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@Another Movie Addict: I'm totally in love with the new rare, but what are the chances of actually getting one ? Like if I were to dump a bunch of ohms into trying to get it- I'd end up with a lot of the current Dis and truthfully, not a huge fan.
@Wildfire: I'm loving your avatar this morning. I've never seen the botanist scarf. that's a really pretty item. <3
I got some stuff done yesterday. I'm going to continue tidying up today. I have people coming over tomorrow and I don't want tripping hazards besides the dogs. lol.

@Another Movie Addict: I'm loving your avi today too. I didn't know we had more alluring items on Voltra. *3*
@Wildfire: Took me a bit to stop being lazy. cx But I'm trying to do some house-tidying. I vacuumed. Finding stray garbage on the ground because the house is getting more and more cluttered which means more stray garbage, like candy wrappers and stuff like that. //sigh
I got a lot of stuff to attempt to sort through today. I'm motivated to get rid of some of these clutter piles.
@Purpsy: your avi is ethereal. o3o Looks cool!
@Wildfire: lol, go be productive! I'll talk to you when you get back. :3
I'm just now making coffee.
@Wildfire: I feel like most of my mornings feel like that. cx
did you make some tea or coffee?
@Wildfire: I'm pretty happy with how yesterday turned out. :d

I just woke up. I slept like a rock. It was so nice. Finally got some decent sleep. :3 How's your morning going??
Posted in [S]elling Monkey Business x 2, ect Posted 3 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: I see rares for voltie orbs are anywhere between 8-12k volts.
Mind if I offer 9K volts for Mari Lwyd?
@Wildfire: My dog was reacting to the hormones for sure. She's been abnormally relaxed today. Probably because she got as little sleep as I did. XD
Well, my son tried and loved karate today with a group of other homeschooled kids. :3
I stayed after to talk finances with the instructor and she gave us this month free. like. the whole month of January for x2 or x3 days a week. o3o" I was so surprised. She kept reiterating that she just wants to see the kids have a passion for Karate/martial arts before the financial commitments. Then she mentioned they aren't hurting for money right now because they have quite a few students right now. I love small towns. OTL so freakin nice.
Good morning.
I got very little sleep. o3o' My not-snuggly, heavy-footed, heavy dog decided to recognize my hormone spike. So she laid across me all night. Think Aggressively snuggly Cat... but a 70 lb dog. She was on my face, laying across my chest, wedging herself between my husband and I.
IT WAS WEIRD. She doesn't do that.
My husband took her out of the room twice and she calmed down, we thought initially she was feeling sick. I ended up crashing on the couch at 2-ish am once we deducted it was my hormones making her not settle in for the night. =3=
@Wildfire: omgosh, I love that style of rug. <3 It looks bluetiful. ... -ahhaha pun-
You got groceries and mom time in this morning? that's nice! :3
I'm sorry you had allergies again this morning. D:

I just woke up from a nap. Whatever pregnancy period this is, I hate it. XD I'm tired and feel stretched out. lol. and anytime I slightly complain, people go "it gets worse." oh thats nice.
I did not get the Christmas stuff sorted and moved out to the garage. :c I still got time to do it though!
It's my son's birthday today, we made plans for Saturday with friends- so now I have a deadline to get the house tidied up enough to have a couple of kids over.
@Aisukohi: I'm trying to get more into crockpot meals. I save a lot of easy ones on my phone and always forget I have a growing list. XD
hormones suck. =3=' I'm definitely struggling with them right now.

@Wildfire: I don't think I saw your last fabric rug. :d I threw my friend a text this morning, wondering when she's available. :\ I'm worried she's not reaching out to me for a reason. But I don't want to read into that feeling because it's probably just the hormones.
I ended up crashing last night. Ate a lot of stew and bread and potatoed on the couch and bed until sleep time. XD
I'm struggling with keeping my energy high this morning. I want to get things done today. I need to actually put away the christmas pile and not just shove it all in a tidy pile in a corner. XDD
How are you doing?
@Wildfire: I'd love to see the rug you are working on. :3
I need to call a friend and catch up with her sometime today. :d

I finished my errands trip and got the stew going. :p so yay. productive.
Posted in [S]elling Monkey Business x 2, ect Posted 3 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: I will offer, I'll do some digging and see what I can come up with. <3 I definitely want it. :d