Count Trashula's posts
Posted in idk why this always gives me anxiety
Posted 5 years ago

.. but every time I have to go get my car inspected (the yearly required one) I get nervous af. I mean, sure, the possibility of not passing and having to shell out for repairs is spooky, but I don't think that's the issue. I get some kind of imposter syndrome or something when I go here, maybe because I wasn't raised to know anything about cars and yet always get shit about it from my family? Like if anything ends up being wrong it's my fault and that's terrible. idk
anyway I'm at the place now so pray for me lol and if y'all have experience with strange sources of anxiety feel free to share.
anyway I'm at the place now so pray for me lol and if y'all have experience with strange sources of anxiety feel free to share.

Posted in Oh I wish
Posted 5 years ago

Dream avi would save me so many volts... not to mention hours of fiddling around going between my inventory and the shop. Inventory loads so slowly it kills me to even try sometimes. Then again, I can only assume a dream avi thing would be the same. But at least I wouldn't have to buy things to try them on together.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: Nothing is too furry for me. I will add you to the list.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@ghost: That means a lot to hear, thank you! ;v;
@Another Movie Addict: Sure it would; what did you have in mind?
and just a note to everyone, sorry things have been taking so long. Work, doctors, and other IRL obligations have been kicking my butt all week and will continue to do so for the next week. So far my days off have been spoken for and the days I thought I'd be getting home early, I ended up getting home late. I blame all this virus panic tbh... But I've got another day off tomorrow (before an 8-day stretch of workdays approaches) so I'll do my best to make some headway on y'all's art then. I appreciate your patience.
@Another Movie Addict: Sure it would; what did you have in mind?
and just a note to everyone, sorry things have been taking so long. Work, doctors, and other IRL obligations have been kicking my butt all week and will continue to do so for the next week. So far my days off have been spoken for and the days I thought I'd be getting home early, I ended up getting home late. I blame all this virus panic tbh... But I've got another day off tomorrow (before an 8-day stretch of workdays approaches) so I'll do my best to make some headway on y'all's art then. I appreciate your patience.

Posted in What words or phrases do you keep getting wrong?
Posted 5 years ago

I don't struggle to pronounce any words that I can think of (in English, at least), but there's some stuff that I technically mispronounce out of habit.
I can pronounce Vienna just fine, but the sausages will always be vyeenie to me. I count this as more of an accent thing than a pronunciation issue, though I didn't realize it was actually Vienna until my late teens/early 20s because that's what everyone around me called them. Not even gonna try to correct it now.
And every now and then, my childhood habit of saying yogrit instead of yogurt will rear its head again.
I can pronounce Vienna just fine, but the sausages will always be vyeenie to me. I count this as more of an accent thing than a pronunciation issue, though I didn't realize it was actually Vienna until my late teens/early 20s because that's what everyone around me called them. Not even gonna try to correct it now.
And every now and then, my childhood habit of saying yogrit instead of yogurt will rear its head again.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@ghost: you most certainly could! I will add you to the list. As for the crates, surprise me lol I want, like, 5 of each (eventually) so you can't go wrong. eenie meenie miney mo that sucker.
Didn't have time yesterday, but I will start working on y'all's art tonight. And thank you both for ordering! wasn't sure if my art would appeal to people here tbh ;v;
Didn't have time yesterday, but I will start working on y'all's art tonight. And thank you both for ordering! wasn't sure if my art would appeal to people here tbh ;v;

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@LordLucre: Sounds good to me! I'll add you to the list and get started soon.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@sunny: why thank you :o

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago
Hello again!
I wanna get back into drawing more and get in some practice, so I thought I'd go ahead and reopen my shop here for a while. However, time is scarce, so please be patient with me. Art may take a few weeks to be completed, but feel free to chat with me or ask about my progress while you wait!
I accept payment in the following forms:
-Real money (via Paypal)
-Art trades
-Items from my wishlist
Having trouble finding someone to draw your character? I am comfortable with all types! So if you've been desperately seeking art for your alien cyborg or buff werewolf, you've come to the right place. And of course, I'm equally happy to draw your elven princess, too.
-Any gender
-Any body type
-Anything for love
If you'd like to support my work in these trying times, I offer a wider variety of commission types for RLC. Please PM me for contact and pricing info!
I'd really love more art of my OCs! Take a look at my Art Request and let me know which of the characters I'm seeking art of catches your eye. I'd be happy to work out a trade for art of similar quality, and I will do my best to match what you're willing to offer.
Items I'll accept as payment can be found in the "Buying" section of my Exchange Thread. I update the thread regularly and will take any item (or combination of items, depending on approximate value) from that list.
Head/Bust: 10k sketch, 20k flat color, 30k shaded
Half Body/Waist: 30k sketch, 40k flat color, 50k shaded
Full Body: 60k sketch, 70k flat color, 80k shaded
Add Simple Background (solid colors, basic shapes/patterns, outlines): No charge
Add Complex Background (detailed objects, rooms, scenery): 3k sketch, 6k flat color, 10k shaded
Surprise Me: PWYW experimental option. Make any offer and I will choose how to do your art.

More can be found on my DeviantArt account.
Fill out the form > Send payment after I accept your request > I will notify you and post your art here when done
I wanna get back into drawing more and get in some practice, so I thought I'd go ahead and reopen my shop here for a while. However, time is scarce, so please be patient with me. Art may take a few weeks to be completed, but feel free to chat with me or ask about my progress while you wait!
I accept payment in the following forms:
-Real money (via Paypal)
-Art trades
-Items from my wishlist
Having trouble finding someone to draw your character? I am comfortable with all types! So if you've been desperately seeking art for your alien cyborg or buff werewolf, you've come to the right place. And of course, I'm equally happy to draw your elven princess, too.
-Any gender
-Any body type
-Anything for love
If you'd like to support my work in these trying times, I offer a wider variety of commission types for RLC. Please PM me for contact and pricing info!
I'd really love more art of my OCs! Take a look at my Art Request and let me know which of the characters I'm seeking art of catches your eye. I'd be happy to work out a trade for art of similar quality, and I will do my best to match what you're willing to offer.
Items I'll accept as payment can be found in the "Buying" section of my Exchange Thread. I update the thread regularly and will take any item (or combination of items, depending on approximate value) from that list.
Head/Bust: 10k sketch, 20k flat color, 30k shaded
Half Body/Waist: 30k sketch, 40k flat color, 50k shaded
Full Body: 60k sketch, 70k flat color, 80k shaded
Add Simple Background (solid colors, basic shapes/patterns, outlines): No charge
Add Complex Background (detailed objects, rooms, scenery): 3k sketch, 6k flat color, 10k shaded
Surprise Me: PWYW experimental option. Make any offer and I will choose how to do your art.

More can be found on my DeviantArt account.
[b]Type: [/b](headshot, waist-up, full-body, multi-image, or surprise-me)
[b]Color:[/b] (sketch only, flat color, or shaded color)
[b]Background:[/b] (none, simple bg, or detailed bg)
[b]Request:[/b] (description of what you are looking for--pose/expression, sequence, etc)
[b]Refs:[/b] (images of the character or avatar you want drawn)
[b]Offer:[/b] (total price in volts, offered items, or gallery/shop link for art trades)
[b]Notes:[/b] (questions, comments, or extra info you think I'll need)
[b]Color:[/b] (sketch only, flat color, or shaded color)
[b]Background:[/b] (none, simple bg, or detailed bg)
[b]Request:[/b] (description of what you are looking for--pose/expression, sequence, etc)
[b]Refs:[/b] (images of the character or avatar you want drawn)
[b]Offer:[/b] (total price in volts, offered items, or gallery/shop link for art trades)
[b]Notes:[/b] (questions, comments, or extra info you think I'll need)
Fill out the form > Send payment after I accept your request > I will notify you and post your art here when done

Posted in Confessions (Make a Confession)
Posted 5 years ago

it's hard to get things done sometimes because i get burnt out and want a break after just a few minutes of doing pretty much anything :'^)

Posted in Imagine being angry about vegetables.
Posted 5 years ago

@grost: jeez, I am sorry you have to deal with that. I really just don't get people who act that way, though sometimes I get the vibe that people who do/say those kind of things are defensive because they know the impact their choices have but don't want to make a change.

Posted in This election coming up got me concerned
Posted 5 years ago

@pachi: RIP NEETbux the world wasn't ready for you yet
and that's p much what I'm predicting now and I dread it
My friend was talking about how if Warren gave Bernie her support after dropping out, it'd give him a boost, but...
I'mma tell y'all a secret (not really a secret). Last time around, I voted for Trump because I 1, didn't like or trust Hillary (still don't); 2, thought he would focus on the struggling economy while essentially leaving social issues alone (he sure af didn't do that); 3, saw that he had a less conservative overall record than the other Republican candidates (he swung around hard on that one and went full on the opposite direction). I fell for the "we need new ideas from an outsider" bit. I wasn't informed enough and learned my lesson the hard way. But I know from experience how it goes when the two choices end up looking like... this.
I don't care for Biden, though I'd vote for him anyway this time around if it comes down to it. I just much rather get the chance to vote for Bernie, 'cause I have a feeling he won't be running again after this.
@Pee: I missed my chance to vote in the primary because of work. Don't know if I have other options at this point; it was a week ago. But I hope you're right.
@Tsundererra: That is p much exactly how I feel, though I can understand not being able to vote to an extent, since I didn't make it to the primary either time around, myself. Younger people in particular have so much going on and aren't as likely to be invested. But I'm glad the importance of voting is getting repeated to a wider audience lately, regardless.
and that's p much what I'm predicting now and I dread it
My friend was talking about how if Warren gave Bernie her support after dropping out, it'd give him a boost, but...
I'mma tell y'all a secret (not really a secret). Last time around, I voted for Trump because I 1, didn't like or trust Hillary (still don't); 2, thought he would focus on the struggling economy while essentially leaving social issues alone (he sure af didn't do that); 3, saw that he had a less conservative overall record than the other Republican candidates (he swung around hard on that one and went full on the opposite direction). I fell for the "we need new ideas from an outsider" bit. I wasn't informed enough and learned my lesson the hard way. But I know from experience how it goes when the two choices end up looking like... this.
I don't care for Biden, though I'd vote for him anyway this time around if it comes down to it. I just much rather get the chance to vote for Bernie, 'cause I have a feeling he won't be running again after this.
@Pee: I missed my chance to vote in the primary because of work. Don't know if I have other options at this point; it was a week ago. But I hope you're right.
@Tsundererra: That is p much exactly how I feel, though I can understand not being able to vote to an extent, since I didn't make it to the primary either time around, myself. Younger people in particular have so much going on and aren't as likely to be invested. But I'm glad the importance of voting is getting repeated to a wider audience lately, regardless.

Posted in This election coming up got me concerned
Posted 5 years ago

@Priestess of Pie: I feel that. Last time around, I naively thought "How much worse can things get?" hahahahaha :'^D

Posted in What time of day are you mostly active here on Voltra?
Posted 5 years ago

Depends on whether or not I have work; if I am working, I'll only be on here in the late morning/early afternoon and maybe a little bit late at night when I get home. I may pop in during my breaks (evening time) briefly if I have trades to check on or something, but I don't spend much time on here on work days. If I'm not working, I will be on more in the evening after I've gotten whatever I need to do for that day done but before I need to settle down for bed.