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Posted in August 22nd Posted 3 years ago

Its very pleasant <3
Eventually we'll do some sort of honeymoon, but that probably wont be for a year or two. Maybe it'll end up being more of an anniversary thing so we'd have time to save for something good XD

Yeah! I'm currently working on this picture of our elf ocs

I still cant bring myself to do more than simple lazy oval shapes for chains :'''] they kill

Posted in August 22nd Posted 3 years ago

Im just frolicking around on my art tablet today :'D
We've already been committed in our minds for a while, but now it'll be super official. Its both relaxing and so exciting to think about.

Posted in August 22nd Posted 3 years ago

I did want to honor my parents to be there, since they have supported us all the way. Unfortunately that wasn't able to happen. But we'll fly to see them when the time is right, probably in a couple months, and have a belated celebration where my mom will grill for us.

Mom's a photographer too, so probably at some point do a photoshoot with wedding-like attire to pretend a wedding happened HAHA
My sis said I could borrow her dress since we really aren't sentimental about having "my own dress" that would collect moths in the closet forever. Other sis knows how to do makeup and hair, so I'm all set XD

Posted in August 22nd Posted 3 years ago

Thank you!!

Yeah I already feel the family drama quietly stirring the moment I got it all scheduled.
Definitely made the best choice XD

I see how much my friends stress about weddings, it just doesn't sound like fun. I'm too introverted for that jazz!

Sitting here and drawing happy pictures is how I, personally, like to celebrate things. My husband celebrates with food, so once we're finished up with the judge, we're going to go have korean bbq at his favorite place

Posted in August 22nd Posted 3 years ago

I'm getting married!
We're very excited. We've come so far and grown so much after being together two years. Went through hell and back, came out the happiest and strongest we can be today. He is my greatest support system and the only one who understands me when I speak with my mouth full.

Not doing a ceremony because we really don't like making marriage all about stress and money and family dramas, so we're eloping as we always planned. Now I just feel like drawing all of my ocs in happy cute wedding-ish attire to express myself, but of course carpal tunnel is like hellooooo :]
Despite that I must at least draw his and my main ocs in a formal way, cause I know he'd be doing backflips in excitement over that lol That's what I'll be working on in secret today~!

I think I showed my ring on here before with the band, but here it is again cause I'm still obsessed with the design

depending on the lighting, the stone will look either blue, purple or green. I know nil about stones and gems but somehow we picked out just the right one for me :D And even better that it didn't cost a chunk of my soul to afford.
Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago

lmao :vanora_xd: he cant stop me!

only my height can

looks up at 9ft ceilings

Posted in Grandpa is in hospital, (RIP) Posted 3 years ago

@Operation Katana:
My condolences. Although it is nice that he was able to pass on surrounded by a lot of love and the people he cares about. I hope that he rests peacefully knowing he had the best support system.

Please take care of yourself and let yourself mourn as much as you need to. We're here for you too!

Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago

Lmao me too, me too! When I moved in january I wanted SO BADLY to put up my pumpkin garland XD
I'd be autumn all year long if my husband didn't stop me!

- but he didn't stop me yesterday :]

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close Posted 3 years ago

YW!! Thanks for your patience with this one :D

Although I also really like your current avi XD

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close Posted 3 years ago

I kind of forgot about this for a bit too long
I waived the trade cause of my delays but HERE'S YOUR SNUGGLY CHIBI

Posted in I discover a cool thing! Posted 3 years ago

@KDA Drew:
Thos look so cool!!

Its actually kind of interesting, about as quickly as I became hyperfocused and interested in midjourney, I just sort of... stopped? When I look at it for some reason it starts to hurt my head. I wonder if there's something about its splotchy style where my mind keeps wanting to fill in the blanks where it makes little errors. Or the limitations of it. So now I feel exhausted by it.
Or the fact that I know it isn't really art, since a human isn't making it.

Interesting. Its very neat xD

Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago

@Rei Ann:
This is exactly me :vanora_xd:
my spoopy ghosty table runner arrived yesterday and it looks great with my future spoopy dishes I'll be seeking out ;D

Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago

@Q t e a p o n:
Hahaha yeah it really comes down to the money for me too XD

Oh gosh, yeah I got sent home a couple times last month from heat exhaustion! heatwaves are no joke! I'd be walking across my store after moving a big ol' mattress out for a customer, and felt like my brain was floating outside my skull. Get so dizzy and foggy from it.

my company is owned by some old fart who doesn't like change. our higher ups had to fight tooth and nail just so the men wouldn't be forced to wear smothering ties during the heat wave Lol the tattoo thing is really more of a ask for forgiveness rather than permission, thing

heyyyy I currently have angry digestive system issues specifically caused by flaming hot cheetos (with lime) \o/
but yeah I think there's a bunch of onion powder in a lot of our crispy treats, like that.

Next maybe you ought to try candied yams! That's that baked yam (or sweet potato) dish with a layer of marshmallows on top XD