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@Wildfire: My friend that works with my husband just threw me a text, warning me there's a storm brewing at work and my husband will likely come home pissy. :T It's gunna be a day today. He rarely gets pissy, so if she's warning me. Somethings going on that's got everyone on edge.

We don't have a lot around here for variety stores. So I'm stuck going to walmart or bimart or kmart. lol

I might get my husband a few cheap things to help his mood improve when he gets home.

I'm going to disappear for a bit. Now my mood is a little wonky-
@Wildfire: My husband and I have never really focused on valentine's day. We used to just do a quick walmart run and give eachother 5-10$ worth of stuff each. But, neither of us enjoy going to walmart anymore. lol. XD

Congrats on page 600! :3 This thread has come along nicely. C:

@Purpsy: I am totally loving your anti-vday avi too! <3 :DD
@Wildfire: That's true. I don't think anyone is ever truly ready for a baby.

No plans today. :T I just need to get my son to karate. Maybe we'll do a pit stop and he can get his sister a valentine's stuffy or something.
My husband and I have very little for extra money, so we'll likely just spend this evening watching tv. Like any other night.

Any plans for you?
@Wildfire: I'm sort of ready. I'm going to unpack some of the baby stuff, so it helps everyone else in the house realize how soon we're expecting.

good Morning everyone.
Happy Valentine's Day. :3
@Wildfire: I'm sorry it wasn't as fun as you were expecting. :T

I'm going to attempt to do some chores today. lol. CX
I've been feeling really pregnant lately and my brain is mentally preparing for the day I waddle out of this house and walk back in with a baby. =o
@Wildfire: Did you end up having your date night? <3
My husband will probably look on his phone tonight to see who won and performed, just so he doesn't sound clueless at work tomorrow. lol.
I'm just recovering from a night out in town.
the burlesque show was quite the performance. My voice is hoarse from hootin and hollerin. We sat next to a group of friends that were drinking away their friend's breakup. They made the night even more fun.
I nicknamed them The Entourage.

We don't watch sports. I don't even know whos playing in the superbowl. XD
Posted in The Surge: Let the Voting Commence! Posted 3 years ago
Voted. :3
@Wildfire: my roommate and I are going to go see the local burlesque show. See if it's any good. She's never seen a burlesque show, so she's super excited.
I'm trying to muster up that excitement. lol. XD
Your date tonight sounds like it will be beautiful and relaxing. <3 It's weird to think how soon spring break is coming. o.o'
@Wildfire: your avi is like you in your garden. I like it. :D

My appt went well. It was a long one. I just woke up and I feel fried from yesterday. XD I got plans tonight, so I need to find some pep before then.

@Purpsy: My husband uninstalled tiktok because he prefers the rabbit holes of youtube. especially now that youtube added the 'shorts' thing. :d
But, I still make him watch a few tiktok videos. Cx
I kinda feel bad because my friends send me a lot of youtube videos and if it's longer than 2 minutes, I typically don't watch it. XP
@Wildfire: Today, I'll be offline for a bit. I got appointments and a big ultrasound.
So yay, baby checking.

@Purpsy: lol, I do, however, fall down the rabbit hole of Tiktok for about an hour a day. XDD But the videos are super short and I tend to get off tiktok giggling about the humor shared there. :3
@Wildfire: I'm grunting as I walk today. My legs have that 'about to snap elastic' feeling to them. -_- I do feel accomplished knowing the dookies are clear in the part of the yard that matters most. The kids are out there a lot, and typically when I have guests/friends over, they wander into the yard to take it all in.
The grass was really tall in some areas. i didn't cut it real short, just enough to get rid of tall patches and even it out until spring. :3
I remember when I was a kid, I'd go swim in pools outside when it was only 50-60 degrees. e.e' I can't do that now. XD

I sometimes miss walking my dogs and living life that way. :3 I could still, but they do like the freedom of running around the yard. As of right now, I wouldn't be able to walk more than one husky. My core strength is gone for now.

Good Morning. :3
@Wildfire: I tend to get sucked into books when I find a decent story. The story itself is good. Rounded off well. Worth the read. The characters... I couldn't relate to all that much. I'd maybe rate it a 7/10 for adult fantasy.
I do have 2 smaller books left in the series to read, but the story arch itself is over.

I made my son a quilt before he was born. It's massive. but there are holes in it from one of my dogs and a thread came loose, so there's another hole. He refuses to let me have it long enough to fix. so there are mornings where I'll find him with a foot or hand through the holes. e.e'

I forgot how quickly I tan. I came inside from doing yard work and I got sun-kissed, I didn't recognize myself for a moment.
My pooper scooper broke sometime in the winter. So I had to go through the yard with baggies. I did more squats today than I have in months.
I mowed, I was probably that crazy neighbor today that broke out the mower too soon, but I have tall grass and it was driving me nuts.
And my son set up the sprinkler under the trampoline and enjoyed our 68*f weather. little too cold for me for sprinklers.. but he was happy. XD
Posted in Happy vday to meeee Posted 3 years ago
lol. Perfect v-day gift to yourself. Birth control. XD