Count Trashula's posts
Posted in ffs
Posted 5 years ago

stores around here have soap; kinda like toilet paper, it comes and goes. they get a truck in, have supply for a while, people buy it out all at once and the shelves are empty for another day or two, repeat.
luckily I got some soap in the mail before the craziness started, so I'm good for a while.
luckily I got some soap in the mail before the craziness started, so I'm good for a while.

Posted in What positive has happened to you since the quarantine?
Posted 5 years ago

i work in a grocery store, so the only positive change for me so far is.. getting out of work slightly earlier since we've temporarily changed our hours. :^P i did get a 50c raise, so less hours is at least slightly offset by that too I guess.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: sounds good to me!

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@LordLucre: i dig it. When I finish the stuff I've currently got on my list, I'll let you know!
@Amber Lynne: She is... and I'm a sucker for extra eyes ;;v;;
@Valefor: yes, yes, and yes
Ren is right up my alley. let me add you to my list before i forget
And a general note to everyone: I have a few days off starting tomorrow and my lame grownup errands are finally done, so I should actually be able to get some art done soon! I appreciate y'all's patience.
@Amber Lynne: She is... and I'm a sucker for extra eyes ;;v;;
@Valefor: yes, yes, and yes

And a general note to everyone: I have a few days off starting tomorrow and my lame grownup errands are finally done, so I should actually be able to get some art done soon! I appreciate y'all's patience.

Posted 5 years ago

@koneko: Good luck! I got way more groceries than I needed this weekend, because people keep running out of stuff and not having more when I do go... like oat milk. So I got enough stuff to last a couple of weeks, maybe more since a lot of it is frozen. Surprised all the can hoarders haven't thought to stock up on frozen goods yet.. but more for me.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

oof sorry for being so slow; I had my weekend but had to run errands and finish another off-site art thing I owed. Luckily no more 8-day work weeks coming up, so my schedule should be relatively back to normal now and I can devote more time to this thread.
@Amber Lynne: You got a lot of interesting characters! But I spy a spider
Let me add you to the list; I meant to do that earlier
@Amber Lynne: You got a lot of interesting characters! But I spy a spider

@LordLucre: what it be? :o

Posted 5 years ago

@koneko: come to my store; we have plenty... for now.
@Totalanimefan: I wanna say I'm surprised that it's been cleared off the shelves, but they didn't stock much to begin with. Probably the only reason it's still empty is because they haven't bothered getting more.
@inatlaka: I highly recommend it.
@Kozi: Send me your milk. My grandma has a jug of whole milk in the fridge that she doesn't want, and I'm not gonna drink it, so a trade will be easy. Oat milk is good, though, especially if you're like me and really like the taste of dairy milk. It's not "exactly the same", but it's definitely much closer in flavor than other plant milks and has less environmental impact than dairy or almond. I've been hunting for something to replace those two, as they are the most widely available types around here, and it was hard finding other options besides soy. But then I found out my store had been carrying oat milk all along and gave it a shot and never went back.
@grost: I don't think I've seen that anywhere around here, but I'd be curious to try it just because. What's it taste like?
@Totalanimefan: I wanna say I'm surprised that it's been cleared off the shelves, but they didn't stock much to begin with. Probably the only reason it's still empty is because they haven't bothered getting more.
@inatlaka: I highly recommend it.
@Kozi: Send me your milk. My grandma has a jug of whole milk in the fridge that she doesn't want, and I'm not gonna drink it, so a trade will be easy. Oat milk is good, though, especially if you're like me and really like the taste of dairy milk. It's not "exactly the same", but it's definitely much closer in flavor than other plant milks and has less environmental impact than dairy or almond. I've been hunting for something to replace those two, as they are the most widely available types around here, and it was hard finding other options besides soy. But then I found out my store had been carrying oat milk all along and gave it a shot and never went back.
@grost: I don't think I've seen that anywhere around here, but I'd be curious to try it just because. What's it taste like?

Posted 5 years ago

@Xanthan: Yeah, I've been working for over a week straight and slowly running out of groceries while having to watch them get cleared off the shelves ;v;
I know at my own store, we get trucks every morning but the employees don't know what will be on them. I thought of asking, but the store I was at doesn't even have the benefit of "everyone does everything" like my store, so they'd have been even less likely to have an answer. I figured I'd just come in tomorrow and check since I'm off tomorrow too, and if not, I'll make my own. Apparently it's a lot simpler than I thought. Just not as quick and easy as having it already there waiting for me >:^(
I know at my own store, we get trucks every morning but the employees don't know what will be on them. I thought of asking, but the store I was at doesn't even have the benefit of "everyone does everything" like my store, so they'd have been even less likely to have an answer. I figured I'd just come in tomorrow and check since I'm off tomorrow too, and if not, I'll make my own. Apparently it's a lot simpler than I thought. Just not as quick and easy as having it already there waiting for me >:^(

Posted in I am the worst friend
Posted 5 years ago

They gotta learn... if you mention wanting it, even as a joke, you will get it.

Posted 5 years ago

@kaichoukai: I can't stand almond milk either tbh. Though since that's what my grandma inexplicably always buys, I may be stuck with it until my store gets more oat milk... but I won't buy any myself.

Posted in I am the worst friend
Posted 5 years ago

I agree. I got one of my friends a pizza blanket a couple years ago. He got me 

Posted 5 years ago

The only kind of milk I want is oat milk. Usually this is not an issue because the grocery store less than 5 minutes from my house carries it. Others in my area do not, though, so if they're out... I must suffer and be milkless. Sometimes that's the only thing I go to the store for. I hate going to 2 different stores, but groceries on whole are cheaper at the one I work at, so I went there today, and stopped by the other store on my way home. Ran in there with groceries warming in the trunk of my car, and what do you know? COMPLETELY OUT. And with all these grocery hoarders causing shortages, I have no way of knowing if there will be more tomorrow. I JUST WANT MY CEREAL
pls save me from oat milk shortages
i don't wanna have to resort to soy, it's disgusting
pls save me from oat milk shortages
i don't wanna have to resort to soy, it's disgusting

Posted in Let it all out and move on with your day. COVID-19 Pandemic
Posted 5 years ago

Can't stay home because I work at a grocery store, but can't go anywhere besides work, so my life is being put on hold YET AGAIN due to outside circumstances and I'm just really sick and tired of it. I've been trying to move out for years now, but one thing after another keeps holding me back, and it's not for lack of trying on my part. Now the house we wanted to inquire about has been sold, and I'm not holding out hope that the travel restrictions will prevent whoever's sale is pending from going through with it. So I'll have to keep looking, but there's little point in it because it could be months before we even get the chance to go to a viewing... and that was hassle enough as it is, due to how far away we're trying to move and how little our work schedules overlap.
Aside from that, I just have to keep dragging my ass to work, despite supposedly being at a somewhat higher risk due to my own health problems, and exposing myself to people's germs day in and day out. Customers come in, hand me their filthy cash, and then be like "stay safe". I know they mean well and just wanna get their groceries, but I can't stay safe doing what I do and it's very frustrating. All the hand sanitizer in the world ain't gonna protect me from your kid who just coughed right in my face, is it?
Aside from that, I just have to keep dragging my ass to work, despite supposedly being at a somewhat higher risk due to my own health problems, and exposing myself to people's germs day in and day out. Customers come in, hand me their filthy cash, and then be like "stay safe". I know they mean well and just wanna get their groceries, but I can't stay safe doing what I do and it's very frustrating. All the hand sanitizer in the world ain't gonna protect me from your kid who just coughed right in my face, is it?

Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 5 years ago

I have determined that the fastest way to lose respect for someone is to add them on facebook and watch what shows up on your feed. :'^|
too bad I can't seem to find the guts to unfriend all these people I never even talk to because somehow I'm afraid that this will make me look like the dick in this situation instead of them, with all their awful BS posts and unfunny "jokes" that use people like me as the punchline. oof.
too bad I can't seem to find the guts to unfriend all these people I never even talk to because somehow I'm afraid that this will make me look like the dick in this situation instead of them, with all their awful BS posts and unfunny "jokes" that use people like me as the punchline. oof.