such a thing, blech!
Although I can't quite stop myself from drinking sodas :vanora_sweat:
Family stinks, so I don't bother with them! Mine exists to guilt trip in any way they can, they think they're a living soap opera and have to have drama with every season. Its too tiring so I just... dont. XD We'll just go do our own thing ty

Posted in August 22nd
Posted 3 years ago
Haha I feel that with crazy family! Thankfully I dont think I'd have that alcohol problem in my family, but I definitely don't think its wise to put them in the same room together anyways XD
Well I originally wasn't going to get a dress, but my mom is insisting and then she found one thats actually pretty dang cute

I told her we'll be getting korean bbq next so I best not wear white, so she started going on about red being a wedding color in one of the asian countries (havent looked up which country it is but I assume China) so thats why she's sending me red lmaoo
Yes! I'll have to post a picture of it if it comes out good :D
I love canvas prints

Posted in August 22nd
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in August 22nd
Posted 3 years ago
I'm actually a bit obsessed with how this piece came out
I might need to make an actual print of it

It only took me.... all day lmfao
Gosh I cant wait to see him squirm when he sees it. Maybe I wont show him until the print arrives >:]
Thank you!! Its been a lot of work learning how to be proper partners, but I think we got it down XD
Yeah, exactly! Though even if we were rich, weddings are in a large part for honoring family. The only family I have that are chill all understand that I've never been into old traditions like these. So it just wouldn't be like me to hold a normal looking wedding XD
I don't wanna wear black and white, go to a church, kiss in front of everyone, read old outdated text that someone else wrote centuries ago to tell me how to promise loyalty to my husband. Then pretend I know how to dance, fill everyone's hands with throwaway items like bubble sticks and confetti, and worst of all being the center of attention in a room full of people.
Gosh, weddings sound so not fun to me. I'd rather fly out somewhere we've never seen before and explore the world quietly :]

Posted in August 22nd
Posted 3 years ago