Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Pride Month
Posted 5 years ago

Not really anything to do. Even if I weren't working, there ain't gonna be any events happening this year...

Posted in i am incensed
Posted 5 years ago

Relatives and friends of relatives keep sharing some of the worst shit on Facebook and I can't help seeing it and getting upset. Sure, I could just log off and not look. But these are people I know and love saying these things, and it makes me want nothing to do with them. And because I'm still living with a relative (who thankfully isn't on my FB), I can't say too much about it, lest it get back to her and I have nowhere else to go if things get more tense here than they already are. I'm about at the end of my rope in terms of taking people's crap and saying nothing. It's been going on for way too long, but unless a miracle comes along and gets me out of here so that I'm a healthy, safe distance away from everyone, I can't say what I really think. Best I can do is occasionally give some vague, respectful disagreement... when what I really want to do is rip some people a new one.
ugh fml
I can handle "people saying dumb shit on the internet", but I'm too close to said people for comfort right now and idk what to do about that. One can only take being angry on the inside for so long, you know?
ugh fml
I can handle "people saying dumb shit on the internet", but I'm too close to said people for comfort right now and idk what to do about that. One can only take being angry on the inside for so long, you know?

Posted in Item Suggestion Thread
Posted 5 years ago

We really need some normal button-up short-sleeved shirts. We only seem to have ones with poofy sleeves. I would especially appreciate getting both plain and patterned versions (like a hawaiian shirt, or checkered?) and both buttoned and open like a vest (which could be layered over other shirts).
Also, cargo shorts.
Also, cargo shorts.

Posted in new baby spooders
Posted 5 years ago

I appreciate these spider babies.

Posted in Some of the nastiest people...
Posted 5 years ago

Lot of people showing they asses lately. Luckily not so much at my store; the worst I've heard is some "colorful" comments from customers who seem to assume everyone will agree with them. But that's not new, nor are the few rude/grouchy customers I have met. Where it's really shining right now is my Facebook feed, but I just can't seem to stay away. It's like a train wreck.
As for good things happening, uh..... I got two free loaves of rosemary bread yesterday because they were gonna throw em out?
As for good things happening, uh..... I got two free loaves of rosemary bread yesterday because they were gonna throw em out?

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@skettiyeti: glad you pinged! i will send you a trade.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@DevilkinBoi: Trade sent!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

Updated with a few of the new CIs for sale.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 5 years ago

@Grid: Sure, that works. I will send you a trade.

Posted in Riots?
Posted 5 years ago

They haven't been close enough for me to see/encounter, but there have been protests in my city which have spiked into violence a few times. As far as I know, nothing major... but some idiots were apparently throwing rocks at firemen who were trying to help someone? jfc.

Posted in I forgot about this AT piece~
Posted 5 years ago

how dare you fill me with nostalgia for ernya

Posted in What do people do on the internet nowadays
Posted 5 years ago

I go on here, occasionally pop into facebook or reddit, browse around looking things up, post/look at art on a couple of art sites, and watch stuff on youtube/netflix/etc. I used to be a lot more active on forums, but most of the ones I was on have either died or really lost their appeal.

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: :o it's gorgeous! Thank you so much. teach me how to paint I'm off tomorrow, so expect something from me soon!

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: it's looking good so far!