Jolly's posts
Posted in ❀ Traditional Projects - Dioramas!
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Generally happy thread
Posted 2 years ago
I ended up spending way too much money at the asian markets >> oops
Thats wonderful <33
I love when I get that big ol inspiration itch and I cant stop drawing

That sounds like so much fun! I havent been to an escape room in a minute, but they're so much fun with the right people <3
Thats great, I hope you get all the rest you need <3
Having the home to yourself for any amount of time is such a relaxing feeling!
The satisfaction of getting things done and then relaxing as a reward--I love weeks that feel like that.

Posted in Nintendo Direct 2022
Posted 2 years ago
What are your thoughts? What titles interest you?
I haven't been AS into gaming as normal since I work too much, but I like the sound of a good handful of these games releasing this or next year~!
Fire Emblem is a series I aaaaaaalways wanted to get into, but I only played the most recent one (and I'm bad at it lmao)
But I feel inspired to try again!
Fatal Frame looks like a fun game to play with my sis >:]
I love story of seasons too. The concept of the characters aging is interesting, but I'm not sure if I'll get this one? Not much stands out to be new or different aside from you can be old lmao but hey, maybe they will flesh out more to it by summer!
On the other hand, Fae Farms sounds like it could be a lot of fun! I love playing farming games with my husband, so co-op options will always win me over.
But then there's Rune Factory 3 and Harvestella asghfv its a good time for farming/casual games I guess!
I'm reminded I need to play Octopath Traveler, so I'm excited for the new one too!
My husband is uber excited for the Theatrhythm game for final fantasy. I. LOVED. that game on 3ds. He enjoyed it a ton but didn't know the songs very well. I have since gotten him all into final fantasy games overall, so he's gonna have a blast!
Various Daylight looks fuuuuuunnnn, I love a traditional styled RPG ;A; <3
Of course Zelda is looking beautiful as usual, I'm excited to see more of it up until release :D

Posted in Generally happy thread
Posted 2 years ago
I've had SO MUCH good sleep this past week! Even husband says it seems I've been extra sleepy, I sleep so much when I'm not at work. I postponed our plans for outings just to sleep more. Each week at work we have meetings and my boss starts us off by asking each person "what's going good for you this week?" in reference to personal goals and life stuff. Its a healthy practice I appreciate a lot, but my good thing of this week was nothing other than "MAN THE SLEEP IS GOOD" XD
I think my body just straight up needed a reset and it felt so good
Tomorrow husband and I get to go out to the big city and try some uber early christmas shopping! Then asian market to blow all our savings on good snacks (jk but I do usually lose a chunk of money there lmao)
I feel more energetic after my sleepy week so I'm very excited and very much in a good mood

Any of you have fun or casual plans this week??

Posted in I'm hungry but no appetite
Posted 2 years ago
Yessss noodles are so easy to make dishes out of! I never get tired of them or veggies.
But sometimes my body isn't satisfied if I ONLY eat that

I dont watch too many food videos, unless there's some comedic value. I cannot -stand- watching others eat, so if there's any of that (which usually there is?) I get grossed out lmao
We cook for ourselves every day to save $$ and be healthier, but long work hours make it hard to do anything fun. Sometimes we cook something with more effort but usually just quick easy meals. They tend to be a bit lackluster XD
last night I did a "wing it" night since we didn't meal prep much, so we dug through what we had to toss something random together.
Ended up with making hash browns, with jalapinos, bacon bits, and melted cheese on top. Ate that with sour cream and now thats all I wanna eat lmfao itssogood
(I think I defeated food aversions for now!)

Posted in Proud of myself
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Misoginy at work rant/story
Posted 2 years ago
Its so bizarre to me, even if it is nothing new. I find a little joy in doing the things that they deem unfit for a woman, like that's why I lift things I shouldn't sometimes and I'm usually the one equipped with tools at work. I repair things and tinker with things. That's not a mans job, but they like to think it is.
There's an evil side to me that enjoys watching this man squirm when I enter his warehouse, when I drive "his" forklift (and I'll leave the lady sized harness on there too) and other things like this
I'm a little petty, but guys need to chill lmao

Posted in I'm hungry but no appetite
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in I'm hungry but no appetite
Posted 2 years ago

Hate when I go through these food moods
Usually I think it's because I'm lacking something in my diet or my diet choices are not having enough variety.
Tell me what are your favorite dishes to make lately?
I'm always looking to try new things except seafood I almost barfed trying that again, noty
and I just love talking about food either way!
Maybe you all can get me craving something lmao

Posted in It's weird how instincts work
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in My latest hyper fixation
Posted 2 years ago
I lose sleep over hyper fixations ALL OF THE TIME! Even when I do fall asleep I'll dream about it too and I think my muscles get twitchy so I don't rest properly

my husband says I twitch a lot in my sleep lmfao
This sounds so much fun though, I recently hyper focused on wanting a sewing machine so badly to learn how to use it so I can make quilts and holiday garlands. Thankfully I'm frugal enough with my money that my temporary obsession didn't follow through with it lmao
I hope you're move goes smoothly!! Show us when you start your quilting! Id love to see

Posted in It's weird how instincts work
Posted 2 years ago
Yes, every living thing puts off energy. This is something scientifically proven. Some are more sensitive than others, some don't even notice, but to some they can very strongly feel energy around them.
When you like a person and don't know why, it's often their energy.
And like this, you can sense when there's something hiding near you because you feel it. Its kind if like a sixth sense!
It's super fun to think about imo
(Also owls are so prettyyyy)