Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
By the expression he was wearing, Maddie could almost guarantee she could guess what he was thinking about now. It wasn't rocket science. She raised her eyes to look at him and tilted her head some, before smirking and shrugging her shoulders slightly. ""Pretty much anything but drama, bur I really like a good mystery book." She answered casually. She couldn't stand books focused on drama or romance. A little bit of drama and romance were fine. Then came the talk about clothes, and her face lit up like a newly grown rose. "I can do that.. Going with you I mean.. Or.. I could go by myself.." She agreed quietly, thinking that her face would never return to its normal shade of color after this. He was nervous about it, but still.. Hearing it out loud just seemed to make it worse. Hearing him mention wearing his clothes only made her blush darken, and nodded lightly. "Y-yeah.. The usual.." She murmured quietly.
(total brain spazz x.x sorry! ^^')
(total brain spazz x.x sorry! ^^')

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen smiled some at her words of thanks. He stayed still as she continued to patch him up and nodded lightly to her words. His room.. He showed her to his room, but didn't invite her inside, and left the door, closed that day. "If that is what you want me to do, then we can leave tomorrow. My room might be a mess, I'll apologize in advance." Though he couldn't see it, he knew his room would be a wreck. He lowered his head some when he felt her warm hand on his cheek, and closed his eyes. Her words were comforting, but that didn't mean he would forgive himself for his own actions. Even if wasn't his fault.. He knew he wouldn't be strong enough on his own and brought Kaneko along. She would be a target to other vampires now, if she wasn't already due to the fact that her father was a hunter. Forcefully shoving the thoughts aside, he offered Kaneko a small smile and gently put his forehead to hers, after she kissed his cheek. An action that spread warmth through his body. "I will take you wherever you want to go, far away from here." He said quietly. Somewhere safe.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie shook her head lightly. "Now days, not really.. Normal people maybe, but these people are definitely insane enough to get away with it." She mused with a quiet chuckle. She could only guess though. Despite her lack of certain things from being in the streets for so long, she found other ways to learn about the world around her. Like reading the news paper. Yep, she did that. Hey, gotta keep up with current events somehow. She blinked when he mentioned her staying here and apologizing if it was boring. She shook her head a bit more roughly, giving away her fluster. "N-no, it's not boring at all. Just.. different.." She said, lowering her head some. Books? She liked books. "I love books. Haven't played many video games.. But I definitely can be bought with a good book." She said, offering him a shy smile.
Her cheeks darkened some when a thought occurred to her. "C-clothes.. I'll need some clothes.." She murmured shyly. Seeing how all she had was the clothes on her back. He probably would've thought of that eventually.
Her cheeks darkened some when a thought occurred to her. "C-clothes.. I'll need some clothes.." She murmured shyly. Seeing how all she had was the clothes on her back. He probably would've thought of that eventually.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen offered her a small smile, hearing her whispers. He bit back a chuckle when she commented on him being a good patient. It probably helped that he couldn't really feel anything. The effect would wear off with some time to collect himself, and like Kaneko said, maybe get some rest. He did relax some as she spoke to him, and rag was no longer touching sensitive skin. "You're a good doctor." He said quietly, attempting to not distract her too much. When he began to feel little tugs here and there on the stiches, once again unable to.really feeling anything from it, he was sure to sit quietly and very still while listening to her words. They would definitely need a first aid kit, and not just for him. He didn't want her getting hurt either..
Once she was finished, he could feel her wrap a soft cloth around him and figured it was the gauze she went and got.from his room. Now he just needed a clean shirt.. When she spoke again, he gently took hold of her hand and slowly brought it up to his cheek, shaking his head. "You have nothing to apologize for.. I should be on my knees asking for your forgiveness, Kaneko.. I shouldn't have put you in that kind of danger, you're too precious to me.. " He murmured softly, placing a delicate kiss to the top of her hand. Thank whatever God was present, that she was alright.
Once she was finished, he could feel her wrap a soft cloth around him and figured it was the gauze she went and got.from his room. Now he just needed a clean shirt.. When she spoke again, he gently took hold of her hand and slowly brought it up to his cheek, shaking his head. "You have nothing to apologize for.. I should be on my knees asking for your forgiveness, Kaneko.. I shouldn't have put you in that kind of danger, you're too precious to me.. " He murmured softly, placing a delicate kiss to the top of her hand. Thank whatever God was present, that she was alright.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
It still felt nice, having a nickname like Clint had given her. She didn't think very highly of herself, that much was obvious. All she ever saw was death and tragidy, and people wanting to hurt her. She could only nod to his words and sit quietly, not knowing what else to say. Maybe they were right.. Him and her late mother.. Even if she didn't think so. As far as the lady and her cult, she wasn't sure she agreed with him. Those people lived for this! Sure, eventually they'd find someone else to stalk and hunt, if she laid low long enough. She'd have to stay off the streets though, which thankfully she had Clint letting her take up room and board at his place. For how long though? Sighing, she raised her gaze to see Clint once more. "I don't know how long they'll keep coming though.. And even if they did get arrested for stalking me, which yes they could be, two words could get them released - insanity plea. If they're in the records." She murmured quietly, unsure of what to do.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen couldn't help thinking the same thing as Kaneko without knowing it, or similar thoughts. He wasn't a mind feader.. Some vampires had that ability, he did not. But he did worry about other vampires coming after them for this. He already had to worry about hunters. They'd be quicker to come after him though, since he turned on his master and allowed a human to kill him. It hadn't even really registered that Kaneko had unbuttoned his shirt to inspect the torn stiches, not until she said something. He tilted his head just as he heard her footsteps running off and trailed up the old staircase. What else did he have here, that he might need? Things he didn't think about when he first met his master here.
When he heard her approaching and scurrying away footsteps, he raised his head. He wondered where she going until he heard the water from the old sink in the kitchen, then she came.to him and apologized in advance for any pain he might feel. The coolness of the set cloth against his hot skin made.him flinch some, but not too badly. He didn't really feel much except that coolness, still a bit numb from what his master had put him through.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie looked down when he spoke. He wasn't going to kick her out.. Damn it, why was being so good to her? Didn't he care that he could get himself killed? She pushed the thought aside and briefly looked up at him when she noticed him sit across from her. Okay, maybe she should've explained better. "Well sort of.. Those nightmares I have, about certain people I know.. I can usually hold someone's hand and see the bad in their future. Like if someone close to them is in trouble or something. I mostly just make it look like a palm-reading instead of trying to actually explain what I'm doing." She explained, lowering her gaze and turning a light shade of red when she realized she was babbling. Well, she was abused by her father after her mother's death, until he tried taking her to an asylum and she ran away. Didn't she tell him that story? "Anyway.. Yeah, that's the gist of it." Maddie murmured, lowering her hand into her lap as if to hide it. She was shaking, just a little. She was scared. Special? Jeez, he sounded like her mother.. She missed her mother. "My mother's the only one that has ever said it was a gift.."

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen easily followed her inside. He blinked when she spoke about getting some clothes, and going to the park, but then changed her mind and sat down instead. Then he began to smell the metallic scent that blood gave off, and shook his head lightly. "Other than my herbs.. I might have some gauze upstairs in my study, back up in case I ever lost the bandage that covered my eyes." But he didn't need that anymore. He had decided not to cover up his eyes any longer. He didn't ever need any other kind of medical supplies , didn't think he would anyway. And all of his herbs and things were in his bag, wherever that ended up during the fight.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen carefully listened to her shaky voice. He still couldn't see.. but he knew her words were fact. His master was gone, and would never try to reclaim him or hurt the only living person he cared about. The bite mark had slowly begun healing, but that was about the only wound he received that was healing, and he was pretty sure he tore his stitches. His shirt was warm and moist. Slowly, Allen began to stand and carefully helped Kaneko to her feet as well. He then slowly led her down the pathway and up the stairs to the large doors of his manor, opening the door and holding it open for her. No amount of words could express how sorry he was to have put her in that situation. He felt terrible, but grateful that she was present. If not for her.. Where would be right now?

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie nodded lightly, continuing to eat her eggs and ham. Even with taking her time, it didn't take her very long to eat. She could only imagine what was running through his head right now. Even if she left.. They'd probably still go after him. Were they that desperate? She didn't know. Someone came after her when she was out on the streets, and didn't usually go after the people who acquired her services.. Clint was different though. He tried to help her. He was important to her, even if the trust needed to be rebuilt. He was someone who left an imprint on her all those years ago, and managed to find his way back into her life. She didn't want to lose that again.. "Clint.." She murmured quietly, slowly raising her head to look at him, "Thank you for everything." She said with a sad smile, then lowered her gaze. "I want to tell you.. Answer any questions you might have.. Listen, and no matter what you think after- if you don't want me around, just say so and I'll leave. I'll make sure they don't hurt you. Even if that means.." She started saying, pausing briefly to keep calm. "Even if it means making a deal with them.. Maybe it would be for the best.." She murmured quieter.
Maddie took a moment to gather her swimming thoughts, failing horribly. Understandably though. She had never, ever, let someone into her world like this before. Not since she was a child. "Those people that keep coming after me, they're followers of a sadistic woman named Aurelie who formed a cult inside of a church and honestly thinks she's doing 'Gods work' by casting out demons and other evil spirits. She's brainwashed a group of people into thinking exactly like her, and she's convinced I'm a witch, so like all evil things, she and her people want me dead. I don't how far they'd go.. By opening a palm reading booth, all I ever wanted to do was prevent more tragedies.. But instead I am blamed for them, just like with my father. Some of my 'clients' have even come after me. It's true, I have mental issues from being abused all my life and being tormented by nightmares and this 'curse' of mine.. But who wouldn't? I've had panic attacks that cause me to black out, and I don't know what happens during that time. I could've very well killed someone, and not know it. Seeking professional help would probably only get me thrown into a mental hospital, or an asylum. This is why I think I'm better off on my own.. So I can't hurt anyone, or get anyone involved with my problems." She spoke as casually as she could., all while trying to keep calm and push back her own anxieties. No matter he told her after this, she'd be fine. That's what she told herself.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Once the thick wooden branch, acting as a steak, pierced through the man's unbeating heart he began to wither until turning into dust. The wind easily cleaned the mess, only leaving his clothing in the ground.
No longer feeling threatened, Allen's mind began to slowly clear. His eyes returning to their milky white color and his arms fell at his sides. He didn't feel the malicing aura from his master, nor could he smell him. However, he could smell death, and a familiar sweet scent. Kaneko. Relieved he hadn't hurt her, he slowly reached for her soft skin until his hand was on top of one of hers. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly, still trying to clear his head. "I'm sorry.. you had to witness that.. I put you in danger.." He said quietly, piecing his thoughts together.
No longer feeling threatened, Allen's mind began to slowly clear. His eyes returning to their milky white color and his arms fell at his sides. He didn't feel the malicing aura from his master, nor could he smell him. However, he could smell death, and a familiar sweet scent. Kaneko. Relieved he hadn't hurt her, he slowly reached for her soft skin until his hand was on top of one of hers. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly, still trying to clear his head. "I'm sorry.. you had to witness that.. I put you in danger.." He said quietly, piecing his thoughts together.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
As Maddie lost herself to the thoughts swimming around in her head, she felt panic start to creep up on her, so she shoved the feeling back along with the troubling thoughts. She focused on the sound of the sizzling fan and the aroma that began to fill the air and making her stomache growl in protest to the tease. It was nice to have a home cooked meal. He truly was kind and caring. Just like all those years ago. When he set the plate down, she blinked and glanced up at him. "Water, please." She said in response to his question. She picked her fork and took a bite of her eggs and ham, her eyes briefly softening at the taste, before actually beginning to eat her breakfast/ brunch. She didn't really know what time it was.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Every fiber of his being wanted to kill the man who he had pinned, but as Kaneko spoke, his mind slowly began to clear. Most of her words had reached him, but he was struggling. He had to keep pressure on the man, if he let up even the slightest- it would be all over. Allen was already beginning to slip again, Falling into his instincts once more. The man was grinning with sadistic pleasure, definitely enjoying this. Could he really hope to kill the one who turned him? "Please.. Show me how strong you are. Your instincts tell you to kill me, yet here you are dawdling. Kill me, if that is your true desire!" He spoke with venom-laced words. Allen bared his fangs and pushed down on the man beneath him. At this point, it would easy for him to snap the man's neck and drain him of his own blood. Despite the fact that vampires couldn't actually drink another vampires blood. He could hear Kaneko shuffling around, maybe she was looking for something? "I gave you a life of freedom, remember?" The man spoke in a quieter tone, causing the younger to tense. Allen was still for a moment before yelling out like kind of feral. He was done, he couldn't fight anymore. His mind seeking one thing; to kill this man. His eyes burning with hatred, and lust. In one swift movement, he grabbed the man's head and twisted roughly. Of course, it wouldn't be enough to actually kill him, but at least it would shut him up for a bit. Breathing hard and raising his hands to his head. He hadn't returned to himself yet, that would take a bit more of will.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The man ignored her feeble kicking when she resorted to it, but spitting on his face really did make him mad. If not for Allen, he probably would have snapped her neck. Or just strangle her, he wanted her to feel pain before dying by his hand, but Allen had pulled himself up and intervened before that happened.
The man was staring at the younger with disbelief, then smirked as he jerked his arm away from Allen's grip. "Oh? You're still able to resist your master?" He asked, clearly amused by the turn of events. "I'll kill you.." Allen mused quietly, fangs bared and burning crimson eyes, an effect caused by bitten and manipulated by his master. Without wasting another second, Allen attacked the man in front of him. The man laughed some, easily blocking against the attack and pushed him back. "You'll have to try harder than that." The man mused. "I'll kill you." Allen growled and went to attack again with more force, somehow managing to push him back this time. He would protect her..
The two fought for a while, both sides getting badly beaten, but the younger didn't seem to know when to quit. Every time he got knocked.down or pushed back, he got right back up and attacked the man again, and.again, until he finally overpowered his master and had him pinned.