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Posted in Continue on letter game! Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Names A to Z Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Word Association Posted 6 years ago

Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: i don't think i saw a santa, tho there was lots of christmas floats.
my fave is the cement mixer cause it turned and had pretty blue lights, and presents decorating the cement chute. XD

also i got free hot chocolate before the parade at the plaza that had the tree lighting and caroling. o3o

@MoodyBats: i like adoptables, they're unique characters that one can buy and then use.
tis like getting the permission of the original artist to draw that character or use it in a story or what have ye.
i'm thinking of styling a bjd doll after the character i buy or sculpt it.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: hope ye has hot cocoa and warm blankets.
today the weather was pretty mild, tho my toes got pretty cold while i was standing outside watching the santa parade.

MoodyBats: thnx. they just have too many awesome adopt characters to choose from. >.<
but i've always wanted one so i figure why not use christmas season as a excuse to buy one XD

unicorn: i'm doing well, tired but i think i got my second wind. o3o

hi little crane

@MoodyBats: ah that reminds me i should go study some poses cause there's some art i wanna do.

tho right now i'm looking at adopts and trying to decide which character i wanna buy,
i narrowed it down to like 5 but i like them all but at $20-25 each i can't buy em all :vanora_sweat:
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago

ah oops well here i go again XD

anyways how are ye doing unicorn? saw ye mention hail in another thread.

@MoodyBats: i'm good, tired tho. didn't get much sleep, had to be up early, and no naps. :vanora_sweat:
how're ye doing?
Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago

psychic mage
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 6 years ago

christmasy lights

hi moodybats -waves-
hope ye landed on a soft pillow when ye dropped in here o3o