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Posted in It's cold over here Posted 6 years ago

tis snowy here but not too cold out, only -7c right now.
i'm in my pjs tho, tho i am wearing normal pants cause i went outside earlier,
took kid i babysit to school. plus one can't see my pj top if under winter coat XD
Posted in What the hell photobucket Posted 6 years ago

@Selikait: i like it pretty well. tis free, easy to upload to and organize things into albums.
i also like that when i upload something it keeps the file name in the url,
unlike imgur or gyazo when i upload something i'll get random letters/numbers in the url.

My family has always had cats, I heard that when I was a baby we had 6 cats or more,
and that if I was crying by myself in my crib there would be a stampede of cats
running between my room and my parents room, like 'hey human come take care of your kid'
tho i think my dad exaggerates that story XD

growing up tho i remember three cats we had,
Cinder, Animal and Armageddon. they all died of old age,
Armageddon was the last. after her it was like a year before we got another cat, Tabby a maine coon.
who unfortunately met his fate with a car. then came whiskey and then smokey both russian blues, also passed on.
so currently we have Princess fluffy calico and fat cat Sammy a tuxedo cat.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: thanks, if i manage to come to the netherlands again i will definitely visit ya. ^u^

puppies are very adorable, tho i prefer cats XD

i have two cats at home. ovo
a fluffy calico, and a black/white shorthair
Posted in I love the site themes Posted 6 years ago

i really like the purple theme, it's very pretty, tho i had to change my post style cause the other pics i had weren't transparent so it didn't match XD

i saw a pitbull the other day when i was walking to pick up the kid i babysit from school,
the pup jumped on me a bit, excited cute pupper wasn't on a leash, the owner tho had a puppy german shepard on a leash tho.
both were so adorable.
Posted in I've got the week off! Posted 6 years ago

on my days off i tend to hibernate XD
wednesday i have the day off, then i work thrusday, then i'm off for about 6 days,
hopefully in those 6 days i can get stuff done, but who am i kidding, 90% of my time spent would be asleep xD
Posted in He slept on the couch last night Posted 6 years ago

@Mousy: nah i wouldn't do that XD
maybe if my mom had the day off and could sleep in, otherwise she has to be up at 5am for work,
so she needs her sleep.

oi agree with ye that kitchens are a never-ending chore. dishes pile up so quickly.
i miss having a dishwasher >.<
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

eh it's not too hectic, just the one kid and he has school.
i just count myself lucky that i can usually nap during the day XD
also they have two chihuahua pups here, they are adorable and like to curl up with me when i nap. >w<

my day off is wednesday this week so i will catch up on some sleep then,
tho i know it's not healthy to always be 'catching up' on sleep. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

i think i mentioned it in a layer issue thread or suggestion thread or something awhile back during that event.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

ya same, my sleep schedule sucks as well.

i stay overnight at work, babysit/nanny.
and cause i am a night owl i am up late every night.
i also have anxiety about sleeping through my alarm,
and not being up in time to get kid ready for school,
i end up with like an hour or two of sleep per night.
and then just nap while kid is in school.

tho i babysat sat/sun this week, so no nap.
and i still didn't go to bed on time >.>

on days off i stay up late, but luckilly can sleep in.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Salem: i'm cold mush XD
oi don't really feel like doing much when it's cold, would rather nap while wrapped in blankets lol
i just wanna hibernate this winter.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Rallaa: i remember that the merlantis tail layered under the castle. so yeah it can get in the way sometimes.