Jolly's posts
Posted in Art Fight 2022|early Bird Teams Happening Now!!
Posted 3 years ago
I'm joining for the 5th year! :vanora_heart:
I love love Artfight
I'm geeky enough to have two of my team stickers on my car's rear window (steampunk and sugar teams) haha
The annual event gives me a lot of joy
I felt lame last year since I couldn't beat my record with attacking people
I was moving during the start of it
and same thing might happen this year, but Imma make sure I at least make 20 attacks ;v;

Posted in On the board for promotion again
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in On the board for promotion again
Posted 3 years ago
I guess I could also mention that even though apartments are way expensive everywhere
the cost of the housing where the promotion is, is absolutely more affordable than here
I'm hoping even if its rough at first, this job will help me afford a house and if I play my cards right, I can snuggle down real comfortable in the next few years
Then look into a change of career :vanora_xd:

Posted in On the board for promotion again
Posted 3 years ago
I know back in the day, when you promoted to asst manager, there was a contract you sign that agrees you WILL promote to a store management position within a certain amount of years (5-10 years or something). But they did recently remove that from the contract.
I'm not sure how its legal, maybe because they didnt fire him??
I hate this job but it pays a lot so, if it can help me to find where I wanna live, I'll use it for that purpose! It DID save me from a hellish life before because of its whole moving concept :vanora_sweat: And they do help with the move costs by sending $2k onto the paycheck for it to stack with our paycheck numbers and get taxed to hell lmao
anyway yeah, I would have 2 weeks to uproot everything and get into an apartment there sdjkfg

Posted in On the board for promotion again
Posted 3 years ago
At my job. I'm so nervous!
The way it works, when you promote in my company, you move to another location to do so. Its really rare to promote within the same location. So for as long as I stay at my current location, I always remain a "Manager Trainee". But the company frowns deeply upon those who wont promote.
I have already been nagged at for rejecting an offer to promote to the MIDDLE of friggin Austin, a place where I could never hope to drive in. But if I say "I'm a weak driver I can't do that" I'll become a useless item to the company, and the lowest of priority. Not a good place to be so I had to find a graceful way to slip out of that one. I managed to "redeem" myself by throwing my name in the hat for the next promotion that appeared, but I was rejected for that because I got a low secret shopper score at the time (lol). This was a relief because it gave me a reason to lay low and catch up on personal things outside of work, before considering moving again. I was "allowed" to not respond to available opportunities in the company for a while (they appear in emails to us). This gave me the time I needed to adjust and catch up on personal life stuff, but also to ignore locations that I wouldn't want to be in like those in more dangerous areas.
Anyway, I don't hate this concept of moving to promote in the sense that I'm never entirely "stuck" in an area. There are a lot of "dead end" cities I'd end up in otherwise Lol
So we have a location near Dallas (several hours from me, I'm closer to Austin) where the Asst Manager there got demoted because he has been an Asst for 10 years and never wanted to promote to a store manager elsewhere. I didn't know the company went that far still, but they do apparently! So its like we're on a time limit, but its very unusual to be laid off in this job so its not like the man is being pushed out entirely. Just deeply discouraged. Bottom of the company priority line.
Its very shitty, imo.
But this opens an available opportunity in an area that actually... looks really nice. I spent the last two days researching it, especially the infrastructure of the roads and whatnot. Because my driving is weak I gotta be sure I can do it.
I see back roads and 30mph signs and options to always go around highways or alternate routes--I need this :vanora_cry:
Tornado sirens might be a spook for me, but my husband is from Minnesota so he just goes "pffffft"
I pray there wont be animosity if I get this promotion, since the former Asst still works there. I would plan to introduce myself politely and hope to build a relationship where I can learn from the person. My current Asst knows him to be a good dude, so maybe that will be the case.
I dont wanna be a manager, but I mean
Its the "no one wants to be here so its not congested, but the area is very nicely kept up with" city that I might be looking for.
JUST THE APARTMENTS in Texas overall are getting so expensive, I'll be increasing my monthly bills ;; wheezes

Posted in hagglers SUCK
Posted 3 years ago
There is no end to my frustration with flipping hagglers in retail jobs! I'm not the setter of prices, I'm not authorized to give discounts just because you said I "WILL" do it. I won't! I won't I won't I won't!
People get so damn aggressive with me at work because they insist they deserve free handouts and chopped up prices. There are some cases where I'm able to waive a fee for customer satisfaction, but that ends up cutting into the pay check of someone else if I do that too much. I can also get critical action notices for it if my company knew I did it for any other reason.
"stop harassing me" isn't a good cause!! makes you way less worth it!
There is a person who became infamous in my store for being the worst haggler. She acted like she didn't speak English very well, but she did. She'd switch tones like a manic person going from begging and pleading, to aggressive and screaming at me, getting way too close to me, then grief. She'd break up her English, but then she'd speak very clearly. She'd switch back and forth to try and find which button to push to get me to chop off TAXES!
She insulted me and my team
she offended other customers, created a scene making everything so uncomfortable
she refused to leave but my management wouldn't call anyone about it. There's probably not much they could've done aside from call police, but i understand the hesitance.
I got so overwhelmed I lost my dang mind and cried in the back warehouse from just pure rage.
So today I'm afraid because I might have just met her husband. He looks very familiar and tried haggling aggressively with me, frustrated me, but he wasn't as difficult.
But he said he'll be back today with his wife
I swear to god
if it's her I don't know what I'm gonna do to handle that again! Even if it isn't her, I can't deal with that kind of person again. Feeling trapped in place while someone just harasses you for as long as they wish.
I'm having such a bad time at work even without this
I just want to scream

Posted in Officially moving[update]
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Nail stuff
Posted 3 years ago
Ah finally home!

Hahh yeah its pretty sloppy and I always keep my nails sort of short so I can man-handle mattresses at work.
my husband wanted me to do the pink color because it matches my house slippers (like, exactly??) and I did a matte
it feels weird and fun, im probably too pale for the color, but I like poking at them :vanora_xd:

Posted in Work frustrations, ranting
Posted 3 years ago
its so sad, really. and frustrating!
if anyone would listen, there's a lot I could say about how much my store manager is just NOT fit for his job lol
hell, he makes the trainees do his job for him while he sits and watches police videos on full volume on his phone all day. He over promises, lies, cheats, steals customers from the rest of us. among other real frustrating things.
I need therapy for existing in this society, I swear :vanora_xd:
But yeah, I have my eyes open. Kind of been grazing the job market for a few months off and on. Nothing yet. I'm "not allowed" to work for another mattress/furniture store, but I have yet to find in the system if there is actually a non compete clause or if I have signed anything. I cannot remember and my asst manager hasn't found anything yet, so he thinks its only verbal. aka, don't exist lol other sales jobs I haven't found any yet that pay the range that I need. yet!
We also have a co-manager coming in July, so if I dont change jobs, I've been holding my breath to see if he makes any improvements to this store. I hear he's really good on integrity. And... I wonder what he'll find in his time with us? The errors are easy to see, the auditors are already noticing the current store manager.
If this co-manager presence helps at all to improve the balance at my store, I would wanna see if I could follow him to the new location they're building for him! But that'll be 1-2 years later ;;;;;;

Posted in Nail stuff
Posted 3 years ago
I'll post a pic when i get home! seems that imgur doesn't work on mobile unless i download the app :vanora_xd:
i got pastel colors, but I'm pale, so it might have been a silly choice! i haven't decided yet lmao
... i definitely flood my cuticles a bit :,,)
assuming that means getting the paint on them.
I have a hard time seeing where the clear coating went cause it's clear, so i tend to get some excess on my skin.
and I'm clumsy, so i try my best to clean around the skin and cuticles with qutip before i set my hand under the uv haha

Posted in Work frustrations, ranting
Posted 3 years ago
well, from an employee pov, I feel like most of these kinds of jobs post all these employee protection and labor law posters just to make the walls look good. there's a lot of preach from companies, but I've never actually been protected by any law in my former jobs. stolen cash tips, harassment, verbal abuse, even changing schedules after they've been posted to intentionally label me "late" because they didn't notify the change, to refuse employee discount, to punish for not being able to lift more than 100lbs when the job requirement only stated up to 50lbs (my current company doesn't do this, these are just old retail experiences).
but these little things that can massively affect an employee's mental health over time, no one really protects them from it. it's hard to prove. I've lost trust in "the system" to actually help.
just like i never got therapy from them when i got attacked, either.
:vanora_xd: don't think that would help me anyway, but man it was pulling teeth dealing with

Posted in Nail stuff
Posted 3 years ago
I recently got a gel nail polish set with a uv light
make my nails look nice for work
I've never really used these kinds before and they're really neat
but i
i can't stop
the desire to pull them off my nails within a couple days of painting them
it's like, anxiety fidgeting? it's just so satisfying?
i try so hard to keep them on until at least the following week,
but i also just wanna destroyyy

Posted in Work frustrations, ranting
Posted 3 years ago
sadly not, there's no one i can rely on when it comes to personal problems like this. my store manager and regional manager are expected to be as HR as it gets.
but they have such a mentality that "the job owns me" that there's no way they will listen. they cannot fathom the idea that my family is more important than this job, and why it's a big deal to me to lose the one day each week that i am able to spend time with my husband. they just know that it IS a big deal and so they'll use it against me.
but yes, it is an unusual pay range for a retail job. even with it being commission based. i don't want to sound ungrateful to that. people just suck x__x

Posted in Work frustrations, ranting
Posted 3 years ago