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Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED] Posted 5 years ago

@LordLucre: I'm glad you like it!

@Amber Lynne: hello hello! I'm not feeling picky about what to draw, but I can list you some of my favorite aesthetics if that helps.
i love goth, punk, witchy, pagan, and voodoo inspired looks, anything to do with horror or Halloween themed, and folklore/ magical creatures and monsters.
and I just love working with interesting or unusual features and designs in general.
if there's anyone you typically struggle to get art for, it's probably someone I'd enjoy drawing lol

and I will have to check out your thread once I get home

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED] Posted 5 years ago

@LordLucre: I found some drawing time and finished your art! Let me know if you'd like any changes made.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED] Posted 5 years ago

Just making another update to let y'all know I haven't forgotten about you. I've been working all week and have several days left to go. I don't know if I'll have time to do art before or after work during that time, but I'll certainly try. If not, I've got 2 days off for the first time in a while coming up after this 8-day stretch. ;v; If I can't get anything done during/after that, I'm just gonna give up and cancel trades and close shop 'cause this is ridiculous.
tfw you wish you were being quarantined like everybody else so you could stay home and draw

Posted in How about some WTF news Posted 5 years ago

OK, that's hilarious... in a really sad, smh kinda way.

Posted in At last... SLEEP! Posted 5 years ago

@Priestess of Pie: If they help, then it seems like a good idea; what were you taking? The only thing I've ever used (with any measure of success) was benadryl, which isn't for sleep but knocks me out like nothing else. Problem is I'll sleep for 10 hours straight if I take it and I don't wanna risk it.. plus I have no business taking allergy medicine on a nightly basis. Not a good long-term solution at all lol.
I have wondered if sleep apnea was a possibility, 'cause sometimes I do wake up gasping for breath. but not all the time, and I'm not much of a snorer or anything as far as I know, so I don't think that's my issue, either. Stress makes it worse for me, too. tbh I think my problem is being a chronically stressed out 2nd shift worker in a world full of day shift people. ;v;

That sounds pretty cool tbh... At least more interesting dreams like that can be good for inspiration if you write or make any kind of art.

I saw an article about this pop up in my newsfeed yesterday. What planet are these people living on? :'^)

Posted in My dad is now also a tp hoarder Posted 5 years ago

@Wildfire: aye, I dread having to get down to the store (whenever I find the time, that is) for milk. Last time I went, I only picked up 2-3 items and ended up waiting in line for 20 minutes. The shelves are getting empty and tbh I'm just glad so few people around here give a shit about oat milk. >n> I had to give up on my quest for flushable wipes, though.

Posted in At last... SLEEP! Posted 5 years ago

@Priestess of Pie: Mood. I feel tired after waking up most of the time, no matter how long the clock says I've been in bed. I almost always wake up once during the night, but that's never been an issue (and AFAIK it's normal), though sometimes I'll wake up a lot more frequently. I have no explanation for feeling so tired on days when I don't wake up (more than once) during the night. Why did I bother laying in bed for anywhere from 5-10 hours if I'm just gonna crawl out of bed feeling like I'm on death's door and hating the world? Sleep is supposed to fix that! >:^(

My dreams are never anything worth remembering, with a few very rare exceptions. It's always the same mishmash of typical dream nonsense sprinkled with all my brain's favorite recurring elements. I don't usually have nightmares, but I don't have "good" dreams, either (when I do have nightmares, they're more frequent than the good dreams by far). They're just dreams, doing what dreams do. I could live without 'em. Last time I did have what I'd count as a pleasant dream, it lasted for a few seconds and then I got ripped out of it by some awful pain in my foot. Still no idea where that pain came from; I think my body was just determined to stop me from enjoying sleep at all costs and made something up. Haven't felt that pain since, nor have I had any other worthwhile dreams. hmmmmm.

Posted in My dad is now also a tp hoarder Posted 5 years ago

oh lord -_-
Sad thing is the people hoarding are making it so everyone else feels the need to hoard just because supplies keep running out. At least stores are implementing purchase limits now. Too bad they didn't start doing that a week ago.

Posted in At last... SLEEP! Posted 5 years ago

@Priestess of Pie: Exactly. When they invent a pill that makes you never need sleep again, I'll be first in line lmao

Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ? Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: sounds good to me let's go
wait what kind of work do you do?

Posted in At last... SLEEP! Posted 5 years ago

Anyone who knows me knows that I loathe sleep, but it is a necessary evil. And one that I haven't been getting much of for weeks now, with work to do and errands to run and minor changes to my schedule wreaking havoc as they tend to do (one night of not being able to get to sleep until 4am will ruin me for months). I've been struggling to get my sleep schedule back on track for a while, but it's almost impossible for me unless I'm able to slowly work on it over a few days/weeks, but life doesn't really afford me days at a time to just do what I please.
Having to get up 2 hours earlier than usual yesterday meant me hardly sleeping at all, and on top of being mentally exhausted from everything going on, I came home feeling sore, tired, brain checked out, and basically like I been hit by a truck. Not unusual for me as it is thanks to Crohn's, so double that during periods of heavy work and little sleep.
So while I still have work today, I go in later (back to my usual time, that is) and I managed to fall asleep around the time I was supposed to have been falling asleep all this time now thanks to being so tired. And because I didn't have to leave earlier than usual, I got a full 9 hours. Still a little sore, and that's only gonna get worse over the next few days because I don't have another day off til the 27th... but at least I'm rested. For the first time in probably a month now.

DAE have this toxic relationship with sleep

Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ? Posted 5 years ago

Nothing's really changed for me so far. I still have to go to work and run errands 'cause some things can't be done from home. I wish I could get some "social distancing" time tbh. I haven't had a moment of peace and quiet in weeks. Anybody wanna trade? :'^)

Posted in idk why this always gives me anxiety Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, but it's not the possibility of something being wrong that gives me the anxiety, it's literally just going into the place at all. I feel like I'm being judged just for showing my face there. Hard to explain since I don't really know why I feel that way. :s

On the bright side, I passed and they didn't say anything about needing repairs (though I'm sure I could stand to get some done, since I've been hit a few times since my last inspection.. but as long as it passes and gets me where I need to go, that can wait). Now I just have to pay the registration fees and whatnot.