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@Another Movie Addict: oh my god. your day sounds horrendous. D: She sounds like she's on something or has some sort of brain issue.
@Wildfire: My poor husband. lol! flight is postponed again, I'm done taking trips to the airport. so he's going to have to stick these waits out on his own.
He was supposed to be in the air at 5:30 am this morning. Now he's boarding at 5:30 pm. hopefully.
Went from 5:20 to 12:30, to 3:30 to 5:30. oof.
My daughter was complaining about a pain in her side where her appendix is. I've lined up an appt for her. Make sure it isn't her appendix and if it is, then we caught an issue early. We'll see what happens.
Today has been a whirlwind. I can't wait to go to bed tonight. lol!
@Wildfire: 3rd trip to the airport complete and amidst that trip, I got a phone call from the school saying the nurse is concerned about my daughter not feeling well. XD
I just lined her up with a clinic visit because I am also concerned about the pain she was telling me about this morning.
When it rains, it pours.

That's a pleasant mistake. :3 You get dinner and lunch now. C:
Posted in my cat fears the clouds Posted 3 years ago
lol! your poor cat. oh my gosh. XD
Posted in Oh boy i haven't been here in a while! Posted 3 years ago
that's a wonderful life update. :D
Congrats on the job and laptop and time to play video games. :3

Welcome back to Voltra.
@Purpsy: Psssh. yours is more goddessy! I love the items your using, a lot of them I don't think Ive seen used before. o3o

It's been a day today. XD I'm keeping a positive attitude, but I'm bound to snap by tonight. It's about 35-40 minutes each way to the airport. OTL
However, I just ate a sandwich from a sandwich shop by the airport and it was delicious.
@Wildfire: I had to go pick up my husband from the airport. XD And I'll be bringing him back in a few hours. 3 trips to the airport in one day. whoohoo. T^T

@Purpsy: Your avi! it's so fun!!! <3
Yay! You have a shop! <3
I really love your style.
@Wildfire: He was boarded when I left the airport, but they took everyone off the plane about an hour later, something to do with a maintenance issue.
I'm going to try and stay awake today. lol. I've been up since roughly 2 or 3 am though.
@Wildfire: lol, my husband just called, the flight is postponed. XD I think they'll put him on the next available flight. We'll see.
@Wildfire: I drove all the way to the airport and back, and the only shop open for coffee was the one closest to my house. Cx
lol. I'm happy I got a flavored coffee and everything [so far] went smoothly this morning.
My husband has to go out there to do the crappy paperwork no one else knows how to do. Power of Attorney, set up the will, etc. :T

I woke up this morning from having vivid dreams that my dog was eating poop again. And I woke up to a massive runny dookie mess in my room. That explains the dream, but it sucks to clean up.
@Wildfire: good Morning.
I just drove my husband to the airport. He's gone to go sort out his family's affairs.
I just found out there's only one coffee shop open before 6am in my area. =3=
@Wildfire: I feel your pain, but only because I'm pregnant. I can't even push a grocery cart without aggravating something within my body.
Will you try and see a chiropractor or anything? Might be a pinched nerve.

My son finished school early, so I ended up falling asleep for 3 hours. Cx
@Wildfire: I drove out to my husband's work yesterday and we talked and cleared the air of what was happening at work. He'd already resolved the drama with his bosses.
Anywho, today's a new day.
Your evening last night sounds beautiful. Small bar settings are the best. <3 45f is pretty chilly even by my standards. lol.

your avi looks cool! :D